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#30843978Wednesday, August 04, 2010 3:37 PM GMT

I finally got around to posting this, :D. First off, no tl;dr please. It's rude. You read it all or you don't play, as the info in this post is vital to gameplay. Also, if you are going to play, make sure you at least go through the thread and read every post that has UPDATE! at the beginning. --------------------------------------- Character Sheet (First try it without the dots, and if that doesn't work, with them.) --------------------------------------- Nam.e: (Nothing too complicated please. And no using Henix, Hennian, or Leeon. They are my trademark names.) Gender: A.ge: (Keep it below 40 please.) Appearance: Clothing: (Keep it within ROBLOX Rules. And ROBLOX does rule.) Alignment: (Human or Dark. Nothing in between at the moment.) Bio: (Put things about your characters backstory here, along with any extra traits that he/she has.) Powers: (Come up with 'em. Must be approved by me, and if I approve them, I will give you a full Power Sheet to put in the post with your character sheet, just to show what it does.) Usable Weapons: (What weapons your character is any good with. No Chainsaws/Plasma Saws) Weapons: (Weapons/items your character has at the start of the RP. Again, no Chainsaws/Plasma Saws) --------------------------------------- Story --------------------------------------- In the year 2050, a series of Nuclear explosions turned the Earth into a wasteland. This disaster was dubbed "Doomsday". But on May 2nd, 2093, almost 50 years after that very disaster, something even worse occurs. A black meteor struck the Earth, covering the already barren wasteland with darkness, and sending out many dangerous creatures out to destroy, pillage, and kill. 3 months later, me and a few of my friends are a few of the only hundreds of survivors. Everyone else? Dead, or evil dark creatures. I'm Henix, and this is pure Hell. -Henix, August 3rd, 2093 --------------------------------------- Henix's CS --------------------------------------- Nam.e: Henix (duh) Gender: Male (Also duh.) A.ge: 21 Appearance: Multiple scars on face, arms, and torso. Clothing: Red shirt, black pants with several holes. Alignment: Human Bio: Short temper, worked as a gunnery seargent for a year, knows his way around the Earth. Powers: Teleport (Self explanatory.), Light Control. Usable Weapons: Any and all melee weapons, most handguns. Weapons: Acid laced double bladed sword, Uzi, Sniper, many Platinum bullets. Light Control (Basic) Allows the user to control light for fighting, healing, and several other purposes. Also allows the user to leap much higher. Doesn't do much damage, but can be used multiple times per second and can even slow down time temporarily. Double damage against Dark Creatures. --------------------------------------- Dark Creature Types (Current) --------------------------------------- Grunt Does minor damage 3 health for level 1 Simply goes up to a character and whacks him/her once, then backs up. Archer Does minor damage, shots can be deflected by Platinum or Light shields. 5 health for level 1, 20 for boss level 1 Sends a bolt of light at a character... That's odd, but it explains why you can deflect it with Light Control. Brute Does medium damage 25 health for level 1, 100 for boss level 1 Beats up the character with it's giant fists, and will sometimes slam the ground. Rapid Gunner Minor damage, makes up for that with machine gun fire that can be deflected. 30 health for level 1, 120 for boss level 1 Simply fires a steady stream of light bolts at the character. --------------------------------------- Other Info --------------------------------------- If you get a Dark Creature with a level higher than one, take the level one health and multiply it by the actual level. Platinum is known as the "Metal of the Light", which is why it does more damage to Dark Creatures than any other metal. If you use any light-based attack against a Dark Creature, you will do 2x damage.
#30844767Wednesday, August 04, 2010 3:49 PM GMT

Ooops, I forgot to put in the rules! -------------------------------------- Rules -------------------------------------- 1. No ubering or godmodding. 1a. No chainsaws or Plasma Saws unless I say so. 1b. No pulling, say, an RPG-7 out of nowhere. 1c. No explosives unless they're ABSOLUTELY required. 1d. I decide when explosives are required. 2. I am the only admin here. 2a. Admins may only ban, warn, and play. No other privilieges. 3. No romance beyond kissing. 4. FOLLOW ROBLOX RULES! <-- Absolutely required. 5. Don't complain about the rules. Ever. I may or may not add to these.
#30845328Wednesday, August 04, 2010 3:57 PM GMT

Making CS...
#30845688Wednesday, August 04, 2010 4:03 PM GMT

Nam.e: Benji Hawkens™ Gender: M A.ge: 13 Appearance: Brown hair, green eyes, pale skin. Clothing: "PETA: People Eating Taisty Animals" shirt, torn blue jeans, black fedora, black and green DC's Alignment: Hooman. Bio: N/A Powers: Very good at talking, persuading, and just getting what I want with words. Usable Weapons: Two icepicks. Weapons: (Energy Sword xP) Icepicks... T_T
#30861818Wednesday, August 04, 2010 7:37 PM GMT

Er, your power isn't a real power. Please put an actual power there.
#30862115Wednesday, August 04, 2010 7:41 PM GMT

