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#29458701Saturday, July 17, 2010 3:54 PM GMT

~~Credits~~ It's an original RP, based on a story I made by myself(This may even become a known RP someday. =3). I give credit to all RPers, for inspiration from your threads to mine. I thank all those who commented on this, and I especially thank Neotrinston for the ideas. ~~Story~~ There were seven main elements. There was fire, water, wind, earth, thunder, light, and darkness, and for every element, there was a planet that mastered it. Seven planets, Emberen, Aquasin, Flyzi, Rocktog, Shokal, Brightas, and Evivel, each element belonging to each planet in order(Like Emberen is fire, Aquasin is water, etc.). Each planet could control the element. They could use that kind of magic(Like Emberens could throw fireballs.). When Year 5020 came, The War of the Elements started. Nobody knows the reason why, some say one of the planets started it. Others say it was because of the planets' differences. Many have fallen. While everyone fought, there were secret alliances going on. A rebellion against the war, against all the planets. They were made up of many fighters of all the planets. They were the Liberaters. Some of the government noticed the rebels, but thought they were just nothing to them. 10 years later, You were in school. Training school. A Liberater training school. How awesome did you think joining the Liberaters? Totally. Did you know there was a school part to it? Heck no. You signed up for the army, but your first challage is school. Some people say that the school has been attacked many times, and the students get to help out. You travel to Emberen's moon, Fury, and go to school there. You'll get to learn everything on fighting, Magic, your races powers, where all the cities and bases are, your specialties, and all you need to know. The question is, will you qualify to join the fight? So Far... We began the day like regular day of school, until we were attacked by that evil government army. They failed thier mission of kidnapping a few students, and it was one heck of battle for us. We were pretty surprised to see that we could fight off a army. It turns out, the army consisted of low ranked grunts. We encountered a mysterious man, that didn't seem to be related to the grunts. He kidnapped Iris, who was in her demonic form. We won't be seeing the last of them. What will happen next? Expect the Unexpected! ~~Races~~ Human They are intelligent and fierce, and they are skilled at Swordplay. Veeza They are the best of the best in Fist Fighting. They look like like a kangeroo-lizard. With the bounce of their feet, and the fierceness of their Fist Fighting, they can topple you with Power. (MALE ONLY.) Chellu With two big bunny ears and sharp cat claws, they believe that they are the most skilled in Magic and Thievery. A human-cat-bunny is what they look like. (FEMALES ONLY.) Jetova They are the best builders in the galaxy. They have built airships, spaceships, and hoverships. They can use and create machines with only the power of their mind. They are half human and half machine. They specialize in Mechanics. Narute These people believe that Mother Nature is a godly presence to them. They believe that they can transform into anything in nature because of her. They where anything from nature, always wearing a colorful feather in their hair, boys wearing compressed vine headbands, and girls wearing a shell necklaces. They specialize in Summoning and Battle Effects. Mutoko They intimidate anyone they cross paths with. They always where a black cloak that covers everything but thier hands and the lower part of their face. They have red eyes full of anger, hate, and everything negative. They have the heart of a demon, and fight like a human. It would be almost impossible to befriend them, but only a few have. If you do, then you can intimidate anyone, and everything. They specialize in Swordplay just like humans. Lunight Kind angel-like people who make the stars fall. They specialize in Long Range and Aerial Combat. Shubo A bear turtle, that can relate to humans. They are as intelligent as them, and kind of look like them. They have light green skin, with claws of a bear, pointed ears, their skin is as hard as rock, and everything else is human. They have great defence, and do well with Close Combat. ~~Starting Classes~~ Your class is a student right now. You must choose to learn one or two of them. Ask me for the higher classes of it. Like, thief's higher ranks are swordsman, warrior and knight. I will also explain what it is. Here are the