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#28817092Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:07 AM GMT

i really liked roblox cause i can make a place and others ppls places r cool but i wanna make mi own group but i cant cause i hav a free account 65% of roblox is free accounts and if the roblox creator ppl let them make groups more than half of them wont leave roblox i was off of roblox for a long time cause i couldnt make a group i came bac hoping it changd but it didnt i cant make one and i cant get bc cause mi parents dont like online stuff they say its riggd and a rip off i kno roblox isnt a rip off but it will be funnr if they let us make groups every1 should make a group so tht we can invite ppl tht dont hav an account to playa dn join our group letting free accounts hav groups equals mor groups which equals mor people which equals more fun which equals roblox gets more publicity so letting non bc ppl make groups is good so plz let non bc ppl make groups
#28817435Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:12 AM GMT

Read the "What not to suggest" this is a BC feature. This will never happen. Let this thread die.

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