New Enemy! Smasher Does major damage 100 health for level 1, 400 for boss level 1 A more rare Dark Creature, this guy does huge damage and is the beserker of the Dark Creatures. Also, THERE IS NO NEUTRAL! That means either Human or Dark, no other option yet. (Meaning no Hooman!)
#30862867Wednesday, August 04, 2010 7:50 PM GMT

I'll join but Im trying to find a loop-hole somewhere.
#30863102Wednesday, August 04, 2010 7:52 PM GMT

Why? It seems to have magiacl powers for me.
#30920291Thursday, August 05, 2010 2:31 PM GMT

That's a trait. Put it in bio, not powers.
#31083324Saturday, August 07, 2010 3:03 PM GMT

Bump. Why is no one posting? Is it because of the daunting length of the first post?
#31087441Saturday, August 07, 2010 4:15 PM GMT

Name: Aénex Gender: Male A.ge: 19 Appearance: Blonde hair, blue eyes, tannned, tall Clothing: Gold/red waistcoat, khaki shorts, light beige sandals, ocean necklace, sun ring Alignment: Human Bio: To be revealed. Powers: Light magic(Light is my life...), Water Magic(Is a clsoe second...) Usable Weapons: Swords, Bow and arrows Weapons: One handed sword, bow and arrows
#31101305Saturday, August 07, 2010 7:48 PM GMT

Nam.e: Ace Gender: Male A.ge: 18 Appearance:medium tall Clothing: Black sneakers, Black skinny pants, black shirt with black jacket, bandit hat with classic fedora Alignment: Human Bio: I came to Earth as a messed up science expieriment. I was made for good not evil. Some think me evil but i am a good guy. Powers: Fly and can run at the speed up light. Also can bend fire Usable Weapons: Flaming sword and flamethrower Weapons: (Said all my weapons in the Usual Weapons section.
#31101396Saturday, August 07, 2010 7:50 PM GMT

*Walks through forest looking for grunts* Ace: Theres one!
#31101476Saturday, August 07, 2010 7:51 PM GMT

*The Grunt spots Ace and attacks* *Ace block and kills the Grunt*
#31101787Saturday, August 07, 2010 7:55 PM GMT

*Sees a smasher and hides while thinking of a strategy to defeat it*
#31103379Saturday, August 07, 2010 8:16 PM GMT

(I think you have to get accepted first.)
#31105308Saturday, August 07, 2010 8:42 PM GMT

(o ya forgot about that Sorry)
#31107106Saturday, August 07, 2010 9:06 PM GMT

Nam.e: Luxa Green. (Pronounced- Loox-uh.) Gender: Female. A.ge: 20. Appearance:Luxa has a thin-but-not-very-thin face, with hollow cheeks. She has dark violet eyes, that in the dark, glow. Her lip, and eyebrow are pierced. She has very pale skin. Her long, silvery-blonde hair falls to the small of her back. It's usually in a braid down her back. Her bangs, which fall over her right eye, have a faint, VERY faint, blue streak in them. Also, she has a scar that runs from her right ear, and curls all around her arm, down to the tip of her right index finger. Clothing: She wears a gray tank-top, black "Super Skinny" jeans, gray cowhide boots that make her footsteps oh-so quiet. Over one hand, she wears a black finger-less glove. She has a black, silver-studded belt with two holsters on each side for her knives. Alignment: Human. Bio: Luxa had lost her memory last year, at age nineteen, so she doesn't remember anything, really. She's quiet, shy, but sometimes brave. Powers:She has the power of "Seeing Scents". She can smell anything, even the color of a person's shirt that is about a half-mile away. She also knows how to use Echo-Location, as a bat could. Usable Weapons: She's a master at archery, and quite good at using her knives. Weapons: She carrys a home-made "Old Fashioned"- as some would say.- bow. She carrys 12 black-shafted arrows in a quiver that hangs over her left shoulder. Also, she has the two knives on her belt.
#31156798Sunday, August 08, 2010 3:08 PM GMT

Much better. All of you are accepted. Now, one thing I forgot to mention is that you can either be a Dark Creature hostage (For Henix to rescue when the RP officially starts), already be with Henix, or be somewhere else trying to survive alone, for humans alone. Also, new enemies: Master Obliterator Will do enormous damage if you allow it to 500 health for level 1, 750 health for boss level 1 (Past Smasher the default boss level 1 health is 1.5x multiplier instead of 4x) Will do 4 different attacks: 1. Fire a single, powerful bullet at you. 2. Get close and belly slam you (Ouch! Though if you dodge, the MO will take damage instead!) 3. Send out a tall and powerful shockwave by slamming it's six fists into the ground. 4. Swing up to 3 fists at you, all of which have rather long arms. (Ace's ability is useful against this, along with outrunning and dodging all the other attacks) Destructor Let's just say if you get hit by this thing you're pretty much dead 250 health for level 1, 900 health for boss level 1 (First encounter is a boss.) Can do every single attack all the other Dark Creatures below it can, but much stronger. And you don't wanna get hit by it's body slam. It can also chuck other Dark Creatures at you. And it's huge. (Like 250-500 feet tall, and that in width. And it has 12 arms.) My suggestion? Avoid Destructors AT ALL COSTS if they're higher than a level 5/boss level 2.
#31435590Wednesday, August 11, 2010 10:55 PM GMT

