#30244651Tuesday, July 27, 2010 9:59 PM GMT

(when do we start?)
#30244925Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:03 PM GMT

(Okay, I choose...heads.)
#30245122Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:05 PM GMT

(I did two out of three....heads tails heads.)
#30245653Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:12 PM GMT

(I wanna start....she said after a few more people then left.)
#30245803Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:14 PM GMT

(K, that's fair :3)
#30248338Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10:50 PM GMT

Name: Scott Anderson Gender: MALE OBVIOUSLY! Power: If he touches a electrical object he can zone into the code and order it to do things. Hero or Sidekick: Hero (hehehehe admin) Personality: Crazy. But in a good way,friendly, short temper. Appearance:Short black hair,blue eyes,6'1,scar over back. Other: No caffeine allowed. AT ALL TIMES!
#30249474Tuesday, July 27, 2010 11:03 PM GMT

(I wanna start sooo bad. D:)
#30261320Wednesday, July 28, 2010 1:39 AM GMT

(Okay...we can start..NOW. XD) Aubrey My older sister,Gabby,smacked me in the face with a pillow. I rose up from my bed,exactly like Frankenstein and glared at her through the slits of my barely-awake eyes. "You wanna die young?"I snarled. (My mom says this to me often when I'm annoying her :D XD) Gabby rolled her eyes. "I'm older than you,idiot."She quipped. "By a year,you dolt."I answered. "Whatever.I'm still older than you." "Why did you throw that pillow at meee?"I groaned. "Mom said to wake you up.New school starts today."She answered. Ah yes.A new school. "Really?"I asked. "Yeah." "Oh." "WHO'S THE DOLT NOW?" "Still you."I said,now sitting on the edge of my bed,stretching. "Now get out of my room,I'm going to change."I said,shooing her. A few minutes later I had tied up my hair with a flowery hair tie into a bun and had changed into a grey vest with a white long sleeved blouse,skinny jeans,blue striped socks,and custom sneakers. I then ran to the bathroom,brushed my teeth,then ran back inside my room to get my messenger bag. I ran down the stairs,still adjusting the straps on my messenger bag when I saw a plate of pancakes ready for me. "Thanks,mom!"I said. "You're welcome."She replied. My mom was the superhero: The White Witch.Who controls magic. And my dad: Doctor Druid.Who could shape-shift into pretty much anything and anyone. I don't have any powers.My sister does but not me. It sucks because she gets to use it against me. (WAIIIT. I change my hero or sidekick thing to sidekick...for now.)
#30264072Wednesday, July 28, 2010 2:12 AM GMT

(I want to post my introduction early just incase I get up late) Darkness, not much anywhere. Confused, alone, cold. Where am I? Where is my family? What should I do? What do I have to do? Questions filled his head for a moment as suddenly something came up behind and attacked him. " "GAH!" Mekiki yelled as he landed face first on the floor. A cute shadow creature with big red eyes and sideways triangles on the side of his head for ears. He rubbed his cheek against Mekiki's as he gave him a remotely annoyed look. But he laughed. These shadows were his family, this was almost like a dog, or even a child to him. He went into the kitchen where another shadow was cooking for him. He loved the shadows, taking care of him when no one else would. He sat down and ate as the shadows went out to eat. "Todays a new day, new school, new everything. Hm, feels weird not smiling all the time." he though to himself as he finished eating and fixed his top hat. "Ready?" his demon asked "Ready"
#30283806Wednesday, July 28, 2010 9:54 AM GMT

(1. I'm not american, sorry, I thought you ment high school as in your middle school. 2. Is this finsihed already, your all offline) (If this is still going...) My alarm was ringing, I smaked it hard. It stoped. My brother, who was 8, shouted at me, "WAKE UP, WAKE UP. WE GOTTA GO TO SCHOOL" "Not now, Robin, I have still got half an hour until I gotta leave, I go to big boys school now." I said "Your lying" *Fires a ball of Fire at me* *I dodge and go invisible, sneak behind him and SMACK* "Owww, MUM, FREDORK JUST SMACKED ME!!!" said Robin "I told you, my names Fred!!!" Then, Robin leaves for school with our Mum "Finaly some peace" I say to myself while smiling I get completly ready for school, I then FLY to the train that I've got to catch. (This is where all our heros and sidekicks can meet!)
#30283843Wednesday, July 28, 2010 9:56 AM GMT

(Can I change my facts thing from dork to kind of avarage guy?)
#30284493Wednesday, July 28, 2010 10:29 AM GMT

Name: Tim Cooper 17 Gender: Male Power: Telekinesis, Flight Hero or Sidekick: Sidekick Personality: Friendly. Bio: Tim always looked towards becoming a Hero, his parent's tell him he's got the Hero kind of power, but turns out he isn't becoming a Hero yet. Appereance: Other: None.
#30284961Wednesday, July 28, 2010 10:57 AM GMT

