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#30904861Thursday, August 05, 2010 5:34 AM GMT

So, you're Exiled. Exiled for one simple reason. There's something different about you. Powers that you can't even hope to comprehend the cause of. And how you look. Your hair, your eyes, unnatural. Reminiscent of your power. It's as if you were just born this way. If you were even born at all. No one seems to remember anything other than being an Exile. You all currently live in a small town, going through the day to night difficult process of survival. How do you expect to live in peace, you don't deserve it. You're just an Exile. Your days are haunted by almost constant attacks from Purists. Those who believe Exiles are scum. Sometimes you think about rebelling against the Purists, but no one ever dares to try, anymore. The last ones that rebelled mysteriously disappeared. No one knows where they are now. But that's not your job to question, is it? You're just an Exile. But some once again try to rebel. Are you on of the few who dare too? Will you disappear like the others? This is your decision. Your only decision. Because you're an Exile. Just a simple Exile. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Setting: READ PLEASE Same as today. Except, the world is run by one all powerful government. All you need to know. As to say, the Purists won't be attacking you with swords or bows or anything. Sorry. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Powers: The basics, folks. You only get one. Fire, water, air and earth. Choose wisely. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Sheet: Na­me: Ag­e: 10-17 Gender: Power: Appearance: (It'll be based off your power. See how my eyes are red? Fire. I have fiery colored hair. I dress in reddish colors. But clothing color is optional, I just thought It'd be better to. You don't have too. You get the idea.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My CS: N­ame: Mokie Remmington (Sorry, everyone who's seen me use this before. He's my signature character, he's gonna be everywhere.) A­ge: 17 Gender: Male Power: Fire Appearance: Slightly tan, red eyes, long fiery orange hair. Tall. Wears a dark red jacket, and a dark orange shirt. Dark red jeans. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: - Powers develop over time. Start out only being able to use say, for fire, only being able to use your fingers as say, lighters.
#30904911Thursday, August 05, 2010 5:35 AM GMT

IMPORTANT I have a rule I enforce if you're in one of my RPs, is to bookmark the thread and check back occasionally to see if you need to make a post in it. Also, because I've had people completely forget about the RP after it isn't posted on for say, a day.
#30905010Thursday, August 05, 2010 5:38 AM GMT

Na­me: Tommy Chester Ag­e: 13 Gender: M Power: Water Appearance: Tall, wears a neatly pressed suit, Blue eyes, Brown hair, always smells a bit damp (only at begginging, it will go away)
#30905050Thursday, August 05, 2010 5:39 AM GMT

(Great! Now for the others.)
Top 50 Poster
#30905233Thursday, August 05, 2010 5:43 AM GMT

('Ello) Na­me: Otis Ag­e: 16 Gender: Male Power: Earth Appearance: Really tall, about 7'6, with a stretched out body of sorts. Extremely gaunt and skinny. Pale. Bright green eyes. Black ruffled hair.
#30905282Thursday, August 05, 2010 5:45 AM GMT

(I'm kind of overwhelmed by the amount of people who are joining this!)
Top 50 Poster
#30905360Thursday, August 05, 2010 5:46 AM GMT

(That's like saying catching 3 fish is alot of fish. It isn't alot of fish, it's just it's rare you get alot.)
#30905399Thursday, August 05, 2010 5:47 AM GMT

(I actually have 5! While the most I've ever had was around 3.)
#30905421Thursday, August 05, 2010 5:48 AM GMT

(I'll make this quick, and probably start tommorow morning) Na­me: Jeremy Ag­e: 11 Gender: Male Power: Earth Appearance: Mischieveous hazel brown eyes, light brown hair (unless his hair is wet, it turns really dark, almost black) at an average height, 4 foot 9, very skinny and pale
Top 50 Poster
#30905423Thursday, August 05, 2010 5:48 AM GMT

(That was a metaphorical statement, I didn't mean it literally.)
Top 50 Poster
#30905508Thursday, August 05, 2010 5:51 AM GMT

(Did you understand what that meant?)
#30905511Thursday, August 05, 2010 5:51 AM GMT

(Yeah, I realize this. I meant that I had 5 members of this RP. Also, I wasn't even really planning for anything to actually happen tonight. Maybe a few posts documenting character interaction, but that was about it.)
Top 50 Poster
#30905539Thursday, August 05, 2010 5:52 AM GMT

(I've had around 6-8 people on a really famous thread called Mortune. Doubt anyone knows about it anymore)
#30905622Thursday, August 05, 2010 5:54 AM GMT

(Anyone going to start? I'd like maybe a bit of character interaction tonight.)
#30905685Thursday, August 05, 2010 5:56 AM GMT

* I rose out of a lake, it had been two hours since they gave up their search* Was I really the only one out there? No, there must be more I said
Top 50 Poster
#30905746Thursday, August 05, 2010 5:58 AM GMT

I was in a forest, my paleish skin somewhat hiding me. I felt like I was getting paler and taller each day. I was looking around if anyone saw me.
#30905810Thursday, August 05, 2010 5:59 AM GMT

The night was cold, I kind of wished I hadnt jumped in the water, I was dripping wet, add to the fact taht people are trying to kill me, leaving a trail of water in a summers night wasnt all that good, i decided to keep walking, when suddenly, i walked into a large figure (Charcater interaction point)
#30905833Thursday, August 05, 2010 6:00 AM GMT

(Planning to find the little town? I had originally meant for everyone to already be there, but this is also a great idea.) I sat on my bed, practicing. Lighting fire from my fingertips, then quickly extinguishing it. I couldn't do much now, but with more practice I could be able to create fire from my whole hand, instead of just my fingertips.
Top 50 Poster
#30905855Thursday, August 05, 2010 6:01 AM GMT

I felt something cold and wet bump up against me. I looked down and saw someone else. "Hello" I said. My voice seemed kind of raspy.
#30905895Thursday, August 05, 2010 6:02 AM GMT

I was about to strike the figure, but a calm Hello came form it Even though it was a bad idea, I asked the person : Are you an exile.. Like me?
#30905949Thursday, August 05, 2010 6:03 AM GMT

I looked out the window. Night already. I suppose I could take a walk outside town now, the Purists only attacked in the day, after all. I stood up and went out the door, it was almost pitch black. I lit a fire to use as a light. I noticed it was burning stronger than it normally did.
Top 50 Poster
#30905962Thursday, August 05, 2010 6:04 AM GMT

I looked down at him. I was wearing brown shorts with a black t-shirt, but the shirt and shorts were torn. My ribs showed. "Yea" I said. I felt terrible. I knelt down to get a better view of the new person. "Your name?"
#30906063Thursday, August 05, 2010 6:06 AM GMT

T-Tommy I said shyly, almost forgetting that Purists might still be after me We have to move I said... The purists, they are after me, They could be following us here any second now
#30906084Thursday, August 05, 2010 6:07 AM GMT

I slowly walked down the dirt path that we used as a road. The stars shone bright. I walked through the arch we used as the way to get through the walls that protected our town. I quietly stepped through the night, guiding myself into the forest that bordered our town.
#30906121Thursday, August 05, 2010 6:08 AM GMT

But before the man could react, i heard a twig snap, I bolted for it I knew it I said i knew it

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