#35217229Sunday, October 10, 2010 3:36 PM GMT

-Earth Impoldes completly, Sending a massive ripple through the solar system, SAIDE herself fely it, all the while, A small drone had discovered A betifiul oceanic world, As it teted the water...
#35227189Sunday, October 10, 2010 6:08 PM GMT

Ives is sitting in his office,a man walks in. "Hello?" Ives said,the man hit him in the head with a brick,and dragged him out side.Ives was threw into a car he tried to get out and the man hit him with a ak-47 to the head. "Arggh" Screamed ives,after fifty minutes of driving threw streets of Gangs,Rebels and Terriosts attacking everyone he was threw on the floor,The man stood on his head. Ives woke up to a crowd of people cheering,he is tied of to a pole.A camera is facing him and a man shoots him in the head,His brains are ripped out the side of his head. It is put on International TV.
#35228088Sunday, October 10, 2010 6:22 PM GMT

-SAIDE had turned Mars into a Drone Nexus. Mass producing An Armada of Drones to launch a mas invasion once a drone discovered one of the planets those 'Insects' fled to-
#35228229Sunday, October 10, 2010 6:24 PM GMT

Telibi Rebel Leader takes charge.
#35230016Sunday, October 10, 2010 6:51 PM GMT

-She then released a Swarm of Scanner Drones to follow up where the original search crew had failed. While it didn't, Because as the drone on the oceanic world flew about, it discovered abnormal amounts of afterburn. It then Deployed an Aquarius Scout to go under and see what that was from-
#35231753Sunday, October 10, 2010 7:15 PM GMT

The ronidians carriers were 95% of the distance. The ronidians on alpha centuari continued setting up. They began to research some ion cannons which will take 3 pages. in the mean time,scouts and cruisers and even some battleships are being built to defend ourselves.
#35231991Sunday, October 10, 2010 7:18 PM GMT

-Currently, The Long Sword and Excalibur were Ready to warp to the only Solid location they knew one of the escapees were, traveling at 3/4ths the speed of light, they would reach their target within 2 days, from using fold space technology-
#35232463Sunday, October 10, 2010 7:24 PM GMT

The ronidian carriers reached alpha centuari. The mothership is found to have a radioactive hole that the nanobots inside repaired,but the drones radioactivity things were very powerful eating through some of the motherships parts. Now that it has landed,it is quickly repaired and replaced. It wont take long to finish the rest of it.
#35232876Sunday, October 10, 2010 7:30 PM GMT

-As the Royal Fleet Began the Double Rev Jump Engine, The Scouter Drone reported a possible discovery...-
#35233021Sunday, October 10, 2010 7:32 PM GMT

Ronidia Sets up factories to build lots of robots for our army. We'll need them. We also begin to produce nanobots in other areas other than the mothership.
#35233223Sunday, October 10, 2010 7:35 PM GMT

-As the Electrode Shields Powered up, they were tested by hurling a poor, poor spy bot at it, It Was vaporized on contact, The Fleets engines then turned very blue, as the warp bubble appeared at the engine, it then jumped into warp, as it quickly gunned for alpha centauri-
#35234356Sunday, October 10, 2010 7:51 PM GMT

SCANNERS DETECT SAIDE FORCES. "oh god already?" The ronidians are put on high alert. the mothership is finished enough for combat, about 80% ready.enough to fight effectively. The cruisers and other ships we already have are launched to defend.
#35234755Sunday, October 10, 2010 7:56 PM GMT

-The Ships Slip in, They Dwarved the 'mothership'. As the Super Cruisers defend Both Omicron Cruisers, they Begin Charging The Mass Driver, and begin Aiming both M.D's at the Mothership, Both M.D's are very well capable of easily destroying earths moon to small shards-
#35235040Sunday, October 10, 2010 8:01 PM GMT

[you do know mass drivers are basically bullet weapons specially made for spaceships? That is what it means in galactic civilaizations 2,anyways.] The mothership charges its main weapon... a huge lazor... The cruisers and scouts and the other ships we built in the time we had fire at the supercruisers. some suicide into them. meanwhile,evacuation was underway in ronidia. Again. They gathered everyone they could in colony ships. they would quickly leave for somewhere else. The mothership and others did not stand a chance. they would have to leave.
#35235884Sunday, October 10, 2010 8:13 PM GMT

(Theres many different Varients of it, Mines Plasmodic, So it eats through metal like the acid did....) -The Mass Driver was ready on the excalibur, Shields at max, As Frigates began to attack the mothership;s weapons, not noticing the laser, But they began attacking its Auxillery, or main, Engines-
#35236051Sunday, October 10, 2010 8:15 PM GMT

The laser charged quite quickly... HOLY WHAT THE- The mothership fired its huge laser and began moving the beam around devestating super cruisers with ease. then it moved the beam over the excalibur.
#35236317Sunday, October 10, 2010 8:20 PM GMT

-The Excaliburs Shields Drained Exponentially, As the beam Slammed, The AI knew the Excalibur had only one choise, It Fired The M.D, Slamming into The Laser Projector, It Completly destroyed the Motherships weapon, but the excalibur was too heavily damaged from firing while being attacked, as it began to be pulled in by the planet, the Cordata AI Veered the Ship to Slam into the Mother ship, Due to the Excaliburs Size, It was impossible to dodge, Evacuation, or death...-
#35237207Sunday, October 10, 2010 8:32 PM GMT

The MD projectile is in the lasers beam and it barely hits the motherships weapon. It only weakens the beam a little and it began to fire at the long sword. All colony ships suddenly head out,FAST.
#35237503Sunday, October 10, 2010 8:36 PM GMT

-The Massive, 7 Mile Long, 2 Mile Wide Excalibur, Was about50 feet from slamming into the mothership-
#35237589Sunday, October 10, 2010 8:37 PM GMT

-The longsword, Being more advanced, Barely feels the Beam at all, And even more so, Fires Its MD at the Side of the mothership, Not at the beam.-
#35238023Sunday, October 10, 2010 8:43 PM GMT

The mothership had other weapons too. lots of missiles were fired at the longsword. The colony ships escaped successfully.
#35238137Sunday, October 10, 2010 8:45 PM GMT

-The Missles Were shot by Surviving Frigates, Before the Mother ship was then Smashed In a Horrific way by the excalibur and was now being dragged down towards the planet, both ships were going to crash-
#35238552Sunday, October 10, 2010 8:50 PM GMT

the mothership self destructed itself. a huge explosion could be seen by the colony ships that had left. it was bright and large. the shockwave sent the long sword reeling.
#35238768Sunday, October 10, 2010 8:53 PM GMT

-The Longsword had a Subtle Power Surge in the Lounge, Resting facility and thrust system, but shielding remained strong, as the excalibur, still whole by some ungodly means, plummeted for the ground, which its 100 Fusion Reactors Would Explode creating a shockwave so p[owerfull, The Longsword would be pushed back, as it tore through the atmosphere, the excalibur crased into the planet, in about 4 minutes, the reactors would overload and explode...-
#35239035Sunday, October 10, 2010 8:57 PM GMT

The colony ships headed for a different system, Omega nine,which was much further away,and much safer. it would take 5 pages to reach.