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#3142718Wednesday, October 08, 2008 5:33 AM GMT

Enter, Mod-0! Name: Mod-0 ---------- Race: Machine? Cyborg? Who knows the origional race? ---------- Powers: The Ten Powers of Mod-0 1) Deployment calls! This means that Mod-0 can "summon" pods from the sky and deploy units in any area in the world in seconds. 2) Weapon Packmule: No weapon limits! 3) Ammo Packmule: No ammo limits! 4) Heartbeat Sensor: Any living thing in front of anyone with this power is no longer hidden. 5) Base Finder: No base can hide! 6) Base Infiltrator: Base defenses? Useless. 7)One of the Before: An unrewardable power, in which allows this unit the ability to "teleport", and bring objects with them. A hint as to where I got this... "Masters of Subspace" (Not from Brawl, there is another popular game out there with subspace in it.) 8) Undergrounder: A powerful cloaking ability in which allows anything to be cloaked for a maximum of three years (This ability created for the "forum guardians", in can make themselves appear for five seconds, kill a man, and then disappear again). 9) Telekenisis (REDICULOUS): The ability to pick up objects with the use of the mind. Any object, even outposts, can be plucked from the ground with this strength. 10) Recall: A power earned with a base type and base upgrade. Only space bases with Recall Chambers give this ability. This is used when everything has been depleted. Despite its name, Recall simply changes the form of the character... Temporarily. ---------- Weapons: Arsenal unlimited. Special weapons listed. 1) Drone: Like a killbot, but with several variations, including the chasebot, rocketbot, infiltrator. hackbot. These fail when shot, but are incredibly hard to hit. 2) Static Disruptor: An EMP weapon, designed not to affect Mod-0, that is so powerful, that fully organic creatures five miles away suddenly acquired migranes. 3) Transmission Interceptor: Something designed to jam, tap, or hide transmissions. This kind of tech usually does not work due to the radioactive energy all about the earth. 4) Risk Weapon! Improbability Drive: A weapon in which suddenly alters the fabric of reality. Strange things can and will happen when this weapon is used. Destruction of the drive within 24 hours of deactivation, or during activation results in... Well, alternate realities have shown the destability of such an object to destroy subspace as well as the universe. THESE ARE ALWAYS WELL PROTECTED. These are rarely taken from a base, and are often implanted in the character's base. ---------- Personality: This character is never known to speak to those he deems "unworthy" to kill OR help. Little is known about him. Following him is known to be impossible. Several people managed to jump him when he was shifting in dimensions, never to be seen again. ---------- Physical Appearance: At different times, this character may look different. For example, at one moment, he may look like a man-shaped static blob, and another time, he might appear as a heavily armed mech unit, and even later on, he may appear as a bio unit. ---------- Base of Operations: Glass Orbit: Located in Subspace, this base is hidden to all who have not been deemed as allies. Only the truly good may ever set eyes upon this mysterious place... Word is that Glass Orbit appears in the universe once every few days. Since the universe is so expansive, this goes largly unnoticed. However, there is a possibility that Glass Orbit may appear near earth one day... And the metal rain will begin. ---------- This character is known as a stopper character. He is produced to keep the game even and moving. The secondary evils (Game ruining noobs) are his true enemies.
#3142737Wednesday, October 08, 2008 5:38 AM GMT

Mod-O. Joequabla is a secondary evil! He calls me a noob! Mod-0: >:-) The name'z Mod-ZERO. not O.
#3152026Thursday, October 09, 2008 1:14 AM GMT

Gospelboy, you are wearing my patience thin. I will be a little more patient with you, and forgiving. Origional servers? Still banned. Free play servers? You have the limits of the basic, and no bonuses are available. And I will be FAR more strict with the "outcasts", of which you are the first.
#3153359Thursday, October 09, 2008 2:22 AM GMT

Gospelboy: I'm a mario Townsman! Shortdork-X51: What the..
#3153563Thursday, October 09, 2008 2:34 AM GMT

