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#32348132Monday, August 23, 2010 4:55 PM GMT

#32379422Tuesday, August 24, 2010 12:27 AM GMT

*Sigh*Why are we trolling?Trolling is retarded. -.-
#32628791Friday, August 27, 2010 9:15 PM GMT

*Sigh* I'm not really posting on this thread. It's BOOORING. I was gonna share a poem but NO.
#32838675Monday, August 30, 2010 6:13 PM GMT

#32861523Monday, August 30, 2010 11:02 PM GMT

Deep below the surface, deep in Tartarus, Kronos has broken free from his slumber. Rousing the other Titans, they broke free from their chains and started their ascent from Tatarus. (If we play with this, I wanna be Kronos.) Kronos ~-----~ Freedom! Sweet, Pure, Freedom! Now i dont have to listen to that dolt Hyperion complaining about the heat. HE of all Titans should be able to withstand this. And Oceanus... I'm not even gonna bother on messing around with that. Poseidon ~-------~ Something was amiss. Down... Under. "HADES! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Hades looked up, holding a cup of nectar and a mortal newspaper. "Wha..." "Nothing... but i could swear..." As to prove my suspicions, Zeus burst into the Hall.
#32911208Tuesday, August 31, 2010 7:04 PM GMT

(Tsk,tsk, didn't swear on the Styx) Typhon has stirred in his sleep, he rises out of Tartarus and takes full revenge on the gods, like all Hades broke loose. Hades was found arguing with Demeter and Persephone. Hades: I'm telling you!!! Typhon is not here!!! Demeter: Please Hades, he's right there. Hades looked past the gates and found Typhon fighting with Cerberus. Typhon: Perhaps you have misunderstood, Hades. Kronos has risen, all Titans reborn from the abiss. The Olympians will be in such shock they will be easily defeated. To prove his point, he released all the spirits of the Fields of Punishment. Hades: NOOO! He has released the worst!!!!!!!! Up above, the gods were fighting for their lives, or I should put this, Olympus. Kronos: You gods!!! I don't CARE if you won last time!!!!! Typhon is coming, and my fellow brothers shall ACKKK!!! The Lord of the Titans vanished under a Hperborean's butt. Zeus: Perhaps he has vanished. But he will be back!!!! Apollo: Dude, chillax. We've got demigods on our side. Zeus: Quiet, Apollo!!!! We've not to worry about the demigods. We have to stand guard. They will need help soon enough. Athena: We have to retreat to Olympus. The demigods are good enough. We have to set up the final defense. Kronos could sneak past the sea of fighting and head straight up. Zeus thought, hesitated, and said, "Good idea, Athena." Continued next part, after 1 post.
#32917993Tuesday, August 31, 2010 8:52 PM GMT

Kronos ~===~ I listened to the petty gods talking. To Tartarus with the demigods, this wasn't Percy Jackson. (lol, just kidding, i need to put a joke in sometimes) I slashed the Hyperborean and got up. You know, that was not a pleasent experience. Poseidon ~====~ In my realm, nothing was exactly, as happy as a clam. Oceanus came to take over my castle AGAIN. I just hoped that, with Typhon and Kronos awake, that HIS spirit wouldnt awaken. Because HE would want revenge. Revenge, on Kronos. Then, he'd kill us. As long as Atlas holds up the sky, we might have a chance. But if he leaves his post... Then Ouranos would have his revenge...
#32919113Tuesday, August 31, 2010 9:05 PM GMT

What are we talking about?
#32919543Tuesday, August 31, 2010 9:11 PM GMT

Who knows xD
#32919734Tuesday, August 31, 2010 9:13 PM GMT

#32919790Tuesday, August 31, 2010 9:14 PM GMT

Well zombies attack them for no reason at all. (lol)
#32966701Wednesday, September 01, 2010 2:59 PM GMT

At Olympus the gods were setting up the final defense. Zeus noticed Dionsyus wasn't here. So he went in the throne room and there was Dionsyus, smoking a cigarrete, drinking Olympus- brewed- coffee, and reading an Olympus tabloid. Zeus: "DIONSYUS. Do you know cigarretes and coffee don't go well?????" Dionsyus:"Wha.." "Dionysus!!! WAKE UP!!!" "Oh, come on Zeus. You don't need an old chap who has magical grapevines, do you???" "We need all the help we could get." Down the main road, the fighting was getting closer. Hephaestus: "ZEUS!!! The enemy has reached Olympus!!!!" Zeus: " Okay, Dionysus. We need your grapevines to strangle the enemy army." Dionysus: "Alright. Looks like I'll have quality time later." The enemy was defeated before Zeus and Dionysus even got to the scene. Dionysus: "Whoopee!!!! Time to smoke!!!" The gods were laughing as Dionysusas he ran to the throne room. *The End*
#32978746Wednesday, September 01, 2010 7:14 PM GMT

Kronos ~----~ (Please stop messing up my carefully crafted storyline) i called out my last bit of strength and tranferred my body to HIM. Ouranos ------- My soul detected something. kronos giving his body to me? um... *takes it*
#32980349Wednesday, September 01, 2010 7:39 PM GMT

(Sorry Combusken, I have a crafted story 2) Kronos was stuck in Mt.Oryths with the gang again. Kronos: "the war is done. My strengh is out and Altas's patience has wore thin. I suppose we will delay..." Hyperion: "Your brethren have not give up, Kronos. You used to look on the [evil] bright side of things, and now you don't trust us?????" Kronos: "Nonsense.I trust you well enough. The demigods of my army are too weak to rise. My monsters have been defeaten. We have lost, Hyperion, and all we have here is Krios holding up the sky. In fact, Typhon has been defeated AGAIN! We have no choice but to accept it." And on that happy note, the Titans adjourned.
#33075860Friday, September 03, 2010 2:54 AM GMT

(I gotta quit ROBLOX!I'm so sorry,read my description if you want more info...)

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