#32238250Sunday, August 22, 2010 1:02 AM GMT

Casi I could see the figure getting closer.I had no idea what it was yet,but I sure didn't want to find out.I try to shoot it,but the bullets halt right in front of the shadow.-Weird...-I thought.I shoot more drones,but realize there are more coming in by the minute.
#32243050Sunday, August 22, 2010 2:09 AM GMT

The drone incoming were soon scattered by a bigger mech... bigger than all of them combines. Each of the drones were destroyed, and their cyborg limbs fell to the ground beside Casi, as the giant mech landed in front of her, looking sinister*
#32243265Sunday, August 22, 2010 2:12 AM GMT

Casi My eyes go wide.It tries to pick me up,but I jump off to the side,and run behind it,shooting as I staggered towards the street.I cursed as it turned around,and I started running.Luckily,this thing didn't go too fast.
#32243927Sunday, August 22, 2010 2:20 AM GMT

Another giant mech appears behind Casi. Instead of looking sinister, it actually looked like a helper. "Hey, leave her alone!" Camer the mech's voice. It sounded like a robot version of Josh. "You want her? You have to go through me, you bucket of bolts!"
#32244542Sunday, August 22, 2010 2:28 AM GMT

Casi I smile,and run next to it,trying to aim with my pistol.
#32245188Sunday, August 22, 2010 2:36 AM GMT

The cotpit of the good mech opened up to reveal Josh in the pilot's seat. "Miss me?" He asked jokingly. The other mech got ready to fire it's weapon, but Josh paid no attention. As far as he knew, preprogrammed mechs were horrible at accuracy. Even Casi was better, and she's using that pistol for the first time. Wrong again. The mech fired a bullet, and shot Josh in the head, directly. Blood spilled onto the seat, as he screamed in pin. His foot hit one of the foot controls, and his mech toppled over, crushing a restraunt. He didn't care about the damages now. He cared about his death. He was bleeding continuously, and if it continued, he was going to die. He staggered to get the mech up, trying to keep his conciousness, but his vision was blurring. He fell over once again.
#32248725Sunday, August 22, 2010 3:24 AM GMT

Casi "OH MY GOD!"I screamed.My friend was dieing.A giant robot was in front of me...no one else was there,I didn't know what to do..and,I realized,my life was flashing before my eyes.Nothing else,just images of me and my family,friends..and all other times.Suddenly,I flet a huge pain in my head,and the images stopped.I could see again,and the robot and Josh were far,far,FAR away.I tried to get up,but I couldn't.I was weak,and only then did I realize, That Robot flung me into the side of a brick wall,2 miles away from where I was before.I cursed,and blacked out.
#32249020Sunday, August 22, 2010 3:29 AM GMT

Josh sees Casi get flung into a wall by the mech. Watching casi get hurt... it triggered something inside him. His pain turned intyo an inferno of rage... and... he felt something break inside him... "CASI!!" He screamed. Suddenly, his Mech got up quickly, and punched the mech so hard, it flew into the National Tree. He jumped onto the enemy mech, and started to pummel it... ripping out circuitry, and damaging it's head. He kept punching, screaming... everything that had happened to him finally collapsed around him. He couldn't take any more pain. He kept punching and destroying the mech. Punching... destroying.... Agonized.
#32249253Sunday, August 22, 2010 3:32 AM GMT

Casi "...."I was still unconscious.
#32249367Sunday, August 22, 2010 3:34 AM GMT

Josh finally let out a final scream, and ripped both of the mech's hands into the enemy mech. He pulled out every thing inside the mech, and threw it to the ground... the pain set in again, and he soon felt himself getting weak... he fell to the ground, and layed there, unconcious and dying.
#32249854Sunday, August 22, 2010 3:42 AM GMT

Ice I hit a billbiard and fell unconconcious
#32278520Sunday, August 22, 2010 5:23 PM GMT

(Why is everyone unconsious?XD STUPID GLaDOS! >:O)
#32279145Sunday, August 22, 2010 5:32 PM GMT

