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#28869663Thursday, July 08, 2010 10:21 PM GMT

The history behind Globe is very deep and hard to understand. It all started near the beginning, a species of shadow matter was created in the area. The shadow matter could never die of old age, only of being hunted down and killed by other species. The species was almost extinct when the native american tribe,The Gaurhas fought a bitter war. The Gaurhas were killed off by the species of shadow matter. The thing about the shadow matter was it could not reproduct, the species would last forever if they were not completely wiped out in battle. Globe was eventually formed into a town in the state of Kentucky, Globe is a little, abandoned, and creepy town. Many people believe the Devil himself stalks the woods surrounding the general area. Globe is haunted by Shadow Matter, The Gaurhas, and everything that has ever existed in the pit's of hell. A lone group of people looking for safety after Nuclear winter and multiple mutations seek shelter and find the small town. The Nuclear Fallout after multiple bombs smashing into the various parts of the United States of America, has not yet reached Globe and might not. But even if the group is safe from Nuclear fallout and possibly the Mutations, Hell can still take them down. Character Sheet Name: A.ge:(12-55) Appearance:(Including Clothes) Personality: Weapons:(It is Post-Apocalyptic.) Items: Bio:(If you want to.) Rules Put "Route 60" at the end of your Character Sheet No God-modding No Ubering No Romance No Controlling Other Characters Artifical Intelligiance Characters are available to everybody No Argueing No Killing without permission
#28871040Thursday, July 08, 2010 10:42 PM GMT

Probably not going to join myself, but I'll bump it for you so others can find it.
#28871450Thursday, July 08, 2010 10:48 PM GMT

Name: Brooklyn Gates A.ge: 21 Gender: Female Appearance: Long Straight Hair, Blue eyes, Caucasian Skin, 5'9, 134 Pounds, Black Hoodie, Blue Jeans ripped at Knees, Black Leather Boots, White Undershirt Personality: Overwatching, Clever, Hard to Read Weapons: Remington Sniper Rifle, Bowie Knife, Colt. 45 Pistol Items: Cantine, Rations, Radio, Flashlight Bio:N/A
#28871810Thursday, July 08, 2010 10:53 PM GMT

Name: Arlen "The Dude" McCool A.ge:(12-55) 15 Appearance:(Including Clothes) Short brown hair, steel blue eyes, torn blue jeans, dirty white t-shirt Personality: Dark and quiet, used to be carefree and outgoing Weapons:(It is Post-Apocalyptic.) Swiss Army Knife and a .38 revolver with six bullets in it and no extra ammo Items: Backpack that has a red and white hoody, three waterbottles and an Ipod with headphones Bio:(If you want to.) You'll find out lol
#28871843Thursday, July 08, 2010 10:54 PM GMT

Gender: F
#28872348Thursday, July 08, 2010 11:01 PM GMT

Name: Tom (Thomas) Slaig A.ge: 25 Appearance: Brown Coat, Fingerless Gloves, Grey Hoodie, Black Ski Hat, Light Beard, Cheap Cut Brown Hair, 6,1" Tall, 118 Pounds, Dark Brown Eyes, Vertical Scar On Left Cheek, Medium Build, Black Backpack Personality: Helpful, Willing, Achieving Weapons: Ruger Mini-15 10 Round Mag, Sawed-Off Harrington & Richardson Single-Shot Slug Shell Shotgun, Crowbar. Items: Ammunition, Food and Water Rations, Map, Compass, Rope. Bio: (Reveal throughout RP.)
#28872409Thursday, July 08, 2010 11:02 PM GMT

Name: Tom (Thomas) Slaig A.ge: 25 Gender: M Appearance: Brown Coat, Fingerless Gloves, Grey Hoodie, Black Ski Hat, Light Beard, Cheap Cut Brown Hair, 6,1" Tall, 118 Pounds, Dark Brown Eyes, Vertical Scar On Left Cheek, Medium Build, Black Backpack Personality: Helpful, Willing, Achieving Weapons: Ruger Mini-15 10 Round Mag, Sawed-Off Harrington & Richardson Single-Shot Slug Shell Shotgun, Crowbar. Items: Ammunition, Food and Water Rations, Map, Compass, Rope. Bio: (Reveal throughout RP.) Route 60.
#28872491Thursday, July 08, 2010 11:03 PM GMT

Oh yea, Route 60. And the nickname "The Dude" is from a movie called The Big Lebowski.
#28873665Thursday, July 08, 2010 11:20 PM GMT

Name: Gamma 219, or as he knows himself, Gregory. A.ge: 42 years since Creation Gender: None (technically) It believes itself to be Male. Appearance: The main body is a lot like the Series 900 Terminator. The Head is roughly Human Shaped but is completely black, and has a Single Red Eye in the Middle. The Head has no mouth, Ears, Nose or other Features, just the Eye. It has a Leather Satchel slung over it's Right 'shoulder', resting on it's left 'hip' Personality: It's a Robot. It does what it is told but it seems Kind and is not Hostile towards humans. Weapons: M9 Pistol. Items: A Few Ammo Clips, some Food and Water in the Satchel, which it wonder why it never needs. Bio: A Wandering AI, unknowing that it is, indeed, an AI. It is convinced it is a Human, never having seen itself. Route 60.
#28873856Thursday, July 08, 2010 11:23 PM GMT

(All excepted, back in 30 minute max.)
#28875669Thursday, July 08, 2010 11:50 PM GMT

#28875805Thursday, July 08, 2010 11:52 PM GMT

(K, start?)
#28875941Thursday, July 08, 2010 11:54 PM GMT

(Feel free.)
#28875946Thursday, July 08, 2010 11:54 PM GMT

(Oh, add a Flashlight, too.)
#28876044Thursday, July 08, 2010 11:56 PM GMT

As I walk into eyesight of the town, wondering if it wasn't going to be bombed for a long term duration, I think back to how I got myself into this mess. Oh, yea, I didn't. My city got bombed, basically. I continue walking down the gravel road.
#28876063Thursday, July 08, 2010 11:56 PM GMT

#28876181Thursday, July 08, 2010 11:58 PM GMT

(Is there any populace in the town?) I continue walking, spotting abandoned haybarrels and batches, I also see some dead patches of yellow grass.
#28876246Thursday, July 08, 2010 11:59 PM GMT

Why did I not feel hungry? Why was I not thirsty? Years had passed yet I felt no need to sleep, eat, drink or even respire. Was this normal? I saw my fellow humans eating, drinking and sleeping, why did I not have to? I wondered as I wandered through a town I did not know the name of.
#28876554Friday, July 09, 2010 12:04 AM GMT

I sat on the hill with my gun, woods surrounded me, a cliff dropping off to the endless trees. I gripped tighter onto my gun. (G2G)
#28905978Friday, July 09, 2010 2:24 PM GMT


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