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#31852325Tuesday, August 17, 2010 1:02 AM GMT

A while ago, a small planet floating aimlessly behind mobius was in no bad shape the way it is now,the planets name is lost to the ages, however, the tale of one of its inhabitants, is not. 12 years ago the planet was a peaceful resort to all who knew of it, or lived upon it,many species from hedgehogs to deer,fox's to birds all lived in harmony, though there were a few who did not agree with the serenity.A young hedgehog by the name of tyzak, had a rough life up to his current age, after turning 20, he finally let his bitterness, take control. he led a war against the planet, during the war though, a small child was born to zach and joanna S. hedgehog,a child named slash, harmless to them all, not so much, towards tyzak and his army. after joanna was killed by a collapsing building,zach took slash and fled from their planet,far from it. slash was raised alone by his father, taught in martial arts and many kinds of combat,however, tyzak knew that slash was a threat, and took drastic action, to prevent him from ruining his plans.
#31852392Tuesday, August 17, 2010 1:03 AM GMT

Surprised To see THIS In OT.
#31852530Tuesday, August 17, 2010 1:05 AM GMT

i always do them here
#31852773Tuesday, August 17, 2010 1:07 AM GMT

i will add the next chapter every day, or every 2 days depending on if i can come up with a good plotline in 24 hours, if not in 2 days, it will be there the 3rd day
#31854212Tuesday, August 17, 2010 1:24 AM GMT

not bad. Can i Post Chaos's Part in this?
#31854362Tuesday, August 17, 2010 1:26 AM GMT

chaos comes in in chapter 2, giving a retelling as to how they first met, when new characters come in, credit to their creator are listed at the bottem of the post,chaos will be included, however, that was just the prologue, doulbe bill tonight however, chapter 1 will be coming in the next 30 minutes or so
#31854490Tuesday, August 17, 2010 1:27 AM GMT

Woot! Ok. I Can Wait :3
#31855246Tuesday, August 17, 2010 1:36 AM GMT

chapter 1:the beggining it was a simple starry night that night, cloudless and breezy, slash was sat atop a hill, under the tree, he played around as a small child,staring into the ocean of navy blue above him, when suddenly, he noticed a bright light plummet from the stars, crashing down into the park 12 blocks over "whoa, i gotta check that out!" exclaimed slash, as he shot up and dashed off, his hair pinned back by the wind, his quills staying sharp, prepared for whatever to come,a smile upon his face, as the young 13 year old slash dashed over the rooftops, he had no clue, what was heading his way. as slash arrived at the crash site, he saw nothing but a crater, whatever it was had gone,slash stared curiosly for a few seconds, then proceeded downwards into the crater, as he proded and pushed the many, many meteorites laying around, he heard a snap behind him, he turned, but saw nothing,"huh... my mind does wander alot" said slash,soon after returning to investigating, as a shadowy figure crept up silently behind him, that was the last thing he heard, before feeling the full force of an energy beam straight to the spine. he lay unconsious for hours, until along came a young black hedgehog in a white jacket, red jeans, and dark orange and purple shoe's,the hedgehogs name was twilight, a young fiesty hedgehog with no real community connection whatsoever,after arriving, he just took slash to the hospital,whoever it was, had not finished him.
Top 50 Poster
#31855277Tuesday, August 17, 2010 1:37 AM GMT

#31855758Tuesday, August 17, 2010 1:42 AM GMT

uuhhhh, exuse me? what the heck are you on about? and yes, this is related to sonic, however NO seg characters are included, as i do not steal or use without permission,just sit and enjoy the story, if i get good enough feedback by the end of the series i might go on with the sequel series, but really, axel is related to sonic? what are you talking about? T~T
#31856029Tuesday, August 17, 2010 1:45 AM GMT

Good, Thats Actualy not bad
#31856201Tuesday, August 17, 2010 1:48 AM GMT

note, the planet slash and zach are on now(and twilight, another of my own characters), IS mobius, they will return to their homeworld in the final 7 chapters, however, and the prologue will fill the time jump of 3 years at the end of the final chapter,
#31857770Tuesday, August 17, 2010 2:06 AM GMT

