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#32323928Monday, August 23, 2010 3:29 AM GMT

prologue: In a museum, there was a thug, stealing what looked like an ancient tablet, when suddenly a white blur sped by dizzying the thug, but the thug quickly got the artifact. the white blur stopped, showing a white hedgehog with cyan streaks, black cuffs, and blue eyes. Chaos (the white hedgehog) instantly jumped up, charging down towards the thug. the thug shielded with the tablet, and Chaos had shattered it, as pieces flew everywhere, and seemed to dissapear.the thug laughed, then he hit a button on his wristwatch and teleported somewhere. Chaos quietly headed for the exit, but suddenly there was a voice behind him.?????: Chaos. i have important news. *Chaos turned around, and saw a hedgehog that was hidden in the shadows, with a fog-like wall behind him. he revealed himself, he was cyan with green eyes, and had a scythe. Chaos: "Who are you?" ????: My name is not important. You just shattered the tablet of Order and Chaos, one of the most valuable artifacts in the world!" Chaos: "Eh, You know me, a bit reckless, but i get the job done!" ????: "The pieces were sent into other dimensions, some VERY different from this one." the cyan hedgehog showed some looks of his alternates, Nega Chaos, who was evil, and inverted in color, it showed Chaos as a Fox, standing on a rooftop. It even showed Ultimate Chaos, also known as Symbiote Chaos. it showed Chaos in the future, looking much like Sonic. Chaos: "Other Me's? Sweet!" ????: Go retrieve the pieces here, now!" Chaos: "Fine, fine."
#32353662Monday, August 23, 2010 6:42 PM GMT

chaos, im serious, compying a videogame plot is NOT cool,i'll add in slash's part anyway.... A grey and brown hedgehog was leaping rooftops that lonesome night, headed home after a day with his friends,after seeing the explosion, the hedgehog lunged at it, and crashed through the skylight, seeing the white hedgehog dash towards the door,"WHOA!, hey, wait up.....chaos..... T~T"
#32367741Monday, August 23, 2010 9:56 PM GMT

its not Completely Copying, i mean, im not saying i made thjis all up, i just wanted to change some things, and make a Sonic Version, besides, I think A Sonic-Spidey Crossover Is Awesome
#32368589Monday, August 23, 2010 10:06 PM GMT

eh, whatever, continue, if you dare! xD
#32369555Monday, August 23, 2010 10:19 PM GMT

Chapter One: Long time no see, rival. -Meanwhile, In the Dimension where Chaos is a fox- Chaos: "Ok, ill need to find those pieces, But where to look? *a orange fox leaped onto the building* ????: "Well, well, well, Look who its is!" Chaos: "Crash! Outta My Way! Im Busy!" Crash: "Looking for this?" Crash held out a piece of the tablet. chaos: "Give it to me, now, or ill be FORCED to hurt you, AGAIN!" Crash: "Im afraid that wont happen again....." Chaos was Infuriated. He instantly charged at him, and Crash sidestepped and managed to counterattack, knocking Chaos off the building. Crash acted strange then- He Jumped down WITH him. they were into a duel combo, and Chaos backed up and landed on a car, and Crash had managed to slowly land. Chaos Finished slash by jumping onto him and knocking him down, then Backflipped off him, then Used chaos Beam to KO him. Chaos took the tablet, then quickly flew away.
#32369780Monday, August 23, 2010 10:22 PM GMT

final time you said rash you said SLASH, T~T
#32369944Monday, August 23, 2010 10:24 PM GMT

Lol, got Crash confused with Slash, XD
#32370145Monday, August 23, 2010 10:26 PM GMT

ok, slash's 2nd chapter:back to the past, again "hey, tinkerbell, or, whoever you are, can you send me to the universe you first called upon?, chaos is off searching for these ones here, about 5 parts, do i go to help the fox or the hedgehog form?
#32370857Monday, August 23, 2010 10:35 PM GMT

Sad little recolors.
#32370875Monday, August 23, 2010 10:35 PM GMT

The Next two Dimensions will be probably in the next chapters, right now im doing some extra parts Slash 2nd chapter: If you wish to help, You may. Go help the one that you're alligned with.
#32371097Monday, August 23, 2010 10:38 PM GMT

SAD LITTLE RECOLORS!? YOU HAVENT EVEN SEEN THEM YOU IDIOT! T~T, slash: sonic template, tails hair, grey fur, goggle,s aqau eyes,sword,clothes,sunglasses,guns,scar across the eye,diffrent gloves, customed shoes? not a recolor,chaos,:shadow template,black t_shirt, blue jeans,custom gloves,edited shoes,extra quill, not a recolor, do the math, slash, eh, ok*dashes off and tracks chaos using psychic abilities*
#32371273Monday, August 23, 2010 10:40 PM GMT

Templates = Recolors Draw your own.
#32371573Monday, August 23, 2010 10:44 PM GMT