(I dunno... Issac was shot in the head, now bleeding to death, Ice flew right into a Billboard for some funny reason, and Casi got smacked into a wall.) With the 3 heros now unconscious, Cappytown was in ruins. Everything was destroyed, fires were seen in Whispy Woods' forests, and Josh was to blame. It started when he came here, ended when he left, and then happened again when he came back. Through his unconsciousness, a tear fell from his eyes. "...I'm to blame..." He thought to himself. The next thing he knew, he was in a hospital with a splitting headache, and a blood-soaked towel. "What the...?"
#32280845Sunday, August 22, 2010 5:58 PM GMT

Casi I was in the hospital room 2 rooms away from Josh's.I tried to sit up,but my entire body ached.I wasn't sure what had exactly happened...I tried to talk to the nurse next to me,but no sound came out.-Oh,no...-I thought.The nurse saw my worry and said,"Don't worry,it's only temporary.."I relaxed a bit.
#32281160Sunday, August 22, 2010 6:02 PM GMT

Josh got up from his bed, and had a patch applied to the wound in his head. He could walk, but he couldn't think because of the damage done to his brain. He stumbled a bit, and sat down on a bench beside Casi's room. He let out a sigh, and saw Casi's parents... angry at him.
#32281209Sunday, August 22, 2010 6:02 PM GMT

Ice I was in hospital room 3 i was still unconcious but i was saying something repatedly"billboard...in the face......"i woke up at last
#32281504Sunday, August 22, 2010 6:06 PM GMT

(Lol,pokemon,this is your second time in the hospital.) Casi I tried to speak again,but,like last time,no sound.I closed my eyes in frustration at myself.How could I get involved in something I knew nothing at all about?
#32281607Sunday, August 22, 2010 6:08 PM GMT

Josh waved nervously at Casi's parents, not sure what to say. The patch started to get a small spot of blood on it, but it wasn't so bad. At least he was ok, for the time being.
#32281664Sunday, August 22, 2010 6:09 PM GMT

Ice I fell back to sleep started mubling billboard...and then i woke up again
#32282125Sunday, August 22, 2010 6:16 PM GMT

Casi I opened my eyes again to see my parents staring down at them.Apparently they had left the waiting room.I tried to shout,and thought to myself,-FOR THE LOVE OF GOD,WORK,VOICE!-
#32289278Sunday, August 22, 2010 8:01 PM GMT

Finally, Josh gets up from his seat, and pushes Casi's parents away. He needed time to recollect his thoughts, to control himself. He walked right outside without saying anything. Standing underneath a tree, Josh watched the sunset, and the smoke coming from what was left of Cappytown. He destroyed it all... it was because of him. A newspaper flew onto his right leg, with the headlines "CAPPYTOWN DESTROYED! Population blames human for everything!" He read the newspaper, and sighed. Casi must hate him, for he had also bought the destruction of her family as well as her home... he was glad he hasn't killed anyone, but it was because of him that her grandparents and her cousins and relatives were hurt badly. He closed his eyes. "...Waste of my time..." He said, with a strange change of heart.
#32293045Sunday, August 22, 2010 8:50 PM GMT

Casi I felt a tingling in my throat...and I looked at my parents staring down at me."Stop!!"I yelled at them.-Finally..-I think.I get out off of my hospital bed and collapse.-Great,I can't walk...-I held onto the counter and staggered over to crutches.I held on to them and started to "walk" out of the hospital.
#32293199Sunday, August 22, 2010 8:52 PM GMT

*Sword helped her: her let me help you Casi
#32293505Sunday, August 22, 2010 8:57 PM GMT

Casi "Thanks.."I mumble.I look around Cappytown...it was now in ruins.I looked at the wall I had slammed into,and people were gathering around it,trying to figure out what happened.
#32293605Sunday, August 22, 2010 8:58 PM GMT

Sword:*sigh* poot home*she looked at what used to be the Cafe: well atleast i and Meta was safe