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#31782210Monday, August 16, 2010 3:39 AM GMT

You may be wondering why I decided to make this just V1.35, instead of 1.4. The reason is just because I fixed my faulty number system, which took away from the actual suggestions. This is the exact same as my last suggestion thread, but with correct numbers. Regular suggestions. ___________________________________________________________________________ 1: Thread hunters. **MOST POPULAR** So, you may have noticed that the admins RARELY check the S&I forum, so how are the great ideas to be heard? I can tell you how. Thread hunters. Thread hunters are common S&I forumers, (Geez, since I made my first suggestion thread September 2008, I needed to change my example twice!)like BlueTaslem and TaslemGuy for instance, who search for helpful threads to improve ROBLOX, and have the ability to send a special message (I think the message sign when you recieve a message, only red and it says "thread hunters"). Note that I am not doing this for personal gain, and if this became true, I would not beg to be a thread hunter. 2: floodchecking comments. This is an updated version from my last thread, taking out the banning part. What spammer would like to take 25 minute breaks just to spam? He could be doing so much more with his time then. So if you needed to take somewhere between 20-30 minute breaks between comments, it would help REDUCE (not obliterate) spam. It would also be helpful if people recieved the message that you get in the forums if you try to type the same message twice in a row. So if they are going to spam, not only will they have to wait, but they need to type a different spam message every time! 3: Latest threads you have started. I have been on this for months. Ever want to find the threads you started, but didn't follow it? Well, if you are an active poster like me, you may find it hard to find your thread in the top 25 most active threads you participated in. So if there was a section for last 25 threads you have started, that would be my happiest day. EVARZ. It would also help if you could See the last 25 threads you participated in PER FORUM SECTION. For instance, I go on Rate my Robloxian a lot, and the threads are pretty much never-ending, so I can never get to my S&I or LMAD threads. If you go to the "more threads you started", it searches your name, not what threads you made. So everybody that has ever said "Kusername1" will shwo up there, plus it shows every individual post you made, not each thread. 4: Tutorial for new players. Ok, let's say you just started ROBLOX. You didn't bother making a guest account, you just want to start playing. Now. What do you do when you first join? You go into a game, since that's the page it brings you to. Oops! You don't know how to play games though! This actually happened to me, when I joined, I had to ask somebody how to jump. HOW TO JUMP. I say, when you make a new account, it automatically brings you to "tutorial game", similar to all you Rewnscayp fans out there. It is not an option to skip, so making new accounts to spam your places with visits. 5: GET THAT TRADE SYSTEM OUT. If you don't know what I'm talking about, Telamon noticed the wave of people getting scammed while they were trading. I personally lost 66,000 robux to scammers, and when they announced the trade system, I was happier than a rattlesnake in a pickle barrell (e_e). But we need this system as soon as possible. There is a scammer list, made by the fine folk in the group Trustable Traders, that is just massive. And when the scammers find the heat is too much, they make new accounts, transfer all their stuff; and scam again! They announced the trade system about a month ago (to my knowledge. In the summer I can't keep track of the days.) and we still don't have it. Old suggestions, possibly 2010? ___________________________________________________________________________ 6: Christmas monkey: This gear would look like frosty the snowman, only with a monkey. No top hat, or anything non-monkey related, but it does have a scarf on. When you click, he "Ooh!"'s christmas tunes. I noticed they already have a monkey, but it isn't the same. At all. o_e 7: Happy gift of never-ending play. This would be a gift, a little more difficult to get than most. What you need to do is logged on to ROBLOX 365 times, not just being a veteran. Inside is a walking cane as a gear. Hat suggestions. ___________________________________________________________________________ 8: Blue banded top hat of PWNAGE updated!: This may also be called "Kusername1's top hat of pwnage", just saying... It has a black outer edge, like the red baded top hat, green banded top hat, etc. The band is what makes it pwnage though. It isn't just blue, oh no... It would probobly cost 7,500 robux, just because it pwns. http://www.roblox.com/Item.aspx?ID=19279600 Don't just say "no to these ideas, I would prefer feedback.
#31783651Monday, August 16, 2010 3:59 AM GMT

We have some of that stuff but there not awful ideas but there not blow me out of my seat ideas except for trade... i got ripped of for my gold kattana :( but i still give my support

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