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#29286205Thursday, July 15, 2010 1:33 AM GMT

Ok here is my idea. I think there should be a sub-section under the "My Roblox," section. I think it should be callled, " My Tasks." And then that sub-section, has two sub-sub-sections. They would be called something like, "building," and, "scripting." As you would have guessed, it would be divided into two categories. Tasks for Builders, and Tasks for Scripters. An example of a scripting task would be, " Script a Working Light with a switch." And you could get, oh let's say 5 ROBUX for that. And an example for a building task would be, " Build a Consession (Snack) Stand." And you would get, oh let's say, 5 ROBUX for that. And as the tasks get harder, you get more ROBUX for them. Like my idea? Post a reply and send me a personal message. I would love to know all of my supporters! ~Wako98~ ~Owner of WSASP Corp, and iTech Vehicle Systems~
#29287503Thursday, July 15, 2010 1:52 AM GMT

I like the idea. but too many people would copy scripts and pass them as theres.
#29287658Thursday, July 15, 2010 1:54 AM GMT

Not bad. Cool idea!
#29288584Thursday, July 15, 2010 2:06 AM GMT

I am hoping that ROBLOX will implement this idea. Remember that Party section on the chat log the other day? I had that idea only it was a little different (they modified it of course) and I bugged some of the mods/admins about it. And probably some other people had the idea too, so they thought something like, "Not bad of an idea, let's try that feature!"
#29288711Thursday, July 15, 2010 2:07 AM GMT

epic idea

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