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#29570822Monday, July 19, 2010 5:28 AM GMT

Okay. we all know the report button. It has catagories. But what do these catagories really do? They just tell ROBLOX which ones to look at and what not too. ROBLOX needs to put more time into enjoyment of this game then the safety. Safety should still be enforced... but I honestly think we need to have more warnings for commiting crimes against classic ban rules.
#29571148Monday, July 19, 2010 5:38 AM GMT

Here is a run down of that button. 1: the button is pressed and a fourm is displayed. 2: the user fills out that fourm telling them everything that said user has said or done. 3: once the "submit" buttn is clicked that fourm is brought to a pile and put at the very bottom of it. 4: The thing is that "pile" is called the "Every report gose in here, we will just shread these anyways" bin. 5: your issue is never looked at and the person you reported walks off scot free. thats what i think happends behind that button, becuase that button never dose anything good to me.
#29661477Tuesday, July 20, 2010 4:12 PM GMT

Well really, they read it catagorically, so if someone Spawnkills you, you report it, it goes into that catagory. Which is never read. And then they clear all report comments and start over.

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