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#31364627Tuesday, August 10, 2010 11:58 PM GMT

For those that don't observe the higher the price of whatever your selling the more the market fee. What market fee is: Market fee is like this you sell something for so and so but somthing% gose to roblox. That kinda makes me mad because what in the world dose Roblox need all that money for? There the ones that make the hats so they don't need the hats + Roblox is Roblox they can give themselves as much money as they want they don't need to take your money! To the point: Roblox takes some of the money you deserve for every sell and I don't think it should be like that. YOU made the thing YOU sold the thing YOU DESERVE the money, but roblox just TAKES some just because they want to. A little tip: For the people that sell there stuff for 1 tix your actully getting zero, nada, zip yup that's right NOTHING YOU SOLD IT FOR PETE"S SAKE YOU GET THE MONEY NOT ROBLOX! THEY CAN MAKE THERE OWN MY WITH PRACTICLY THE CLICK OF A BUTTON WHY DO THEY TAKE YOUR MONEY!!!!! Well if you support this idea enough maybe roblox will be nice enough to change this and their will be no more market fee!
#31364667Tuesday, August 10, 2010 11:59 PM GMT

#31364813Wednesday, August 11, 2010 12:00 AM GMT

No, narbwhal. Do you even understand why the market fee is there? It's tax! The tax goes to ROBLOX's economy to help make the market rate go down!

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