#30338176Wednesday, July 28, 2010 11:52 PM GMT

The passing security guards sparked Hannah's interest, so she decided to stick around to see what was going on. But first.. She slipped her hand into her purse and pulled out a delicate and thin cellphone. She tapped the touchscreen and it came to life, displaying the time. No messages, no missed calls, and she wasn't expected home for another hour. Good. She would have time to find out what was going on.
#30338861Thursday, July 29, 2010 12:01 AM GMT

~ 138. As I opened my eyes, I was stricken by the pure light. The next thing I felt was an unnatural cold. Not a simple "it's cold outside, wear a jacket" cold, but a cold that went down to the core of my being. I quickly became aware of the fact that I had done something wrong when I felt the barrel of a gun shoved into my back. I must have just come out of a cryopod, but what HAD I done wrong? Nothing came to mind. As a matter of fact, nothing at all came to mind. My name. My past. Everything: gone. Panic set in as I struggled against one of the security officers. He took the liberty to fire a low energy pulse at my leg, numbing it. I was forced along out of the shuttle with others. We all wore a similar gray and orange suit, with a mask covering our heads. One of the others looked at me bleakly as the guards went in for others. "We're dead. We're dead, and we didn't even do anything." He said to me in an undertone. "Who are 'we?'" I asked, still panicking. "We are-" He began. He was cut off by a security officer who shouted at him to shut up. As the final few came out of the ship, the door to it closed. The guards surrounded us and told us to move. We moved as a group, surrounded by the guards.
#30339230Thursday, July 29, 2010 12:05 AM GMT

Brooklyn raised herself to her feet and started to walk away towards the actual city, she noticed a couple of security guards. She glanced closer and noticed a woman, she couldn't quite figure the age, though she did look fancy compared to most in the landing area, she was about 5'7 or 5'8, Brooklyn started to move closer to see what they were doing, she was unsure why, but she needed to see what was going on, she just had some weird feeling. Brooklyn had a good distance of 15 feet from her and the girl, hopefully she would go unnoticed.
#30339930Thursday, July 29, 2010 12:14 AM GMT

Hannah's eyes narrowed as the security guards came back, now accompanied. If her father knew about this, he had been too busy to tell her, or it wasn't important enough to bother. She slipped and closer, and to a guard asked, "What's going on here?"
Top 100 Poster
#30340076Thursday, July 29, 2010 12:16 AM GMT

(Not even close, Taker.) Name: Arthur G. Burnett Gender: Male A|g|e: 24 -Credentials- :Registered Admiral of the Ninth Circle Royal Military (N.C.R.M) :Registered Captain of the Ninth Star class Destroyer R.M.S Dreadnought :Former Captain of First Star class Research Vessel R.E.S Atlantis ----- Weapons: N.C.R.M Official Captains Sidearm (Customized Zecom Gunslinger. Higher energy output but higher energy consumption.) Inventory: Captain's Keycard, N.C.R.M Genetic Identification Card. (G.I.C), Small photo of his sister (Which he lost when her Cruiser was set for a crash course into a supermassive black-hole) Personality: Quiet, rather apathetic, is energetic at some points in time. Appearance- Height: '6 "1 Weight: 142 LB Muscle Mass: Light/Medium Build. Skin tone: Pale white, Caucasian. Hair color: Dark brown, hazel like. Eye coloring: Dark Green. Birthmarks/Tattoos/Scars/Burns: N.C.R.M Shock Trooper Tattoo on his Left arm, specialty "ThunderStorm" style Apparel: Regular Admiral uniform, nothing really special. :/ --------------- Bio:[Higher Authorization level required.] (I like revealing the history of characters as I go..)
#30340504Thursday, July 29, 2010 12:21 AM GMT

(Didn't get that one Astelath.)
#30340834Thursday, July 29, 2010 12:24 AM GMT

A guard slowed down (probably the leader), as did the others. The group halted. A rich, elitist-looking girl was standing, talking to one of the guards. I slowly edged towards the outside of the group, a plan beginning to form in my head. As a guard to the left side of the one talking to the girl turned to talk to another guard, I moved between the two and removed the pistol from the leader's holster and placed it to the girl's head in one quick movement. "Lower your guns. One move and she dies." I told the guards. They lowered their weapons. "Drop them." I ordered. They did so.
#30341051Thursday, July 29, 2010 12:27 AM GMT

(Just for the heck of it..) Name: Prisoner 183. Gender: Male. A|g|e: 22. Job: None. Weapons: None. Inventory: None. Personality: Very curious, a get-to-the-point kind of person. Appearance: The average prisoner outfit. Bio: The witness of a mass murder at 16, the man who committed the murder shoved the gun in his hand, and ran. He stood in shock as the police came and falsley arrested him. He was in cryostasis until they rudely woke him up, and shoved him with the other prisoners.
Top 100 Poster
#30341137Thursday, July 29, 2010 12:28 AM GMT

