#32489206Wednesday, August 25, 2010 8:12 PM GMT

I can't believe site updates can't comense because of hat construction. Only 2 or 3 people generate the simply scripted hats anyway...
#32489869Wednesday, August 25, 2010 8:21 PM GMT

Agreed but I dont want Reason2die or Iron Cafe or Highscool deleted D: (maybeReason2die if its the 1 made by UnitedStats Army)
#32499473Wednesday, August 25, 2010 10:14 PM GMT

bumpity bump BAWMP!
#32500855Wednesday, August 25, 2010 10:30 PM GMT

I totally support
#32502447Wednesday, August 25, 2010 10:46 PM GMT

those admins/mods need to get off they're lazy butts and try to fix things i mean seriously this place is money greedy i totally support your idea
#32510238Thursday, August 26, 2010 12:07 AM GMT

My dream one day is to cFrame grouped models, relitivly simple. Of course it'll NEVER happen.
#32512015Thursday, August 26, 2010 12:27 AM GMT

Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa and lastly, Whoa! This whole thing has gone NUTS! i mean SERIOUSLY GUYS, Roblox is perfect even for nbcers! I just got bc yesterday and i mean, sometimes bc is TOO MUCH! i know, shocker isnt it. but when i was a nbcer for the first year on roblox, i had no complaints about it at all.
#32512185Thursday, August 26, 2010 12:29 AM GMT

#32513364Thursday, August 26, 2010 12:42 AM GMT

Let's asses 8/25's catalog. One 1,000 tix item, BC only. Another more expensive, 3,000 tix item, expiring in 3 hours. An ugly hat for aroud 25 R$. And a Limited fail gear with sounds recorded in the office for 200$ All of those items require rich, BC members, and the currency spared for these items is NOT represented in quality.
#32530556Thursday, August 26, 2010 5:56 AM GMT

I may not be the person to hop along the hate wagon but really? I know your working on ways to make ROBLOX less laggy and have a better preformance index but your little team of Devs won't make it happen soon enough. Yea I could deal with the constant lag since 2009 for a year, but now its just annoying as guests. We need you to Stop your lazy team of hat/Gear Devs, get them updated on where your team of "Game" Devs are. And start working on the engine update as NUMERO ONE PRIORITY. We do not care about hats if we cannot see 50 studs infront of us We do not care about gear if we cannot equip it from the server lag We do not care about playing if we get dis connected every 5 minutes. ROBLOX, just because some can handle it, doesn't mean the Rest of us can. I know im an idiot for using my good account to post such a suggestion, but at the moment, I am desprate to get a DECENT* message across to the devs. *Decent as in not saying "GET RID OF LAG NAO" So start making this whole halabolu about your engine update happen by putting all your coding teams on that station. Make it your first priority. Signed, kyleman1990 [KM90] Another great forum about this problem...
#32530577Thursday, August 26, 2010 5:57 AM GMT

I really hate the disconnetion problem I find random disconnetions at random games! Spicifically when im playing with friends!
#32534975Thursday, August 26, 2010 11:34 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#32535383Thursday, August 26, 2010 11:53 AM GMT

This thread is the most epic win I have seen since Meelo's last thread. This user knows what he's talking about, we need to focus on what's really the problem of ROBLOX now, not what has been the problem for dozens of days and months and HALAUVOH! Out of experience I have seen a rise of nubs, but that's not it. ROBLOX now only has 1 goal, and that's close to accomplished. A. Money. Magnet. The ROBLOX main goal about 3 years ago was for kids and mature people to have fun in games and other people, but now the only thing they care about is money. Money money MONAYEEH! This is my definition of the current ROBLOX Tabs: My ROBLOX = My Noob Games = Free Model Trashdump Catalog = Hatspam Page People = Ruiners of ROBLOX Builders Club = Money Magnet Contests = How about this noobish voting accuracy? News = Unwanted Idiot Page Parents = Go Stalk your Kids Help = We won't respond anyway! THIS IS WHAT IT USED TO BE!!VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV My ROBLOX = My Friendly Character Games = Pwnage Contribution and Fun Games People = Other Friendly Persons Builders Club = If you buy this version of subscribtion for ROBLOX, you will get a special extra currency called Robux! And the access to 9 extra places! Contests didn't even exist! Forum = Get Together with Experienced People, and let the admins know about your ideas! News = Local ROBLOX News Parents didn't exist.. Help = Have any questions? Human Administrators at the ROBLOX office will answer your question! If you compare these 2 lines together, you will see the old ROBLOX ment so much more to other people than it is now. If you look at it closely and put it together, for the ROBLOX now you get: NOOBDUMP For the old ROBLOX you get: ROBLOX. Kid-Friendly Multiplayer online game! Post what you think under me, I am SOOOO done with this. --SS--
#32535757Thursday, August 26, 2010 12:11 PM GMT

