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#32254100Sunday, August 22, 2010 5:13 AM GMT

Good game maker?Awesome singer?Epic artist?Ubering Writer?You Are porbbably something like that.Because you received an invite from the Talent University.They offered a full scholar ship and a free food card at all the local resteruants.You accepted and packed your things.Since the university is in california,you have to take a PRIVATE JET!You thought this was awesome,and trust me,it is. Rules No ubering No godmodding Mild romance I MUST ACCEPT YOUR CHARACTER SHEET NO MATTER.WHAT.IF YOU ROLEPLAY WITHOUT ME ACCEPTING IT I WILL BAN YOU FROM THIS THREAD. 'Its not in the rules!' isnt an excuse Put ':3' below your character sheet if you read the rules CS Name: A.ge: Gender: Inventory:(EVERYTHING YOU PACK) Personality: Talent: Bio: Extra: I will post my character sheet later.
#32254690Sunday, August 22, 2010 5:30 AM GMT

Name:Acuroe Raeku A.ge:17 Gender:Male Inventory:Clothing,Electric Guitar,Acoustic Guitar,A bunch of the same pairs of shoes,extra chains,amp,extra strings,Extra picks,Iphone,Ipod,Headphones,Raccoons cage,Raccoons food,Laptop,School supplies,A bunch of songs,Nook Personality:Odd,touchy Talent:Singing,Playing guitars Bio:N/A Extra:His pet Raccoon,Jerald,Is also with him.
Top 50 Poster
#32254850Sunday, August 22, 2010 5:35 AM GMT

Name:Nathanael Reyes A.ge:17 Gender:Male Inventory:Clothes, Electric guitar, Acousitc, Electric/Acoustic (The hybrid). Some amps. Sheet paper to write music on. His CDs of songs he's written, instrumental and lyrical. Strings, Picks. Trumpet, Bass guitar. Ipod. Headphones. School supplies. All of his written songs. Some running shoes. A Microphone. His Instrumental music writing programs. A bunch of knives, and kunai. Bow&arrows. Cellphone Personality:Caring, protective. Talent:Singing, Guitar, trumpet, Song writing, Track-Running, knife wielding, archery. bio:Grew up doing just archery, then took on instruments and started writing instrumental songs, which he sold and started making money. Then he bought some softwares and made 3 albums before making cd-copies that he shipped out as well. He Took on knife wielding as his neighborhood was pretty dangerous. Extra:N/A ~Deutsch Phönix~ ~Ein-Geflügelt Phönix~
#32254874Sunday, August 22, 2010 5:36 AM GMT

(I know You read the rules Nathan,so Accepted.)
Top 50 Poster
#32254949Sunday, August 22, 2010 5:38 AM GMT

(Lol I just read the bottom half actually. I normally search it for a rule about romance only.) ~Deutsch Phönix~ ~Ein-Geflügelt Phönix~
#32255006Sunday, August 22, 2010 5:39 AM GMT

(Lol.We arent going to get many more night visitors,wanna start?)
#32255019Sunday, August 22, 2010 5:40 AM GMT

Name: Rainalee Colurs A.ge: 17 Gender: F Inventory:Clothes, hair dye, electric guitar,microphone, ipod, laptop, twilight bookset, cell phone, small dagger, I will buy anything else. Personality: Sweet, cooky, crazy, colorful, beautiful, Talent: singing, playing guitar. (I am an amazing singer in RL, I have a video to prove it, so she will be a GREAT singer! :D) Bio: She loves dying her hair different colors, she is very nice and sweet, she is really pretty, singing is her life. Extra:Nope.
Top 50 Poster
#32255032Sunday, August 22, 2010 5:40 AM GMT

(Yeah...that was ment to say 'sure' dunno why i typed Yeah. You start us off.) ~Deutsch Phönix~ ~Ein-Geflügelt Phönix~
#32255098Sunday, August 22, 2010 5:42 AM GMT

(Accepted? If so, I would like to add, she has her small dog, Sally with her. )
#32255105Sunday, August 22, 2010 5:42 AM GMT

(Alex,forgot one thing.) I stepped into the airport and was stricken with awe as i saw everything.So shiny.So clean.. (I forgot to mentoin he has his wallet loaded with cash too)
#32255131Sunday, August 22, 2010 5:43 AM GMT

(Oh, didnt see that rule. Sorry, hold on.)
#32255156Sunday, August 22, 2010 5:43 AM GMT

Name: Rainalee Colurs A.ge: 17 Gender: F Inventory:Clothes, hair dye, electric guitar,microphone, ipod, laptop, twilight bookset, cell phone, small dagger, I will buy anything else. Personality: Sweet, cooky, crazy, colorful, beautiful, Talent: singing, playing guitar. (I am an amazing singer in RL, I have a video to prove it, so she will be a GREAT singer! :D) Bio: She loves dying her hair different colors, she is very nice and sweet, she is really pretty, singing is her life. Extra:Nope. :D/:3
Top 50 Poster
#32255166Sunday, August 22, 2010 5:44 AM GMT

