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#28891554Friday, July 09, 2010 4:00 AM GMT

I think we should make like the predators wrist blade weapons and figure or npc witch when they die they turn into ragdolls. the same with aliens.and to top it look up bubble dude the one who made basalisk and that big scorpion thing hec an probley make an alien and predator to make it so the aliens tail moves freely and the predaters hai things move freely he can make anything more realistic maby he can even add blood to them and make the right colors and make the acid blood from aliens hurt.he would have to make them a bit smaller though...anyways we can also use the decals from avp too like the alien predator marine and android ones for the maknig of the figures.meshes can also help if you want to know what they look like exactly mor you can make a head or had giver of a mask head or face of a predator or the head of an alien.Please replie about what you think of my idea if you cant find the buble dude im talking about look in my friends list.Thanks :D.
#28891609Friday, July 09, 2010 4:01 AM GMT

Alien Vs Predator? Copyright much? Yeah, um... I don't ROBLOX to get sued. Sooo.... Yeah, this idea is a fail.
#29253902Wednesday, July 14, 2010 6:13 PM GMT

Its not copyright smart one...hes basing a game off of it hes not following the base of the storyline...besides he can still give credit to the makers of AVP and it wouldn't matter...i like your idea beep i think it would be very cool:) if u ever get close to something like that please let me know:)
#29253942Wednesday, July 14, 2010 6:14 PM GMT

sorry i meant race looked at wrong name*

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