@Blockhead4966: The ROBLOX team is CONSTANTLY working. I even heard some have to work overtime. Post above me: ROBLOX has become more popular, ever since we hit the 1,000,000 mark. Because of that, little noobs are constantly going around trolling and online dating and complaining how people aren't nice to them. They have THAT to deal with, plus many more problems from veterans and '08ers '07ers, etc. that they have to deal with TOO. WAIT! WAIT WAIT WAIT! I JUST REMEMBERED! DO NOT TELL TELAMON TO COME TO THIS FORUM! HE WILL SPAM IT! (He gets frustrated, with all that work) With that note out, I continue. With all those problems to deal with, they hardly have time to do anything else! I'm sure most of them would like to enjoy a good movie, and a fresh coffee, but they CAN'T! Just too much work. Oh my god... I just realised what COULD help! Guests. They can help A LOT. And McBurger3614's idea, user volunteers, could help you guys get your ROBLOX back. I remember when I joined... so much to learn. So fun, but that's just gone. Look, people, they just have way too much work to do. Also, if you're suggesting we bring ROBLOX back to its former glory, that's not listening to the WNTS.
#32536426Thursday, August 26, 2010 12:41 PM GMT

@Quack45 Wanna know why they get frustrated? Because with all those problems they can't work on their little money magnety hat factory. --SS--
#32537069Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:11 PM GMT

Yes, I'm an '08er and I give 110% support!!!
#32537690Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:35 PM GMT

150% Support !(Mai gawd , That the most epic thing I have read) They keep ignoring Non-BCs and Keep making Stupid,Overpriced hats and gears I hope They listen to us and make ROBLOX Way better than this crap BloublouV2, Some kind of 09er...
#32537801Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:39 PM GMT

#32537945Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:43 PM GMT

Fourms shouldn't be updated. I think lots of us are happy they never updated them. At least SOMETHING is a classic design.
#32538145Thursday, August 26, 2010 1:49 PM GMT

to ROBLOX staff : AT LEAST MAKE US REALLY THINK YOU LIKE PROGRAMMING ! ROBLOX IS AN ADDICTIVE GAME, BUT IT WAS ALREADY ADDINCTING ENOUGH SOME YEARS AGO !! Looks like they don't like this job... Looks like they really like money more than their life...
#32547844Thursday, August 26, 2010 5:29 PM GMT

I 100% agree with you. I miss 08 (i joined in august 2008, i just switched chars. dont beleive me? look up the user "killerofweed") I think ill go play WoW too...
#32554689Thursday, August 26, 2010 7:43 PM GMT

Agreed. ADMINS MUST see that there are a whole dang lot of these threads on here, but are they ignoring them, or just don't care?
#32560260Thursday, August 26, 2010 9:01 PM GMT

Considering the OBC exclusive cast is available to everyone, God knows why, post your thoughts! Give links to this forum! That's probably the only place the addys read that's from our mouths, even if they do pick the stupidest questions: "Telamon iz da cake a lie?!!?" "Gawd where's builderman?! Iz Bill Gates RLY calling him?!!??!" "When will we getz moar gearzzz?!?!"
#32561055Thursday, August 26, 2010 9:12 PM GMT

#32566791Thursday, August 26, 2010 10:20 PM GMT

Epic win. Even Roblox has used "free models" from the internet, half their physics engine and game software is all open source data.