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#29207985Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:26 AM GMT

~Story~ Human beings are a unique species in the fact that they can show emotion. Emotions typically guide humans in decisions. Emotions generally have two sides though: virtues and vices. Virtues typically lead us to beneficial decisions, maybe not for ourselves, but for others. These include charity, love, and happiness. Vices on the other hand cause us to make negative decisions. Typical vices include gluttony, envy, and wrath. Though humans can generate their own emotions, a tug-of-war is going on between these virtues and vices. This is quite literally a war though. As every human is born, a virtue or vice is bound to them. This particular emotion will be particularly strong. What the human does not know is that this emotion actually manifests as a demon or guardian angel. Depending on the proximity of this manifestation, the emotion may affect the human even more. These virtues and vices are constantly at war for the rights to control humanity. When a virtue or vice is slain, it will be inactive for a while. During this period, the human will be neutral in emotional balance. The human is completely open to manipulation by other vices and virtues though, so the victorious emotion will typically plant a seed within that human. With time and coaxing, this seed will bloom into a new emotion, typically a lesser variant of the one that overcame the human's previous one. There is more than one way for a virtue or vice to destroy another though, such as through indirect methods. If a vice manages to lead their human or another into killing a significant other of the target, and their virtue or vice is absent, the human may separate from the emotion and the other could take root. In the event of a major occurrence related to the emotion, the guardian may become visible to the host. For example, if the human's vice is wrath, and they commit a murder, their demon may become visible. Eventually though, every human dies. Depending on the current ruling emotion, this person will either join the ranks of the demon vices as the same emotion that ruled them, or the same as a guardian angel. _____________________________________________________________________________ ~Rules&Stuff~ Read the above. If you didn't and make a mistake on the character, I'll deny it. Read the rules below so you don't mess up any more. No ubering or godmodding. Story RPing only please. If you don't know what that is, don't join. Preferably, everyone would have a pairing. Try to have one player as a human and one as an emotion. If not, one person has to do both. Fill out the character sheet properly. I can choose to decline anything for any reason. The same goes for my moderators. Try to have fun and keep this active. This takes place in modern day Toronto. _____________________________________________________________________________ ~Human~ Name: Gender: Age: Ruling Emotion: Has interacted with emotion?: Accepted emotion?: (if yes to above) Personality: Appearance: Bio: ~Emotion~ Name: Gender: Age: (typically very old; the older, the more powerful) Virtue or Vice?: Emotion: Personality: Appearance: (virtues typically appear angelic whilst vices appear demonic) Bio:
#29210697Wednesday, July 14, 2010 1:05 AM GMT

Name: Kyle Ash Gender: Male A.ge: 19 Ruling Emotion: Wrath Has interacted with emotion?: No Accepted emotion?: N/A Personality: Hateful. Despises people in general. Malicious. Sarcastic on a good day, with a chance of spite. Appearance: Messy dark brown hair. Brown eyes with eyebrows that always seemed tipped down in anger. Face muscles seem strained. Wears a beaten black jacket over a white shirt. Wears dirty and beaten blue jeans, although of a faded color. Wears boots, presumably leather. Bio: Only living child born to his single mother. Before he was even four his twin brother died of a disease, that left him weak. Due to medical expenses and his mother's lack of employment he and his mother are dirt poor, living from loans from his mother's father, which are building up quickly...
#29212295Wednesday, July 14, 2010 1:26 AM GMT

Name: The White Reaper - Cyran. Gender: Male. A|g|e: Somewhere over 1000. Virtue or Vice?: Vice. Emotion: Wrath. Personality: Although he is an embodiment of wrath, the White Reaper is rather calm and calculating. In his previous life, he was a highly skilled assassin for the rich and powerful. Appearance: From the waist up, Cyran appears to be a virtue. His skin is rather pale, almost to a ghostly extent. His eyes and hair are white, his hair reaching down to his ears. His features are also slightly elfin in appearance, looking somewhat delicate. From the torso down, he is no longer human though. Rather than legs, he has the body of a pure-white serpent. This part of his body contains many, many powerful muscles and a second set of organs (sans brain). He tends to wear a white robe with a hood and cloak. Bio: The White Reaper is one of the higher power Wraths. He tends to take any human around to be soul-bound to because he knows that he can turn them into a Wrath eventually. He typically allows his host to see him, because contact with the host means that physical contact is also possible. His current host is a Kyle Ash. (The last sentence of my bio is kind of important. I forgot to mention it in the first post.)
#29213262Wednesday, July 14, 2010 1:39 AM GMT