starters:Apprentice(Magic), Thief(Swordplay, Close Combat), Soldier(Battle Effects), Archer (Longrange), Animist (Summoning), Fist Fighter (Close Combat), Tinker (Mechanics), Slow Grinder (Skateboarding) ~~Character Sheet~~ Name: A.ge: Ge.nder: Appearance: Skills: Personality: Gear and Inventory: Race: Origin:(Like what planet are you?) Class You Want Be: ~~Rules~~ No swearing. Don't go off story. Have good grammer and spelling. Listen to me and you'll be fine. No ubering or powerplaying. Grammer and Spelling, PLEASE SHOW YOUR BEST. Admins will be made. Don't control main parts of the story. It takes more than one shot to take down a Government Soldier. "It's not in the rules," is not an excuse. Post "Elemental" to show you read the story and rules. [Extra] Have a good RPing! ~~Character We Have So Far~~ Name: Geo Neocon A.ge: 13 Ge.nder: Male Appearance: Brown, spiky but messy hair(Like an anime guy's hair lol.), Blue eyes, Blue and black sweater, ripped up jeans, White sneakers, height is 6'3 Skills: Joking, Pranking, dancing, fighting Personality: Cheery, Mischevious Inventory: A shortsword, bow and arrows Race:Human Origin:Aquasin Class You Want Be:Archer and Thief Name: Iris Drift A.ge: 11 Ge.nder: F Appearance: Black Tight-Fit Jeans, White T-Shirt, Long Blonde Hair, Black Sandals, light blue eyes Skills: Amazing Agility, hightened reflexes Personality: Depends, mostly shy but nice. Gear and Inventory: Staff, Journal, Picture of brother Keos (Who died in the war) Race: Human Origin: Evivel Class You Want Be: Summoner Name:Zach Aquastar Ag.e:13 Gender: Male Inventory:Dual shortswords, chocolate cake Appearance:http://www.roblox.com/Anime-guy-item?id=11367406 Skills:Stealth, wielding two swords Personality:Cheerful, helpful, brave, energetic Race:Human Origin:Aquasin Class You want be:Thief Name:Zoe Lightheart Ag.e:13 Gender:Female Inventory:Sonicwave Guitar(A weapon, shoots sonicwaves when a button on guitar is pressed and is guitar strummed, strapped to her back.) Appearance:http://www.roblox.com/Item.aspx?ID=3518500 Skills:Defending, playing music Personality:intelligent, caring Race: Human Origin:Brightas Class You Want Be:(NEW STARTER) Instrumentist Name:Rika Delta A.ge:15 Ge.nder:Female Appearance:http://www.roblox.com/Anime-Fire-Girl-item?id=27772468 Skills:Magic Personality:Has an attitude at times, acts with carefulness, never gives up Gear and Inventory:Fury Staff of the Warmth Race:Human Origin:Emberen Class You Want Be:Apprentice Name: Aénex (A-nex) A.ge: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: White wolf, yellow streak down body, golden star crystal in chest, yellow eyes, long tail, tall, star imprints on paws. Skills: Somewhat swordfighting, somewhat arching, mostly magic Personality: Friendly, Adventerous, Courageous, Smart Gear and Inventory: Light bow and arrows, Starstriker(sword decorated with stars), throwing stars(Actual stars), Race: Lunight/Starwolf Origin: Brightas Class You Want Be: Mage Apprentice Name: Luna Sasori A.ge: 16 Ge.nder: Female Appearance: Long black curly hair. One part covers her sparkling blue eyes. She has jean-shorts and black Converse. A gray shirt with a black star. Skills: Magic Personality: Sweet,Shy,Tough,Smart Gear and Inventory: A phone,water,notebook and drawing pencils. Race: Chellu. Origin: ??? Class You Want Be: Magic. Name: Rachet Bango A.ge: 13 Ge.nder: Male Appearance: Green eyes, orange shirt with a wrench on it, Brown hair, Has a robotic arms, jean shorts, blue sneakers Skills: teamwork (with Zoey), building, fixxing Personality: Brave, optimistic, Gear and Inventory: N/A Race: Jetova Origin:(Like what planet are you?) Flyzi Class You Want Be: Tinker Name: Zoey Bango A.ge: 13 Ge.nder: Female Appearance: Green eyes, yellow shirt with a bell on it, Brown hair, has robotic legs, jean shorts, brown slippers Skills: teamwork (with Rachet), helping in Rachet's work, making things blow up Personality: Tomboy, helpful, Gear and Inventory: N/A Race: Jetova Origin:(Like what planet are you?) Flyzi Class You Want Be: Tinker Name: Neco Aceo A.ge: 14 Ge.nder: Male Appearance: http://www.roblox.com/Skater-anime-boy-item?id=24414597 Skills: Skateboarding Personality: Carefree Gear and Inventory: Skate or Die (A skateboard in a sword-like shape, that is a weapon, when in the right hands) Race:Human Origin: Shokal Class You Want Be: Slow Grinder (NEW!) Note:This lists the characters that are ACTIVE. If they have not posted in the last group of pages on the last thread, they are counted as NONACTIVE, and therefore not included in this list.
#29459325Saturday, July 17, 2010 4:06 PM GMT