Chapter 3: The Darker Side. It was late at night, And there seemed to be a robbery at the bank. about 10 thugs were alll running out, and the Police were running late. Out of the group, 2 thugs were sent out to get away, the others were meant to distract the cops. One of the two had the money. they were walking in a dark alley, when suddenly, one thug was pulled up by black webbing. the other thug turned around, and realized he was alone, just him and his money, and as the thug turned back around, he bumped into Symbiote Chaos, who was right in front of him. Symbiote Chaos: "Release the money.Now." the thug gulped. Thug: "Pl-please, lemme go! Dont hurt me! ill release it, Just dont hurt me!" Symbiote Chaos threw him into the wall, knocking him down, and Symbiote Chaos used a dark web to swing back to the bank and left the money hanging from a web. He then helped the cops capture the other thugs, and started continuing looking for pieces of the tablet.
#32371832Monday, August 23, 2010 10:47 PM GMT

i have drawn my own, template is a BASIC template, to base things off of, its NOT a recolor if you edit it BEYOND extreme, leave us alone, if its not"post this somewhere else" its craps like you saying " recolorers"
#32371968Monday, August 23, 2010 10:49 PM GMT

black webbing? seriously?, eh, whatever, your story
#32372226Monday, August 23, 2010 10:53 PM GMT

#32372354Monday, August 23, 2010 10:54 PM GMT

#32372617Monday, August 23, 2010 10:58 PM GMT

http://www.roblox.com/basic-slash-drawing-color-item?id=24998981 Eeehhh,it's pretty good. Fix the Cross eyes,make a better pose,and add better spikes.(Sonic Spikes always equal Unoriginal.)
#32372807Monday, August 23, 2010 11:00 PM GMT

that was about 6 months ago, my drawing has got better since then, and the pose, was a template of a sonic heroes pose
#32373661Monday, August 23, 2010 11:12 PM GMT

Templates = VERY VERY BAD Just,stop with the templates.
#32376800Monday, August 23, 2010 11:53 PM GMT

Chapter 4: Back To The Future In a Futuristic Area, full of flying cars and Other High Tech. Then, suddenly, A White'n'Cyan blur sped by downwards, freefalling at Large speeds, heading downwards towards a flying car, landing on it Perfectly. This Was chaos, in 2099, and he was a lot like the one who shattered it, but more serious about the things he does. He rode the car until he Saw a large alien-thingy, and followed it. It Was Carnage Slash, Apparently Overtaken by the red symbiote, he Had an urge to Kill Chaos. Chaos had instantly jumped to him, and the battle was extremely fast, mainly speed blurs, and some red webbing here and there, but eventually, Chaos had knocked him off the building, letting him fall to whatever he was going to land on.Chaos found a piece of the tablet left behind, he took it, and ran off.
#32378023Tuesday, August 24, 2010 12:09 AM GMT

dude, when i drew that picture it was the first thing i had drawn for 5 years T~T
#32378110Tuesday, August 24, 2010 12:11 AM GMT

hadent drawn, and chaos, much to short, make paragraphs and details, so it's MUCH better
#32438957Tuesday, August 24, 2010 11:04 PM GMT

ok, im making a cast of characters that will be shown, i give credit to BAMMY82 for about half of the ideas. Universes/Characters Original: The normal universe, the one that shattered it. Noir/Fox: 1930's , Chaos is a fox in this. 2099: basicly the title, very futuristic, Chaos looks the same but in the shape of Sonic, also original Chaos's descendant, at least, in that dimension. Ultimate (probably the best crossover part): Chaos Is pretty much the same as the original, but with the symbiote, hes more agressive, destructive, and has no sense of humor :( the time is the same, Just a different version of characters. Allies Original: Slash the Hedgehog Noir: Swift the hedgefox 2099: Tiger 2099 Ultimate/Symbiote: Sai As Black Cat guides (who give you hints, tips, blah blah blah) Original: The cyan hedgehog from Prologue Noir: Slash 2099: 2099 Chaos talking himself Ultimate: Sai Now For Villains, Big thanks to bammy Original: Nega Chaos, Eggman (why not?), Ace The Fox (supposedly as Sandman, but Original is mainly all Sonic style) Noir: Twilight the hedgehog as Doc Ock, Crash the Fox (much stronger, and more violent) Shadow As Hammerhead 2099: Slash as Carnage, Twilight as Scorpion, Inferno as HobGoblin Ultimate: Swift as the Lizard, Tiger as Kraven, Slash as Electro Ok, a quick chat about how i thought of this Original was The style for Sonic fans Noir, mainly like original, just the villains and setting to be like Noir Spider Man. 2099, villains and setting to be like 2099 Spidey, but i made 2099 have some action related to Sonic. Ultimate, the best crossover between Spidey and Sonic, i was excited for this dimension, Some Real Spidey action, made for Spidey fans :D
#32769678Sunday, August 29, 2010 6:13 PM GMT

and shadowmario, btw, that was a requested drawing, sort of, and besides, thats was what slash looked like the day i made him, he looks much more diffrent today, yellow leather jacket, sonic-like quills, but they are longer and flick up at the very tip of each, has an extra quill that hangs down further than the others, has 2 more quills closer to the top of his head,his gloves are now fingerless, have rims, and wrist guards built in(which also can become blades and allow a gyro punch if spun fast enough), his shoes are also now boots, go further up his leg, to about 3 inches above his ankles, have a new pattern,his eyes are still blue, but his left eye has a kind of scar on it, which extend out both sides of the eye as a scar from a fight he had,his ears are now longer and have aqua blue highlights at their tips, his fur is a brighter grey, he has blood red jeans, and blue brown and red tattoo's on him T~T, and the next update of his appearence will be: just a clothing change: a blue track jacket- like thing with rolled up sleeves, black skinny jeans* that do flare out at the bottem* with red markings, and also highlights underneath his quills that are easily seen by the flicking part at the ends, his shoes will go back to normal shoes, with a new pattern, and his gloves have access to weaponry he has invented, also his shoes can transform into"aqua skates" so he can walk/ glide across water.

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