(*Second last sentence. I kind of went all over the place making this character, so things got a bit out of order.)
#29213887Wednesday, July 14, 2010 1:50 AM GMT

Kyle sprinted around a building corner, and slipped into an alleyway. He was being chased. Again. As the sense of adrenaline faded from Kyle he slumped to the ground in exhaustion.
#29214703Wednesday, July 14, 2010 2:01 AM GMT

I lagged slightly behind Kyle. A madman, obviously under the control of a lesser Vice, was chasing him with a knife. I hadn't yet seen the Vice, but I knew that I would have to kill him. I needed this host.
#29214903Wednesday, July 14, 2010 2:04 AM GMT

Kyle sprang to his feet. Whoever the heck was chasing him didn't lose him on the alley. He broke into a spring again, further into the alley. Kyle could feel the skin on his hands breaking and bleeding and they touched the rough walls of the alley.
#29215109Wednesday, July 14, 2010 2:07 AM GMT

Name: Adrian Edmonds. Gender: Male. Ag.e: 24. Ruling Emotion: Wrath. Has interacted with emotion?: No. Accepted emotion?: Personality: As someone who's emotion is Wrath, he's naturally hateful, uncaring, unkind, all of that. Overall, he's not a great guy to hang out with. Appearance: Adrian is a 6'1 tall caucasian, with a somewhat-toned body. His black hair is shaggy and unkempt,(which falls in his eyes alot) and his facial features other than his grey eyes are 'normal'. He wears a plain white t-shirt, black cargo jeans, and sneakers. Bio: Adrian was the well off son of a president of a NASA branch, and had nearly everything he wanted. That is, until his dad's multiple sclerosis caught up with him. After his father was hospitilized, the vice-president of the company, who was his father's long time 'friend' and co-worker, took the company's earnings and left. Adrian's been working a small part-time job ever since.
#29215235Wednesday, July 14, 2010 2:09 AM GMT

(Oh, I just read Pyyre's sheet. I'm I allowed to be Wrath as well?)
#29215616Wednesday, July 14, 2010 2:14 AM GMT

(I'd prefer variety, but yes.)
#29215649Wednesday, July 14, 2010 2:14 AM GMT

((J00r sheet made me sad cause my dad has multiple scelerosis, Chowdar ;_;))
#29215881Wednesday, July 14, 2010 2:17 AM GMT

(@Firruu Ok, sorry about that. @Pyyre Really? I'm sorry to hear that. I'll be praying for your dad.)
#29216358Wednesday, July 14, 2010 2:24 AM GMT

((Nah, I wasn't sad. He has MS, but he fares well. He's currently applying as a moderator here for ROBLOX, since he's unemployed from the MS.))
#29216430Wednesday, July 14, 2010 2:24 AM GMT

(Cool, you can get 500k robux, lol.)
#29217485Wednesday, July 14, 2010 2:37 AM GMT

((Nah, Mods don't count for that. =P))
#29218598Wednesday, July 14, 2010 2:51 AM GMT

As the controlled enemy turned the corner, it appeared to be a homeless man brandishing a switchblade. I could easily see his Vice behind him; some minotaur-looking creature. It must have represented loss of self control, as the man was just sprinting madly, yelling incomprehensible words. The minotaur's eyes locked mine, and it was definite that this would be a fight to the death.
#29218779Wednesday, July 14, 2010 2:54 AM GMT

Kyle stopped dead in his tracks. A dead end! He turned around. Any second the man chasing him would round the corner and be upon him. Kyle crouched down, to take advantage of a surprise attack as his pursuer rounded the corner.
#29218981Wednesday, July 14, 2010 2:56 AM GMT