(Aénex is here.)
#29463778Saturday, July 17, 2010 5:25 PM GMT

(Let's start!) Zach: The first day of school was hectic. Very hectic. I mean VERY HECTIC, and I'm still having a bit of breathing problem after yesterday's pile on me. I still have shivers from the fat guy's butt on me. I got up the next day in my dorm, and checked the time. It was 9:00 already! I'm late! I also realised that Geo was already up, and in class, which was very hard to believe, since he NEVER wakes up early. I rushed to brush my teeth, get dressed, and everything else. Zoe: I was walking down the hall with Rika, Zoey, and Rachet. When I looked at the two twins, they wore almost the same clothes. It's funny how twins pick the almost the same clothes all the time. Rika: I was steaming with rage, but I didn't show it. The reason why? It took forever to fix my hair. It made me crazy to the max. I felt my hair, and that one strand I tried to put down still stood up! Argh! Geo: It's SUSHI DAY! WOOHOO! I ran down the hall to class, avoiding trouble. That's why I woke up so early. I was so eager for sushi, I couldn't help but get up. Neco: I checked up the school rules, they said that skateboarding in school was ALLOWED. ALLOWED! They never do that normal schools. I'm glad I came to this one. I skated down the hallway, past Zoe, Rika, Zoey, and Rachet. I did tricks like a maniac.
#29464017Saturday, July 17, 2010 5:30 PM GMT

Aénex walked down the hall to class. Today he was actualy wearing clothes. He didn't feel like it yesterday tohugh. Aénex had alreayd brushed his teeth, well fangs, had a shower and got dressed into a red waistcoat and some jeans.
Top 100 Poster
#29464196Saturday, July 17, 2010 5:33 PM GMT

[Keos] "Oh crap!" I yelled. I raced down the hall way. I jumped ont othe lockers and ran across the doors to get past a group of kids.
#29464704Saturday, July 17, 2010 5:44 PM GMT

Zach: I quickly did my bed, grabbed the clothes I wore yesterday and put them on, fixed my hair (despite my hair always being so messy), grabbed my backpack, and ran INTO the door. I was working so fast I forgot to open up the door. Zoey: A new day, this time I'm NOT going to be tied up by soldiers again. Rachet: A held one of my latest machines, the Tick, a tiny, spy cam robot. It had 4 stickler legs which can climb walls with ease, and small enough to be unoticable on the spot.
#29489930Sunday, July 18, 2010 12:51 AM GMT

(Hello? Is this RP not good enough for more joiners? C'mon. That's crazy!)
#29490225Sunday, July 18, 2010 12:56 AM GMT

Name: Christophe'r Block A.ge: 17 Ge.nder: Male Appearance: White Tanktop,Black Jeans,Caucasian. Skills: Lockpicker,Pickpocketer Personality: Quiet,Paranoid Of Iron Robotics. Gear and Inventory: Switchblade,Gum Pack. Race: Caucasian Origin:Earth (Vault 601) Class You Want Be: Theif
#29490580Sunday, July 18, 2010 1:03 AM GMT

(Please. More detail on the appearance, the races are in the first post, and planets are listed in the first post too. No Earth and made up races. Also, read the rules.
#29523995Sunday, July 18, 2010 4:53 PM GMT

(Bump. I hate bumping. ;~;)
#29554900Monday, July 19, 2010 1:21 AM GMT

(You can RP anytime now. -.-)
#29591340Monday, July 19, 2010 4:49 PM GMT

(I take it nobody can think of anythig.)
#29599272Monday, July 19, 2010 6:31 PM GMT

(Here.) All: Everyone but Zach was on time for class. The bell rang, Zach busted into the door, and he ran into the teacher, Mr. Douglas.
#29600586Monday, July 19, 2010 6:48 PM GMT

