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#30989862Friday, August 06, 2010 7:30 AM GMT

I have lived 18 years, and yet... I have not had a normal life. My parents vanished when I was 5 and I lived with my Uncle, till I was 16. Till he vanished. So ever since then I have been alone and to make it even more bad, I am the only one of my kind. I am taking shelter in a large town in North America. Its really normal here, for once. Wich is good. Cause thats all I've ever wanted. But people are freaking out, because people have seen me in my Phantom form. No one really believes in the Phantom, but yet I am the Phantom. Its just a so called Myth... _______________________________________________________________ Vampire High story: All the girls in the school have changed into Vampires. No one knows about this. Not even the Phantom. Not one single boy is a vampire. _______________________________________________________________ Character sheet: Nam.e: Ag.e: Male or Female: Appearance: Personality: Bio: ______________________________________________________________ Rules: -Only girls can start of as Vampires. -I might let a few human girls. -My character is the Phantom. -You can only become a vampire if you have been biten by one. -You need permission before you bite someone. -No Ubering like "I grabed teh nuekz and droped it on teh Phantom to killz iet!" -No God-Modding like "I got ma head cut of and I lived" -Vampires can be killed by the Phantom since the Phantom is stronger, but when the Phantom is out numbered he can't take them all. -Low level roman.ce is alowwed. -No characters below 14. -We have two parts to this story: The Phantom: Vampire High (This one). The Phantom: Taken over. I might add a 3rd story called The Phantom: Inner Darkness. -Have fun!
#30989932Friday, August 06, 2010 7:34 AM GMT

This is just a copy of a RP that was posted...I think it was yesterday.
#30990366Friday, August 06, 2010 7:55 AM GMT

Nam.e: Eclipse Collings Ag.e: 16 Male or Female: Female Appearance:straight Jet black hair that reaches shoulders and bangs cover left eye,hazel eyes during the day and blood reds eyes during the night,pale skin,small but sharp fangs,tall,slim,wears darkwash jeans with black skirt ontop,blood red tanktop with leather jacket,black higheeled boots with chains,black fingerless gloves,blood red rose in hair Personality: Sly,quiet,intelligent,gental,happy Bio: I was just bitten a few weeks ago I wonder what would happen if all the boys found out
#30991174Friday, August 06, 2010 8:37 AM GMT

(Vampire High and the Phantom? I made that. I just wnated to remake it with a deeper story line and so I could make more)
#30991236Friday, August 06, 2010 8:41 AM GMT

Character sheet: Nam.e: James David Ag.e: 18. Male or Female: Male. Appearance: Dark brown hair, blue eyes, black and green shorts and a black t-shirt. Black sneakers and low black socks. Phantom appearance: Black and purple-ish flames covering his body. Personality: Shy, Hidden, Dark, Good, Caring, Nice, Strong. Bio: The Phantom of the town. Read story line for his bio on the first page.
#30991252Friday, August 06, 2010 8:41 AM GMT

(Lets start?)
#30991481Friday, August 06, 2010 8:54 AM GMT

-James I slowly walked to the bus stop. I think I was 5 mins earily. As I got on all the people looked at me and whispered.
#30991775Friday, August 06, 2010 9:12 AM GMT

Eclipse~ I walked to the bus quietly not saying a word I saw the bus and got on and recieved a few stares I shook them off and sat down in a seat
#30992196Friday, August 06, 2010 9:32 AM GMT

-James I slowly span a knife around my finger causing it to make a slight whoosh whoosh sound, then the bus started to move.
#30992276Friday, August 06, 2010 9:38 AM GMT

Eclipse~ I heard a small 'Whoosh' sound "Hmm?" I questioned quietly and shifted my feet and looked around for the source of the sound
#30992304Friday, August 06, 2010 9:39 AM GMT

-James I suddendly flinch as I figured out it was making alot of sound.
#30992401Friday, August 06, 2010 9:44 AM GMT

Eclipse I shrugged and played with the rose in my hair
#30992504Friday, August 06, 2010 9:50 AM GMT

-James I noticed the girl playing with the rose. I decided to throw the knife into the rose. I slowly put the knife between my fingers and then amed. After 5 seconds I throught it. It was like a leaf in a cold winter day. Not a sound to be heard.
#30992734Friday, August 06, 2010 10:05 AM GMT

Name: Annetta Collings A.ge:17 Gender:F Appearance:Jet black hair, pale skin, neon purple eyes, Black fingernails, black leather half jacket, Black strapless tank top, black shiny skinny jeans, black boots with black straps on them. Personality:Quiet, Mysterious Bio:N/A. She doesn't remember human life.
#30992919Friday, August 06, 2010 10:15 AM GMT

-James I change my mind as it was flying throught the air. I shot a extremely small spark of fire at the knife destroying it on contact. "Pff" I mutterded.
#30993005Friday, August 06, 2010 10:20 AM GMT

Anetta I missed the bus, so I walked to school. I sat down at the grass, examining a black rose.
#30993032Friday, August 06, 2010 10:22 AM GMT

-James As the bus arrived I looked out the window. "For once life is going tobe normal. Just normal" I thought to myself. I then slowly walked off the bus and staretd walking on the path.
#30993064Friday, August 06, 2010 10:24 AM GMT

Annetta I see a guy walk off the bus. I got out a match and set the black rose on fire. It discinegrated, like black ash. I looked at it, no emotion on my face.
#30993206Friday, August 06, 2010 10:35 AM GMT

-James I noticed a burning rose out the corner of my eye. I have a sence for this tuff you know. I then noticed it was a girl burning it. "You know you get burned when you play with fire?" I said smirking
#30993239Friday, August 06, 2010 10:38 AM GMT

Annetta "No." I said, looking up. I get out my match, and put it under my palm for 5 seconds. I took it out, only a tiny bit of smoke coming from my palm. "It burns, but it doesn't hurt." I say, touching the white burnt parts of my pale skin. I gaze at the rose's ashes, as it flew away.
#30993354Friday, August 06, 2010 10:46 AM GMT

-James "Thats a small flame. Try a big flame..." I said rolling my eyes.
#30993384Friday, August 06, 2010 10:49 AM GMT

Annetta "I have cheated death at it's own game more then you will ever know. I have cheated more then I should've learned." I say, smiling at him, my purple eyes glowing.
#30993515Friday, August 06, 2010 10:58 AM GMT

-James "You have no idea what death is..." I mutterd.
#30993586Friday, August 06, 2010 11:03 AM GMT

(Uh, sorry for my interruption again, I hope you can forgive me for it, But, at a seemly normal high school, kids how do not know each other would not be saying things about death to total strangers.)
#30993709Friday, August 06, 2010 11:09 AM GMT


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