Seeing that my host was unarmed, I slightly tapped into his subconscious, giving him the instinct to search for any possible weapons in the environment.
#29219974Wednesday, July 14, 2010 3:10 AM GMT

Kyle felt a little realization in his mind. Even if he could punch his pursuer in the stomach to give himself the advantage, he'd be too far outmatched in the long run. Kyle scrambled over the ground at a lead pipe. Perfect.
#29220496Wednesday, July 14, 2010 3:19 AM GMT

Name: Jordan Hess Gender: M /A/g/e: 22 Ruling Emotion: Envy Has interacted with emotion?: No Accepted emotion?: No Personality: An normal college kid with a bit of a theft problem. He hates being passed up. He hasn't been caught stealing yet, and he is trying to reform himself and make ammends, but his emotion is too powerful. He can be a bit of recluse when it comes to friends, as he is selective and has a tightnit group. He is intelligent when it comes to science, history, and debating. He is funny, but his humor is often serious humor. Appearance: Brown medium hair, green eyes, 6'1'', 190lbs, medium built, left arm is a bit bigger than the right because he is left hand dominate, a bit of a goatee is growning on his chin, scar goes from his eyebrow to eyesocket. Usually wears cargo shorts with a blue shirt and a flatbrimmed hat. Bio: A college kid trying to get his ba/c/h/elors degree. He has commited theft about 15 times, and when he sees someone pass him up in anything, he often goes into mini-fits inside his mind. These are usually mild with a severe one happening once a month were he often grabs a weapon from his gun collection that he has tucked away in his apparment.. He is doing better than what he use to be, but it stiff affects him.
#29221931Wednesday, July 14, 2010 3:38 AM GMT

The Vice charged at me immediately. Quickly, I brandished my weapons of choice, a khopesh in each hand. The swords were golden in colour, and were sharp and radically curved. As the demon ran wildly at me, I made a quick move to the side and slashed at it's legs as it ran by.
#29222846Wednesday, July 14, 2010 3:50 AM GMT

Kyle grasped the lead pipe, and the man was upon him, almost fizzing from the mouth. CRACK! Kyle could hear the sound of ribs cracking as he swung the pipe.
#29237304Wednesday, July 14, 2010 1:26 PM GMT

(Question: Are people with vices going to attack us on sight?)
#29238622Wednesday, July 14, 2010 1:58 PM GMT

~Human~ Name: Siad Nethers Gender: Male A.ge: 15 Ruling Emotion: Love (seeing as everyone's doing vice's, i'll do a virtue) Has interacted with emotion?: no Accepted emotion?: N/A Personality: very char.ismatic and lo.vable. Bio: he is the most popular kid in the 10th grade. girls fall for him for nothing more than his blinking (or so it's said). he is also very smart, and when it comes to picking a girl he is somewhat picky, but when he falls for a girl it is strong and he does everything to keep it alive. being picky helps in life problems and school work. Siad has not interacted with his virtue, but it works through him to accomplish some needs. it's worked won.ders with the town: there hasn't been a crim.inal or a loc.ked do.or for 7 yea.rs. ~Emotion~ (if i'm allowed? if not i'll find someone. i can think of at least 2 D:) Name: White Rose Gender: Female A.ge: 1133 years Virtue or Vice?: Virtue Emotion: Love Personality: charis.matic and lovable. Appearance: has a lo.ng white ro.be which cov.ers h.er wh.ole bo.dy. beau.tiful fig.ure and face. blue eyes and a sort of ha.zy glo.w around her. it looks like sunlight in the day, but at night it stands out like a white glow stick in the middle of a black room. long white hair that falls down to her wa.ist, a somewhat elfish-like angular face, and white sandals. Bio: when she was young she thought nothing of her humans. however in her a.ge she's grown wisd.om, and now helps fight against the Vice's. she does not show herself to her clie.nts, unless it is neces.sary for them to sur.vive against the Vice's.
#29238870Wednesday, July 14, 2010 2:04 PM GMT

(I can't begin to count all the things wrong with that....)

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