#32029028Thursday, August 19, 2010 5:51 AM GMT

Firestar: Why, Thank you. *Points blade straight down* *Puts weight on sword*
#32033162Thursday, August 19, 2010 9:10 AM GMT

Mac: I'm not.. -dodges a slash from Links sword- Mario: -Throws a fireball- Mac: -Slides underneath it, and legsweeps Mario- Link: -Charges at Mac with sword- Mac: -Jumps into the stadium- Link: -Follows- Mac: -Pushes Link over the railing-
#32068260Thursday, August 19, 2010 9:02 PM GMT

FD: Graah! *Dodges* GUG: Grrgh.. *Jumps at FD* FD: GET OFF OF MEH!! *Tosses gug off* GUG: DWAAH! *Thud*
#32099446Friday, August 20, 2010 3:25 AM GMT

Firestar: *Yanks sword out of ground* *Charges at FD* *Swings sword down, then after a short delay, swings flaming sword sideways*
#32106227Friday, August 20, 2010 6:31 AM GMT

Mario: Ohhh...-gets up, and hurls more fireballs- Mac: -Bounces of a chair and flips into the arena- Fireball: -Hits a pillar, supporting the stadium- Mario: Grrr! -Throws another fireball- Mac: -Ducks- Fireball: -Hits another pillar-
#32106651Friday, August 20, 2010 6:51 AM GMT

Icemoon: *Hears commotion* You there! *Yells at gaurd* What's going on?
#32121019Friday, August 20, 2010 3:41 PM GMT

FD: DAAGH! *Hand is cut off* FD: Grraah.. *Glows purple* *Creates another hand* GDG: Team or no team, we've got to stop FD. GUG: True. GDG: *Throws gun at FD* FD: Dwaaah! *Flips backwards and falls onto ground hard* GUG: *Slams FD in the head with gun* FD: deehgggg.... GMG: WAH-HAAAAH! *Jumps into scene from nowhere* GDG: Ah, great. GUG: GMG.. Eeh...
#32161352Saturday, August 21, 2010 12:59 AM GMT

Mac: Wow, pathetic. Mario: Grrrr! -Throws three fireballs- Mac: -Ducks- Pillar: -Gives in- Stadium: -Caves in- Mac: AAAAAAAAH!
#32171126Saturday, August 21, 2010 3:05 AM GMT

SDG: RAAAH! *Charges at FD* SUG: *Looks over at mac* ...Oh, no.
#32172240Saturday, August 21, 2010 3:20 AM GMT

Firestar: *Starts walking off* Icemoon: ....I'm not gonna ask.
#32177028Saturday, August 21, 2010 4:30 AM GMT

Mac: -Jumps out of the way- Phew. Wow. what?
#32180509Saturday, August 21, 2010 5:55 AM GMT

Icemoon: It was your idea, not mine. What happened?
#32185854Saturday, August 21, 2010 9:47 AM GMT

Mac: Not sure. Hey, whats that? -Sees a glowing cube-
#32194942Saturday, August 21, 2010 2:54 PM GMT

GUG: *Sees glowing cube* Hehe.. Maybe it'll make me invincible.. GUG: Oh, yes! I know it will! And I will god-mod to instantly kill all brawlers! GDG: Uh, gug? GUG: Yes, gdg? GDG: God-modding's not allowed. And there's a penalty for the characters.. GUG: WHAT penalty? GDG: Uhh..that one.. *A hammer flies at gug and BAM!* GUG: ...................
#32210002Saturday, August 21, 2010 6:37 PM GMT

Icemoon: ...That...thing...*Draws blade* Tried to kill me...
#32241279Sunday, August 22, 2010 1:44 AM GMT

Mac: What thing? The cube?
#32256940Sunday, August 22, 2010 6:37 AM GMT

Icemoon: Yes, the cube. Firestar: *Walks up* How's it goin? *Glances at mac* Thought you were dead. Eh, things happen.
#32262040Sunday, August 22, 2010 10:33 AM GMT

Mac: You fought an inaminiate object? And who are you?
#32284113Sunday, August 22, 2010 6:45 PM GMT

GUG: *Pulls out gun* Heh heh heh. *Walks towards mac*
#32287482Sunday, August 22, 2010 7:37 PM GMT

Firestar: I, go by the name of Firestar. Icemoon: Inanimate? Last I checked, the thing tried to take over my mind.
#32301348Sunday, August 22, 2010 10:38 PM GMT

Mac: -Memories flood back in about Firestar- Oh, yea. Now I remember. So what do we do then?
#32301435Sunday, August 22, 2010 10:39 PM GMT

GUG: *Dives at Mac*
#32309190Monday, August 23, 2010 12:08 AM GMT

Firestar: *Moves to the side slightly* I'm not sure. I've never seen one of these before. Icemoon: Are you LISTENING to me? Firestar: Not really. Do I have to? Icemoon: ...Hothead. Firestar: Why thank you.
#32329582Monday, August 23, 2010 6:08 AM GMT

Mac: -Ducks- And who are you? Cube: -Turns red-
#32329656Monday, August 23, 2010 6:11 AM GMT

Icemoon: SEE!? SEE!? Firestar: Why, hello GUG. Still after me, I presume. Icemoon: The cube you idiots. THE CUBE! Firestar: Worry about your own danged little cube. I've got a score I need to settle. Icemoon: I should hit you. Firestar: But that won't end up in your favor, now will it? Now. I was...? Oh yes. GUG. Icemoon: .....