#36653159Sunday, November 07, 2010 2:43 PM GMT

"Ello There." I said."Can you let me out now?"
#36653230Sunday, November 07, 2010 2:44 PM GMT

~Olivia~ I smirk, thinking. "Nar, not yet. I need a drink". I say, giggling. I pull the key out of my pocket and unlock the cage.
#36653321Sunday, November 07, 2010 2:46 PM GMT

I smile and climb out of the cage.
#36653560Sunday, November 07, 2010 2:52 PM GMT

~Olivia~ "Ive missed you!". I say, running up and hugging him.
#36653808Sunday, November 07, 2010 2:58 PM GMT

"Same" I said hugging her back.
#36655571Sunday, November 07, 2010 3:32 PM GMT

Ooc; Sorry if i am posting slow, my bestfriend is at mine. ~Olivia~ "What did you do in the exotic, left side of the cage?". I say, giggling. I hand him one of his million presents. "I had a brill time in america". I say, smiling as i hand him a massive pack with over 4000 photos.
#36655698Sunday, November 07, 2010 3:34 PM GMT

"Well it was quite dull in the lefties but I decided to leave." I reach out and hold the pack. "Wow,That is a lot of photos." I Say taking my present.
#36657749Sunday, November 07, 2010 4:10 PM GMT

~Olivia~ "Poor thing". I say, I giggle as he takes the present and say "Thats not even 1/2nd of it.
#36666884Sunday, November 07, 2010 6:29 PM GMT

I grin and walk in the house with her.
#36718420Monday, November 08, 2010 7:55 PM GMT

~Olivia~ I sit down on the sofa, in my nice warm livingroom. I look round the side to check the door to the backgarden is shut, It is. I check the clock '9PM'. I giggle, as i snuggle up on the sofa.
#36729283Monday, November 08, 2010 11:02 PM GMT

I sit down next to her on the sofa.
#36756271Tuesday, November 09, 2010 3:58 PM GMT

~Olivia~ "Such a long day". I say, leaning my arm up to comfort my head, squirming about, trying to get comfy.
#36762043Tuesday, November 09, 2010 8:11 PM GMT

"Yeah travailing around the world with you best friend is hard compared to my life of mr. Cageboy." I say leaning back.
#36762143Tuesday, November 09, 2010 8:14 PM GMT

~Olivia~ "Hm...Cageboy". I say, in my american accent. "Oh i forgot to say, I speak in an american accent". I say, again in my american accent.
#36762764Tuesday, November 09, 2010 8:32 PM GMT

"I noticed" I said in my Scottish accent."What about this accent does it suit me?" I said in a Australian accent. (Could you try to find a pic of someone that might resemble your char? I'm going to try find one that might suit Scotts Char.)
#36762861Tuesday, November 09, 2010 8:34 PM GMT

(I'll try...Although, she looks like her bestfriend) ~Olivia~ I burst out giggling, "Austrailian!". I say, back in my normal accent, I then say "Does american accent suit me?". Back in my american accent. s
#36763148Tuesday, November 09, 2010 8:42 PM GMT

"It does actually." (http://br(REMOVE)_owse.devia(REMOVE)ntart.com/?qh=&section=&q=stargate+universe#/d2avnwr Guy on the left with the gun)
#36763275Tuesday, November 09, 2010 8:45 PM GMT

(Cool!) ~Olivia~ I smile, a sweet smile, "I prefer my normal accent". I say, smiling. "I prefer yours too, although your scottish one is funny!
#36763304Tuesday, November 09, 2010 8:46 PM GMT

"Is it noo" I say switching from Aussie to Scottie. (Pic of Olivia?)
#36763390Tuesday, November 09, 2010 8:48 PM GMT

~Olivia~ "Is too!". I say, giggling. I shut my eyes, thinking about the past time. I loved to be around scott so much, but i didn't want him knowing.
#36763470Tuesday, November 09, 2010 8:49 PM GMT

"Jeez" I say lying back. "I'm gonna go cook dinner. What you want?" I ask.
#36763534Tuesday, November 09, 2010 8:51 PM GMT

~Olivia~ "Uhh, I'll have whatever your having". I say, "Mind if i take a lie down and wake me up when dinners ready?". I say.
#36763583Tuesday, November 09, 2010 8:52 PM GMT

"Yeah no worries" I say smiling and walking away to make an old family recipe.
#36763631Tuesday, November 09, 2010 8:53 PM GMT

~Olivia~ "Thanks". I say, i hang my coat up on the coat rack and head upstairs, I put my nightdress, that scott got me, pink and silky, I put it on. I hopped into bed, and fell asleep.
#36763748Tuesday, November 09, 2010 8:56 PM GMT

I rub my eyes and start frying the rice and cooking the chicken.