#32860801Monday, August 30, 2010 10:54 PM GMT

Whatever, that isn't a swear, i'm not in the bloody Big Brother House, and, well, that's it really.
#32861571Monday, August 30, 2010 11:03 PM GMT

The captain and his escorts moved into the waiting room and just well, waited. In the awkward silence the escorts started chating on random subjects to break the silence.
#32862330Monday, August 30, 2010 11:11 PM GMT

we have a new weapon being made Ion launcher
#32874732Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:33 AM GMT

(Back. :P)
#32888458Tuesday, August 31, 2010 7:35 AM GMT

There wasn't really silence, as there were several other talkative Haikovan passengers sitting clustered on the waiting room seats. One of the soldiers was standing by the radio set in the wall of the room. He was talking to Ground Control about the new arrivals.
#32911921Tuesday, August 31, 2010 7:19 PM GMT

(Back. :D Reading what I missed now...)
#32912183Tuesday, August 31, 2010 7:24 PM GMT

(The surface group has found an emitter. The team underground are looking for another exit. One of them fell through a plate, but managed to pull himself up before being killed to death in a corrosive pool of reactor coolant.)
#32914129Tuesday, August 31, 2010 7:57 PM GMT

(I won't be posting for awhile... sorry.)
#32914246Tuesday, August 31, 2010 7:59 PM GMT

(k.) There was a small Matenance Tube in the engineering section of the Unification. The hatch that would normally cover its entrance was partially fused to the wall beside the tube, and a small puddle of Reactor Coolant was beside it.
#32914466Tuesday, August 31, 2010 8:03 PM GMT

The Space Lift reached the orbital dock. There, a transport was waiting for them. It had fuel for the journey to Station Six and back. It wasn't meant for long-distance, and also, it prevented hijacks and thefts. HSD soldiers nudged the Romins' backs with their MEGs, prompting them to board the transport. The final leg where they would be using Haikovan transport before being put on the Ukikazes.
#32916828Tuesday, August 31, 2010 8:36 PM GMT

The Eradicator-II is complete, and a huge Arath Battle Fleet assembles and prepares to begin a 'Mass Harvesting Operation'. The new Eradicator is larger, with fighter bays and more weapons. It also has an improved Mass Cannon, as well as a Mini-Mass Cannon which is mainly used for planetary bombardment.
#32917073Tuesday, August 31, 2010 8:39 PM GMT

(Back from stupid school.) The sargeant struggled a little, but the restof the Romin followed. The scientists still fumed at the sargeant for ruining the expedition with his idiotic orders, but were mainly over it. The pilots now patiently waited at the dock(?) where the transport would arrive. They didn't stroll around, now, though, as they were ready to pounce the prisoners when they arrived.
#32917298Tuesday, August 31, 2010 8:43 PM GMT

The first world selected for the Mass Harvesting Operation was a Romin colony. The Arath Purge Fleet, as its called, charges FTL drive and sets a course for the colony.
#32917521Tuesday, August 31, 2010 8:46 PM GMT

(A nice cup of De Ja Vu anyone? I could swear I've read you put that somewhere before, Merc.) (And yes, it's a docking port.) When the Romins were all on board the transport, there was a hefty clang as the locks swiveled and disengaged, letting the transport float free. After a few seconds of manuevering, it engaged primary thrusters, and was en route to Station Six.
#32918157Tuesday, August 31, 2010 8:54 PM GMT

(Yeah, I couldn't think of something to say.) (Is the 'Romin Colony' a space colony? The Romin only have two planets, and no colonys other than space colonys.)
#32918464Tuesday, August 31, 2010 8:57 PM GMT

(Yeah, its a space colony. Its on the edge of Romin territory.)
#32918815Tuesday, August 31, 2010 9:02 PM GMT

#32920145Tuesday, August 31, 2010 9:18 PM GMT

(The De Ja Vu has passed. And no, I thought you had put it in another RP. I know you've done something similar earlier on.) The transport was three minutes from Station Six. The pilot said so to the copilot. An attendant handed the two drinks, as she was stuck for something to do. She didn't think she was allowed to serve convicts. The representatives stood up, and also walked to the dock where the Romin Ukikaze pilots were, and the screen top right of the airlock read in Haikovan; 'Arrivals: Special Flight, 3 minutes ETA.' One of the group spotted the hatch. "But be careful..." he muttered, noting the pool. The man, a researcher, was given the honour of going in first.
#32921617Tuesday, August 31, 2010 9:36 PM GMT

Fu.kai nodded in acknowledgement. Then turned back to his squad.
#32922314Tuesday, August 31, 2010 9:44 PM GMT

The transport would arrive in two minutes. To people like the Romins, who used FTL for most spatial activity, the slowness of the HSD transport must be like the modern frustration at lifts.
#32922742Tuesday, August 31, 2010 9:49 PM GMT

The UEE soldiers quickly got bored and started to chat with the more talkative Haikovians (the translaters work both ways).
#32922915Tuesday, August 31, 2010 9:51 PM GMT

The soldier finished talking. "Hey." he said to the UEEs. "Sorry, but the HSD is having a little problem with all the recent activity. We can't manage another one. You have to leave the system."
#32922973Tuesday, August 31, 2010 9:52 PM GMT

Some men grumbled, Fu.kai couldn't blame them. This wait was huge.
#32923052Tuesday, August 31, 2010 9:53 PM GMT

Inside the hatch was cramped. You had to crawl to get anywhere, and broken glass and shards of metal littered the floor. Normally, the 'Micro-Corridor' was lit up by the glow of exposed Fibre-Optic Cables running along the sides, and small lights overhead. Now, however, it was dark.
#32923521Tuesday, August 31, 2010 9:58 PM GMT

"Ok I guess we will be leaving then" The captain replies. The captain and his escorts head back to the scout ship. They fly out of system afterwards. After about a day the scout ship reachs the homeworld and brings news of the Haikovians and the location of the system they were at (cant remember the name). Meanwhile UEE forces find a winter world with strange signals coming from it.