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#3213533Sunday, October 12, 2008 6:49 PM GMT

Only one school will rule if you join this you go to Shell-Buin High-School To join Shell-Buin HighSchool all you need to do is this! Name!(First+Last(NOT REAL NAME!)): Example of post: Dustin Holfs:(ME<-Dont write "ME"!) Hey! Whats up? I'm new to this school can I follow your class schedule? Ok thanks!
#3213566Sunday, October 12, 2008 6:51 PM GMT

Dustin Holfs: Wow Shell-Buin sure is empty! Is anybody here? Somebody has to be!
#3213743Sunday, October 12, 2008 7:01 PM GMT

ummm plz tell me wut to do ~studio PokeFreak~
#3213753Sunday, October 12, 2008 7:02 PM GMT

no i mean i dont get it ~studio PokeFreak~
#3213779Sunday, October 12, 2008 7:04 PM GMT

The rules are in the first post all it is is just school life!
#3213907Sunday, October 12, 2008 7:10 PM GMT

just count me in and call my by my nickname -_-
#3213923Sunday, October 12, 2008 7:11 PM GMT

my nickname is pokefreak if u dont know
#3213990Sunday, October 12, 2008 7:14 PM GMT

Dustin Holfs Ah there's someone! *Waves and runs to pokefreka* Hey whats up! Im Dustin! Whats your name???
#3214227Sunday, October 12, 2008 7:27 PM GMT

hi im adam limestone. *runs to dustin* who are you? *points pencil at dustin*
#3214270Sunday, October 12, 2008 7:29 PM GMT

Whoa dude! Put that down *Flicks pencil out of his hand* I was trying to find out who this is *points at pokefreak who is looking other way*
#3214363Sunday, October 12, 2008 7:35 PM GMT

So just how many people do you know at this school? I'm kinda new so I need to know some people!
#3214405Sunday, October 12, 2008 7:37 PM GMT

can there be not real people here?
#3215776Sunday, October 12, 2008 9:00 PM GMT

uh Idk
#3215789Sunday, October 12, 2008 9:01 PM GMT

*school bell rings* Oh well I will see you tommorow!
#3216140Sunday, October 12, 2008 9:25 PM GMT

looks like a copy of my threads....... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
#3220518Monday, October 13, 2008 1:16 AM GMT

I'm George Cucuber! And I have a sub character named Shikao! he has no last name, just like Leronardo Devenchi! But he wasn't really born on Earth. (I think.) Is he allowed? if you play Katamari games you know who he is.
#3220555Monday, October 13, 2008 1:17 AM GMT

*new day* George: Time for another day of school. I have: SCIENCE! YAY! I just hope we have experiments again. *swings backpack around wildly*
#3231021Monday, October 13, 2008 8:56 PM GMT

Dustin Holfs Hey its Goerge from elementry and middle school! Hey George over here! Remember me???
#3231200Monday, October 13, 2008 9:07 PM GMT

*accidently hits Dustin with his backback* George: YA- Oh, I'm sorry br- Hey, you're Dustin! I remember you! We had chemistry and S.S. together in M.S. and were in the same class in E.S.! I think here we have Science together. of course I may be wrong but still... *jabs on*
#3231346Monday, October 13, 2008 9:15 PM GMT

Tyler Robinson Tyler:pretty big place we got here *walks around*
#3232515Monday, October 13, 2008 10:21 PM GMT

Dude Goerge! Quiet down were in a construction zone but we ARE pretty close to school...I guess you can talk..But before that here you can copy off my homework since your wern't here today..Now you can talk!
#3232528Monday, October 13, 2008 10:22 PM GMT

*not today its yesterday* TYPO
#3244725Tuesday, October 14, 2008 9:13 PM GMT

George: I'm done. Hey were in the school now!
#3245076Tuesday, October 14, 2008 9:29 PM GMT

Tyler:I gotta get to class!
#3258795Wednesday, October 15, 2008 10:17 PM GMT

*walks ahead of george knowing somethings wrong and stops george* Do you smell...SMOKE?! *Runs into classrooms* AIIE! OH MY GOOOSH!!the--the--the--science teacher--lit--lit--on fire! (Talk about mid drama!) *Gets LOTS of water* Help me George! *Gives him another bucket* Hurry!

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