Ok, im feeling genorous, chapter 2 is coming out within the next 20 minutes, buckle up, well, dont it isent action packed, it WILL be a paragraph longer than the previous chapters, and dont give me the TL;dr thing, because i am working for YOU GUYS entertainment, so at least read half of each chapter.
#31858794Tuesday, August 17, 2010 2:20 AM GMT

chapter 2: crossroads Slash lay there in a hospital bed, arm in cast, bandages and stitches all over him,he was barely awake that night,4 weeks after the attack, Zach had visited him every day, making him promise to get better soon,"nngghh.....wonder who...attacked me...."Slash wondered, deep in his mind, suddenly his monitor began to bleep, his heart began to cease pacing,slash was dieing. Deep within the grey hedgehogs slowly dieing mind, a bright blue figure appeared, then began to speak."Slash, you are fully aware of your fate,however, you have one other option, you have 10 minutes until you fade from reality,while you are in your own mind, you have a choice, cut out your heart, and replace it with this" the blue figure held out a white and yellow crystal"or leave yourself to perish, this crystal, will give you the power to stop, the coming downfall, of this universe,and to protect, those close to you." the blue figure disappeared, slash, desperate to help after the spirits words, sliced out his own heart..... Slash had done it, he had replaced his heart with the wite and yellow crystal, know only to him as the life crystal,back in the world of the living, he wass in perfect condition,his stitches and wounds, gone, his arm mended, he exited the hospital after retreiving his clothes, and headed home. Slash walked the damp dark streets,making his way home, he thought to himself he should have brought a hooded jacket before the attack,h didnt care, he was happy to be in perfect shape again,he walked along, and took the old alley on platinum street, and bumped into someone on the way through, wearing a dark black hoodie, hiding the bright white and cyan fur of the wearer" whoa sorry man, didnt see you there" proclaimed slash in shock,"oh, its alright" said the hedgehog" my name is chaos, what are you doing wandering the streets this late?""well, im going home after an attack 4 weeks ago". included in this chapter:slash the hedgehog, zach the hedgehog,blue spirit,chaos the hedgehog, the life crystal,credit for chaos goes to chaos8882.
#31859878Tuesday, August 17, 2010 2:33 AM GMT

Wow, i have a feeling this will be better than Sonic RPG, Power of chaos, Dawning of Darkness, Final Fantasy Sonic, or SMBZ put together ^_^
#31860160Tuesday, August 17, 2010 2:37 AM GMT

lol, thanks, to bad i cant animate that well or i would make it a series on newgrounds, but i think people would get ired of 40 episodes of slash meeting people and bassicly the slash the hedgehog eqiuvalent to ultimate spiderman, it retold the original story in a new way, thats what im doing now
Top 50 Poster
#31860197Tuesday, August 17, 2010 2:37 AM GMT

Wrong forum.
#31860446Tuesday, August 17, 2010 2:41 AM GMT

perhaps sonicmarshmallow, however my loyalty is to this forum group for some reason, i always post in this, as it i where i belong, if you will diss me for simply being free to make my own choices get the heck outta here
#31876996Tuesday, August 17, 2010 11:39 AM GMT

oh sorry, i meant the epilogue will fill the 3 year gap
#31877385Tuesday, August 17, 2010 11:54 AM GMT

chapter 3:mystery of the night "Wow, so your the survivor of the attack in stonegauge park?,thats pretty cool" said chaos, seemingly shocked as to how he was in perfect condition."well, i could tell you what happened, but its either just in my head, or you wouldnt belive me.......actualy, if it was all in m head.......eh, nevermind"spoke slash, rather confused as to why he was doubting himself, as he never had done before. The conversation continued, they exchanged their pasts,and slash, eventually revealed why he was perfectly ok."Well, you see, i was pretty much dead in my hospital bed"said slash,"but a blue spirit appeared to me and gave me a choice, aparantly im destined to save the universe from an upcoming war or something,i thought the only war was back on my home planet" he laughed at the statement, they both gave their farewells, then left. It was raining and thundering that night, slash seemed to stare at the moon in a paranoid manner, he wondered if it really had happened, the crystal, the upcoming war, he wondered if he really had cool abilities, he would find out the next day, however, he forgot, one thing.The next day was the start of a new term at metropolis high, he would have to wait a while.......or so he thought,slash drifted off to sleep, hoping the next day, would be as quiet as all up until the attack.... credit for chaos again goes to chaos8882,credit for slash goes to me,twilight WILL apper in chapter 4,along with 2 other characters
#31877415Tuesday, August 17, 2010 11:55 AM GMT

#31877608Tuesday, August 17, 2010 12:01 PM GMT

uuuhhhhh, excuse me? more detailed perhaps?
#31877679Tuesday, August 17, 2010 12:04 PM GMT

oh, uh, the assasin that failed is revealed in chapter 4, shortly after the first day of a new term at his highschool
#31877724Tuesday, August 17, 2010 12:06 PM GMT

Why am I the only person here who lurks deviantart to make fun of peoples fanfics find this to be really generic?
#31877752Tuesday, August 17, 2010 12:07 PM GMT

uuhhhh, is that a compliment? i havent read a dictonary for ages, and my memory sucks.

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