(Awehhg....) "Captain, permission to speak freely?" "Mills, I told you already, call me Arthur. And yes, you always have permission." "Sorry captain, I mean, Ahhhh...Nevermind..." Arthur chuckled as Mills was confused by the personality of the captain. Most captains were strict, ruthless, some as far as to say cruel.
#30341378Thursday, July 29, 2010 12:31 AM GMT

Brooklyn was out of hearing distance, but she saw the gun placed against the woman's head. She pulled her gun out and aimed. "Gun down!" Brooklyn shouted charging at the man to get within a good firing range if needed. Brooklyn was unsure of what was happening but she did not want anyone getting hurt, this had happened before, she didn't need to see it again.
#30341693Thursday, July 29, 2010 12:34 AM GMT

"You won't shoot at me." I said. "If they're going to lay down their guns, she's obviously worth too much."
#30341870Thursday, July 29, 2010 12:37 AM GMT

"I can click the trigger anytime I feel like it, it doesn't make a difference to me." Brooklyn replied trying to sound tough even though she knew how hard it would be to pull the trigger. She stared at the mysterious guy, he obviously had some guts.
Top 100 Poster
#30341991Thursday, July 29, 2010 12:38 AM GMT

(It's probably going to be awhile before anyone gets to the dreadnought or to Arthur, isn't it? -_-)
#30342059Thursday, July 29, 2010 12:39 AM GMT

"Really?" I remarked, smiling. I loved being in control of the situation. "If you fired at me, my hand would involuntarily clench. The gun would then fire a pulse of energy and kill this girl instantly. You would have to live with the guilt of her death."
#30342351Thursday, July 29, 2010 12:42 AM GMT

"You would die knowing that you killed somebody." Brooklyn said hoping it would make a difference. She felt bad for the girl, her life was on the line, she had no control over anything. Brooklyn momentarily checked for the safety, she had forgotten, it was on.
#30342496Thursday, July 29, 2010 12:44 AM GMT

A million swears and insults formed in Hannah's head the minute he pointed the gun. It was an immature thing to do, insulting the person who was pointing a gun at her, but she thought it nonetheless. And now security had dropped their weapons. She decided to speak. "But you wouldn't shoot me now, anyway. If I was dead, the guards would be able to kill you. So obviously you're after something and you need an innocent person for it."
#30342611Thursday, July 29, 2010 12:45 AM GMT

(Is my prisoner accepted, Firruu?)
#30343000Thursday, July 29, 2010 12:49 AM GMT

"Oh, if it came down to it, I wouldn't hesitate." I grabbed her arm and began to push her towards a smaller ship that was docked. I looked back. "If you follow us, I'll kill her."
Top 100 Poster
#30343331Thursday, July 29, 2010 12:53 AM GMT

"Sir, were reading a transmission from a N.C.R.M Sector, seems like a un-owned N.C.R.M building. Most likely a prison station." "Maybe It's an alarm?" "I don't know. Could be just us intercepting their radio traffic." The thought of a prison breakout was somewhat awkward to Arthur, he has no memory of a prison breakout in the last 10 years. Most of them were probably covered up..
#30343445Thursday, July 29, 2010 12:54 AM GMT

Ship Sheet: Name: The Odyssey Captain: Luke Luttingham Class: Fighter Crew: 1 Armaments: Pulse cannon on the bottom of the ship, and a couple tactical warheads. Description: Very small ship, has one room in front for the pilot and one in back for cargo. Character Sheet: Name: Luke Luttingham Gender: Male A|g|e: 24 Jo.b: Bou.nty H.unter because I am feeling very unoriginal. W/eapons: Guns.linger Inventory: Pocket Lint, Wallet, Piece of Paper. Personality: Clever, Quiet, Observative. Ap.pearance: Brown hair, green eyes, pale, lanky, wears a brown jacket, which he keeps his gun under, a white shirt, and brown pants. Bio:-Enter Passcode- (Urm. Same as Astelath.)
#30344122Thursday, July 29, 2010 1:01 AM GMT

Hannah scowled and swore under her breath. She could try and break his grasp and run - and probably get shot. Fighting was probably a no. She wasn't exactly trained, and didn't have any weapons. So she walked, waiting for the right moment to get away.
#30344539Thursday, July 29, 2010 1:05 AM GMT

(Does that happen to be my fighter, Firruu?)
#30344564Thursday, July 29, 2010 1:05 AM GMT

(Accepted, Lightning.) When we reached the small ship, I realized that it was a medical shuttle. Fortunate, because the little ships were light and fast. I pushed the girl in and followed suit myself.
#30344735Thursday, July 29, 2010 1:07 AM GMT

"Hand on hand, fight me or are you a coward?" Brooklyn questioned the man heading the other way. Hopefully he was not as tough as he looked.
#30344745Thursday, July 29, 2010 1:07 AM GMT

(Nevermind then.)