From the 12th to the 16th, I am going to be on vacation. Please refrain from posting here (Except for character sheets and the following new feature!) until I get back. Thank you. Now, on a more happy note, you can now give your character a Power State. Now you're probably asking, "What's a power state?" A Power State is a state in which your character has twice the power he/she had in his/her regular State. However, your characters can only enter their Power State once certain conditions are met, and they have to be semi-extreme. For example, when the character goes insane with rage, like Henix's Power State. (I'm revealing the plot bit by bit, aren't I?) Power States don't last forever, unfortunately. There are also Super Power States. These are sort of like Super forms from Sonic the Hedgehog games; you require specific items to go to the form and then require certain OTHER items just to maintain that state. These forms can also be changed into a Fleetway form, where the character is truely insane with power. However, when in Fleetway form, you yourself cannot control the character; since he/she is insane with power, they do whatever the hell they wanna do. (Meaning I control them!) ---Power/Super/Super Fleetway Power State Sheet--- N.ame of State: (Put the name of the state here. For example, Whiteflame Henix.) Bonuses: (The bonuses this state has. Max 5x for Power, 10x for Super, and 15x for Super Fleetway, plus a pre-approved special trait. For example, 4.75x bonus, leaves a trail of white flames when moving at super fast speed) Speed: (The speed your character can move in this state. For example, 1 lightyear per year, which would mean your character can move at the speed of light. If higher than a lightyear per yer, must be approved by me.) State Type: (Power, Super, or Super Fleetway) State Conditions: (Conditions your character must be under to use this state. Must be preapproved.) State Objects: (What is required to use this state for Super/Super Fleetway, along with what is needed to keep it running. If this is a Power State, leave this blank or remove it.) Powerdown Methods and Effects: (How the character can power down, and what effects occur after the character powers down.) Appearance: (Any extra appearance stuffs.) ---Henix's Sheet's--- N.ame of State: Whiteflame Henix Bonuses: 4.75x, leaves a trail of white flame when moving at superfast speeds. Speed: 1 LPY (Lightyear per year) State Type: Power State Conditions: Extreme Rage State Objects: None Powerdown Methods and Effects: Getting hit by drain beam, destroying everything in sight, or being kissed by Heria. (Who's that? You'll find out.) After powering down, Henix is 12% stronger for three minutes. Appearance: Has white flames curling around his body, slightly ripped clothes. Creates huge explosion consisting 75% of light, 20% rage, 2.5% pure rage, 2.25% purer rage, and 0.25% fire when going from normal to Whiteflame. N.ame of State: Supremelight Henix Bonuses: Speed: 1 LPY + 250 MPH (250 MPH OVER 1 lightyear per year.) State Type: Super State Conditions: Surrounded by darkness and nothing else to do. (Runs on 5:00 minutes though.) State Objects/Time: 3 Light Gems, uses pure light to fuel the State. If there is no pure light left, Henix will powerdown. Powerdown Methods and Effects: Having no pure light (Not regular light, PURE light. And not the thing Henix and Heria pick up in the beginning to extend the- OOPS! I just gave away part of the plot. AGAIN. Pure light is made simply by flinging light at someone and them deflecting it, followed by you deflecting it, and just it going back and forth until it solidifies into pure light.) Appearance: Let's just say he gets covered in pure light. ---I spy a new character!--- Nam.e: Heria Gender: Female A.ge: 20 Appearance: Multiple scars like Henix Clothing: Blue T-Shirt and red pants. Alignment: Human Bio: To be revealed! Powers: Light Control, Super Speed (Without using Light Control to speed up), Perfect Assassination, Magnetism Usable Weapons: Throwing Knives, Swords, most handguns, Shurikens (No, she's not a ninja) Weapons: 4 throwing knives, sword, Uzi, 4 Shurikens Perfect Assassination (Basic) Sends the character foward at blinding speeds, smashing any enemies in the way. Whiteflame Henix automatically performs this move when moving fast enough. Heavy Light Element damage, 2 LPY speed. (THAT'S FAST!) Does TRIPLE damage to Dark Creatures Magnetism Automatically draws any objects thrown by the character back to them if they wish so. Does no damage, as it's not an attacking power. --- As you can see, Heria has an extremely useful power: Perfect Assassination. It does about 150 damage to regular enemies and 450 damage to Dark Creatures. It's beyond useful, especially since she moves so fast when using it. It's impossible to dodge without slowing down time.
Top 25 Poster
#31437744Wednesday, August 11, 2010 11:24 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
Top 25 Poster
#31442098Thursday, August 12, 2010 12:17 AM GMT

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#31442789Thursday, August 12, 2010 12:24 AM GMT

Yes, you did. And the not allowing replies to posts is intentional, as if I didn't lock the posts, every single post would have "Update!" or "FYI:" at the beginning. (Blame the idiots that make up about 35-75% of all people.)
#31442982Thursday, August 12, 2010 12:26 AM GMT

Also, didn't you join one of my other roleplays?
Top 25 Poster
#31482328Thursday, August 12, 2010 2:30 PM GMT

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