(Didn't think I'd need to mention wallet) I walked to the airport to my private jet. Leaving NYC seemed hard now. Took everyone a week to say goodbye to me. Quite annoying actually. Either way. Goodbye New York, have fun. I walked to the jet and loaded up. ~Deutsch Phönix~ ~Ein-Geflügelt Phönix~
#32255253Sunday, August 22, 2010 5:46 AM GMT

(Now your accepted) I went through security and reached the jet.Goodbye west vir.gi.nia.From smart country boy to smart country boy in a city,Meh.I put my stuff away and pulled my raccoons cage in with my to hold it.I sat down and buckled up,holding his cage tight.
Top 50 Poster
#32255397Sunday, August 22, 2010 5:50 AM GMT

The jet took off, i turned on my ipod and started listening to my music. (Forgot to say) Extratalentiforgottoadd:Storywriting ~Deutsch Phönix~ ~Ein-Geflügelt Phönix~
#32255400Sunday, August 22, 2010 5:50 AM GMT

Rainalee I sighed as I walked through the airport, trailing my suitcase behind me, and my little dog, Sally, was in a dog cage with wheels. I sighed. I was leavin' Georgia. My mom was walking with me to the jet, crying. "Mama, you can stop crying. It's not like I will be gone forever!" I said to her. "But, you might become famous!!" She said through sobs. I wanted this to last a while. I didn't want to go back to our old suburban house in a small Georgia Neighborhood. We reached the entrance to the jet. She hugged me and sighed. "Goodbye sweetie." I smiled and entered the jet.
#32255473Sunday, August 22, 2010 5:52 AM GMT

I heard my brother yelling from the gate.He was always loud."BECOME FAMOUS BRO!BE WHAT YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO BE!"He shouted.I smiled as the plain took off.I pet my raccoon."We're gonna do good in this new place Jerald."
#32255725Sunday, August 22, 2010 5:58 AM GMT

Rainalee The plane took off just as I buckled up. I sighed as I watched out the window. I looked down and saw the plane fly up. I took out my laptop and started watching the snuggie parody WTF Blanket by Jacksfilms. (Watching that right now. IT IS HILARIOUS!! XDXDXDXDXD)
#32255796Sunday, August 22, 2010 6:00 AM GMT

(Inorite!I love Jaksfilms) I sneezed as a girl with perfume on walked by.I gagged.Perfume smelled horrible.
#32255958Sunday, August 22, 2010 6:05 AM GMT

Name: Micheal Aardvark A.ge: 16 Gender: Male Inventory: Microphone, Phone, Journal, Drafting Book Personality: Overwatching, Careful, Clever Talent: Somewhat singing, and Writing Bio: N/A Extra:None I read the rules but didn't like that face, I will put this one instead 0_o
Top 50 Poster
#32256000Sunday, August 22, 2010 6:06 AM GMT

I woke up as the plane landed. I got my stuff and went into the airport, going outside for my ride to the university. On the way two girls ran up to me. "Hey.." one of them said, wearing a shirt that said 'Refuge'. Oh no..i knew where this was going. "Aren't you the guy that wrote these?" She showed me her ipod which had a bunch of my songs on them. Lie? Tell the truth? Eh...hard to tell... "N--Y----N---Y--es." I choked out. They smiled. "Can we have your auto-" I interrupted them "I dont have a p-" They interrupted me by pulling on a permanent marker. Ok..thats creepy. ~Deutsch Phönix~ ~Ein-Geflügelt Phönix~
#32256095Sunday, August 22, 2010 6:09 AM GMT

Rainalee I smiled as I got off and saw Nathanael (Shorten it pwease?) giving his autograph to two girls. I grinned. I walked over. "GET OUT OF THE WAY!" I squealed/ I pushed them away. I turned and faced them. "Step away from the boy!" I yelled at them. (Like I said, she is cooky and crazy.)
#32256099Sunday, August 22, 2010 6:09 AM GMT

(OMFG i got banned.And i forgot to put appearence in the CS Appearence:Shaggy short silver hair,silver eyes,pale skin,black t-shirt,black jeans,black sneakers,silver dog chain around neck) (Accepted) I snorted awake as I landed.I ran out to my ride and saw Nathan
Top 50 Poster
#32256165Sunday, August 22, 2010 6:11 AM GMT

I blinked and looked at her yelling at the fans i gave autographs to. "Who are you?" I asked awkwardly. They nodded, "Yeah who are you?" They had a bit of an attitude. ~Deutsch Phönix~ ~Ein-Geflügelt Phönix~
#32256168Sunday, August 22, 2010 6:11 AM GMT

(Ok. Appearance: Different color hair(Current color is orange), brown eyes, hair to the mid of her back, crazy clothes, neon or dark make-up, natural hair color is dark brown)

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