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#32109352Friday, August 20, 2010 9:19 AM GMT

loadsa ppl hacking now a days
#32109408Friday, August 20, 2010 9:23 AM GMT

explain how the cheat engine block would work.
#32109471Friday, August 20, 2010 9:29 AM GMT

cause the block wouldnt be used if it didnt work
#32109620Friday, August 20, 2010 9:43 AM GMT

...how do you want it to work?
#32109855Friday, August 20, 2010 9:59 AM GMT

I support the idea.
#32110146Friday, August 20, 2010 10:19 AM GMT

………………………………,.-‘”……………….“~., ………………………..,.-”……………………………..“-., …………………….,/………………………………………..”:, …………………,/………………………………………………\, ………………./…………………………………………………..,} ……………../………………………………………………,:`^`..} ……………/……………………………………………,:”………/ …………../…..__…………………………………..:`………../ …………./__.(…..“~-,_…………………………,:`………./ ………../(_….”~,_……..“~,_………………..,:`…….._/ ……….{.._$;_……”=,_…….“-,_…….,.-~-,},.~”;/….} ………..((…..*~_…….”=-._……“;,,./`…./”…………../ …,,,___.\`~,……“~.,………………..`…..}…………../ …………(….`=-,,…….`……………………(……;_,,-” …………/.`~,……`-………………………….\……/\ ………….\`~.*-,……………………………….|,./…..\,__ ,,_……….}.>-._\……………………………..|…………..`=~-, …..`=~-,_\_……`\,……………………………\ ……………….`=~-,,.\,………………………….\ …………………………..`:,,………………………`\…………..__ ……………………………….`=-,……………….,%`>–==“ …………………………………._\……….._,-%…….`\ ……………………………..,<`.._|_,-&“…………….`\ He means, EXPLAIN IT.
#32110225Friday, August 20, 2010 10:25 AM GMT

The devs aren't wizards. Explain to them how to block it.
#32110680Friday, August 20, 2010 10:47 AM GMT

program something to detect devices and hacking programs and stuff. and then just prevent it from working somehow....make some sort of seal or something i dunno. if telamon can make a bot to do its messaging, then the admins can do something. im not a wizard either and i dont know a lot about this kinda stuff since i dont know much about scripting etc. im sure they can think of some sort of block or seal =3
#32110737Friday, August 20, 2010 10:50 AM GMT

wow... I did not expect that to come from your keyboard. I expected "It would work cuz if it didnt thered be none derrrrrrrrrrrr..." nice, support!
#32111728Friday, August 20, 2010 11:37 AM GMT

oh u wanted me to say something like that? ok !t w0uld w0Rkz c4u53 if it d1dntz th3n ummmmm r0b70x w0uld go BOOMMM =3
#32111763Friday, August 20, 2010 11:39 AM GMT

couldnt you just be quick and say something like "game guard"? there are programs like that already, but roblox didnt bother using them,,,
#32111775Friday, August 20, 2010 11:39 AM GMT

I support...wow I met two friends on this thread...
#32111816Friday, August 20, 2010 11:41 AM GMT

Um dude....cheat engine is not the only application, just the most used.
#32112542Friday, August 20, 2010 12:08 PM GMT

some people have been hacking alot too like some one is helping some to get free knockouts and if people join he puts them on auto kill so and it makes me mad and there on crossroads alot...
#32113042Friday, August 20, 2010 12:28 PM GMT

im sorry but this subject was allready posted

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