EVENT! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 1: Energy pocket appearence (First) (Common) ---------- Effect 1: Energy pockets, of a type unknown to man at this actual time, has appeared! These pools are highly reactive to sudden surface breakings, and will react in a "miniature nuclear explosion". These reaction are indeed radioactive. --- Effect 2: The pockets can be "harvested" in order to fuel powerful weaponry. This energy commonly causes some sort of sickness in 85% of humans, creatures, and living things. Sickness causes Nausea, vomiting, fatigue, low blood loss (From impact point), and easy loss of breath. Sudden symptoms include body heat loss, sudden unquenchable thirst. Requires approx. 3.75 pockets in order to feul one bomb, one pocket for 10 "plasma" rounds, and a quarter pocket can fuel specialized generators for approx. 3 months. Primarily non-fatal, but it has a small chance to kill weak beings. Useful, eh? ~ Information 1: Harvesting equipment... It all differs. I'm afraid that I cannot let this stay on the "Free Play" feel, because people will try to use this. Forum Gaurdians have more effective harvesting equipment than any lesser peoples. Basic equipment can harvest half a pool a day (post). Upgrades get (order of earliest upgrade to latest)1 pool, 2.5 pools, 5 pools. FG tools can harvest 20 in a single post. ~ Information 2: Repeated posts in a row by a singular character will not be counted for harvesting. This means spamming doesn't help you. --- Event 3: Creatures become more volitile. Studies must be made in order to learn the relation between the pockets and animal reactions. --- Event 4: A stranger appears! (Selected player/friend interested in this thread become Forum Gaurdians.)
#3153598Thursday, October 09, 2008 2:36 AM GMT

Anyways, gospel, I am not a second evil. Also, if I created the character, I choose how his name is spelt, and how it is said. Not you.
#3153883Thursday, October 09, 2008 2:56 AM GMT

Someone has been chosen!
#3154172Thursday, October 09, 2008 3:20 AM GMT

NAME: Kinjii SPECIES: Mechanical; Mod-1, predecessor to Mod-0: found to be too emotionally un-sound. POWERS: 1)Crushing Strength- capable of immense force-exertion through physical-contact, alowing him to lift, throw, and ove things than many would think impossible. 2)Radio Contact- he is able to communicate with, deploy, and command his machine minions on a range never-before-seen. 3)Tactical Adaptation- able to adapt to situations quickly and efficiently, allowing for a more flexible battle-style and more efficient defense. 4)Quad-Shield- both energy-based and kinetic-based weaponry are rendered physically harmless before they strike, they do however, drain energy equivalent to the impact and damage prevented 5)Mechanical Body- gadgets and technologies allow flight, inhuman reaction-speeds, inhuman agility, and immense durability. 6)Scanning- able to locate weaknesses and obtain information from foes if held in sight long enough, if close enough 7)Wall Breaker Drive- allows for short and long-range teleportation at the expense of the same ammount of energy each jump 8)Recurring- appears to be able to return even from death, though how is not easily seen 9)Cloaking- able to vanish before anyone's eyes, the light passes through the user as if nothing was there at all WEAPONRY: 1).50 Cal. anti-armor mid-range rifle 2) melee-weighted armor, meant to increase CQC abilities 3)SECRET WEAPON PERSONALITY: Wrathful and quick to anger, he PHYSICAL: unlike his 'brother' Kinjii has a single shape, that of a human-looking machine with smooth, highly reflective, silver-colored armor, the only difference form a human shape is his head, which looks nothing like a human's but more of an efficient machine's, with a single tri-scanner eye system Base of Op.: Unknown, consistant movement prevents any one point from being determined as their 'Base of Operations'
#3155810Thursday, October 09, 2008 10:42 AM GMT

Like squabbling brothers, Mod-0 and Mod-1 are not known to get along...
#3771326Monday, November 17, 2008 6:46 AM GMT

These characters will only be used to get rid of the nubbity characters that do nothing more than deteriorate the thread just to call out and "verbally attack" players in which is either personal, and not related to the thread, or just to be negative to other players. Be advised that this does NOT include anything such as randomly attacking players just to start a fight, or insulting players for something that happened within the thread. Trust me, when I play, it will be with a much less overpowered character.

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