Name: (Full name please.) Leslie Anne Dart (HIGH SCHOOL AGES PLEASE.) 15 Gender: ( Female or Male? ) Female Power: (TWO POWERS MAX.) i can enter peoples thoughts;telecenesis Hero or Sidekick: Side kick Personality: Freindly but my appearance useually scares others away. I am easy going and quiete around new people Bio:I dont know how i got my powers.....i am adopted and have great parents Appereance: Short messy black hair with blonde tips. Big blue eyes. Kneelength white strapless dress with gray converse Other: (Fun Facts? Etc.?)I got a b in biology last semester...
#30285106Wednesday, July 28, 2010 11:04 AM GMT

(OH and im 5 foot 8)
#30285200Wednesday, July 28, 2010 11:08 AM GMT

(You've got to kind of introduce yourself like me and Alice did.
#30285464Wednesday, July 28, 2010 11:19 AM GMT

(okey, what do i need to change?)
#30287169Wednesday, July 28, 2010 12:36 PM GMT

My makuakane (dad) was shaking me gently awake, smiling. He's an awesome dad, and luckily my younger brother lives in Maine with my mother. My makuakane grew up in Hawaii, so that's what we spoke in our household, though we both knew English. "Aloha Kakahiaka, lei aloha," he said as I stood up, then walked out of the room. I stepped in the shower, feeling the cold water wake me up. I got out and put my clothes on, a baby blue halter, white shorts, and a shark tooth necklace with three large teeth on it. My feet were bare, of course, and though I wasn't wet, I left puddles on the floor as always. "Kimora!" Makuakane (dad) called, and I smelled sweetbread and shredded coconut. I came down and took my seat across from him. "Mahalo," I said, then put a bit of powdered sugar on the sweetbread along with the shredded coconut. I finished eating, then brushed my teeth. I still smelled like coconuts and the beach, it was probably because of my powers. I put on some eyeliner and smoky eyeshadow, then grabbed my beige messenger bag with a starfish on it. "Aloha Au Ia 'Oe," my makuakane said as I walked out the door, rushing to the bus. "Nau ko'u aloha," I replied, smiling, then rushed down to the bus stop, my long wavy hair flying behind me like the wave of the ocean, to wait.
#30291475Wednesday, July 28, 2010 2:16 PM GMT

Thump thump thump my heart was the only thing I could hear. I waded through the chest high water. The darkness of the night enveloped the area, I couldn't see a thing. Thump thump thump. SPLAT paintball"Great" said Johnny next to me as he was shot coming out of the water "YEAH"I shout opening fire on the red team. Paintball the sport of...well anyone who likes hurting there friends with guns and being legal. "SCOTT" Someone yelled. Probably Mum (AKA miss nag yeah she can use the power of nagging)
#30333966Wednesday, July 28, 2010 11:00 PM GMT

(Accepted and accepted.) "Oi,squirt!"Gabby tapped me on the head. "Whnnt?"I said,my mouth full of food. "School bus is coming soon."She said. I rolled my eyes and wiped my mouth with my right arm sleeve. "Gross."Gabby commented. I continued my eye rolling. "Let's go."I said,grabbing a bottle of water along with me, "Bye mom!Bye dad!"Gabby and I shouted to our parents as we left. The returned with "Byes". We had a race to the bus stop. Of course,I lost. Mainly because Gabby used her powers. I didn't. You see,my power was to shape-shift,like my dad,except I could only shape-shift into mythological creatures. I couldn't really think of any creatures to turn into without the whole neighborhood seeing me. Witch craft+Shape-shifting = Mythological shape-shifting! Which was me. When I finally caught up to Gabby,I saw a girl about my age at the same bus stop we were supposed to wait at.
#30335250Wednesday, July 28, 2010 11:16 PM GMT

"What?" I say to my mum"Get out of that trench now" she ordered m friends somehow dissapering instantly. "You have 30 minutes to get changed and ready for school" she said. I sighed and touched the ground imersing myself in code and cancaling the simulation. Back in my room with no friends and no time to pack. Oh well I have a toaster to do that for me.
#30335534Wednesday, July 28, 2010 11:19 PM GMT

As he walked out the door his shadow "pet" flew into his backpack and popped his head out. Mekiki sighed as he continued walking. He moved branches out of his way as he stepped over roots as well. Having shadow people caring for you comes with a price. Can't have anybody seeing you're gone. After a while Mekiki finally reached the end of the forest. He fixed his tie and hat before heading off to the bus stop.
#30335767Wednesday, July 28, 2010 11:22 PM GMT

#30336331Wednesday, July 28, 2010 11:29 PM GMT

The toaster fell apart at my feet. Poor little guy. Oh well time to go to school.
#30337370Wednesday, July 28, 2010 11:42 PM GMT

Unknown is what Mekiki called this little shadow pet. Unknown was a pretty young shadow, only about three hundred thousand ol.d. Unknown took his hat and placed it on his head. Turning into a shadow of Mekiki. He took his hat back as he pushed Unknown into his backpack and zipped it shut. He couldn't handle what would happen if a mortal would lay eyes on him. After fixing his top hat for the third time today, he reached the bus stop.
#30337702Wednesday, July 28, 2010 11:46 PM GMT

"Aloha Kakahiaka," I said as people approached, waiting for the bus. They probably had no idea what I had said. "Good morning."