(Now I can) Aénex stared at Zach. "Found him." Aénex said to Mr. Douglas.
#29619039Monday, July 19, 2010 11:00 PM GMT

Zach: I looked up, and saw Mr. Douglas tapping his foot with his arms crossed. "Eheheheheh...sorry for the embarressing entrance. I just walk towards my se-" Mr. Douglas: I grabbed the back of Zach's shirt. "Not yet Mr. Aqua-tardy. I expected more from the son of a principal. Let me guess, a whole night's net gaming huh, MistehOcean? Did you like my Levitation magic? Quite nifty for using objects against other enemies isn't it?" A few snickers could be heard in the back. Zach:"Wait what are you- Oh-no. Don't tell me, Fury12?" Once I said that, awkward silence came for the moment, then Mr. Douglas interupted. Mr. Douglas:"Heh. You didn't think a teacher could game huh? Well then, get to your seat." Zach:I walked to my seat with a darkish vibe. I thought, "I was playing with a teacher!? A TEACHER!? He's freakin' level 4,000! I'm a lowly 2,000... Oh the irony! Man, I NEED to get that mage on my team." Mr. Douglas:"Alright, now let's begin. First, we'll talk about Weapons. There are swords, spears, guns, instruments, throwable objects, staves, fans, bow and arrow, daggers, books, and whole other more. Just remember those basic things. Now, the one thing to sketch into your head; Everything is your weapon. It may be a high magic book, or a small drawing pencil, you name it. Now, tell me the one type of class that needs to remember this rule the most? A: Swordsmen, B: Mage, or C: Animist?" (Get this right, and you shall gain a little experience to your class. Questions = 1 point, Tests = 10, and you gotta earn about 50 to advance in class. Hint: Pay attention to my dialogue.)
#29626864Tuesday, July 20, 2010 12:48 AM GMT

(Forgot to post this just for reference. Chapter 1 Link: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=26883292
Top 100 Poster
#29660667Tuesday, July 20, 2010 4:00 PM GMT

[Keos] I raised my hand. "All of them. All class has to use some sort of weapon."
#29660860Tuesday, July 20, 2010 4:03 PM GMT

(Your Rachet character has alot of similarities with my rachet character. o:)
#29670926Tuesday, July 20, 2010 6:30 PM GMT

(Lol. Though, usually with my descriptions on my characters, I see in my head some things totally different. =P) Mr. Douglas: "Correcto mundo! Learned it from battle experience I suppose? Well, let's throw another question out there! Who is the Elder Luknight?" (Now may be the great time for the link reference.)
#29672702Tuesday, July 20, 2010 6:55 PM GMT

Aénex raised his hand. "The watcher of all beings." He said.
#29674312Tuesday, July 20, 2010 7:17 PM GMT

Mr. Douglas:"Right! Now, the seven planets in our solar system are? Bonus point if you get this one, what moon are we on?"
#29677972Tuesday, July 20, 2010 8:00 PM GMT

(I'll let someone else have th eplanets, I'm having the moon.) Aénex kept his hand in the air. "We're on the moon Fury." He said.
#29724124Wednesday, July 21, 2010 12:14 PM GMT

(Elephants!? Oh lol, the planets. Though I saw, "I'll let someone else have the elephants, I'm having the moon." XD) Mr. Douglas:" Great, now someone tell me the planets." (The action will begin once we get this question up and gone.)
#29733999Wednesday, July 21, 2010 3:30 PM GMT

(Moar j0iners?)
#29806111Thursday, July 22, 2010 1:04 PM GMT

(I'll get the action started.) Mr. Douglas: "Hey Mr. Sleepyhead! Wake up! What's the seven planets of the solar system?" Zach:"Huh, what? Oh, Emberen, Aquasin, Flyzi, Rocktog, Shokal, Brightas, and Evivel......*Snore*...." Mr Douglas:"He did it again. *Bell rings* Alright people, gym time. I hope you have a smashing time." I smirked a bit. They didn't know what they were in for. Zach: I got up, and started sleeping walking to gym. Zoe: I saw Zach sleeping walking, and I knew things were gonna get messy. All my characters we walked down to gym class, and we were in for something we didn't expect.

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