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#32327628Monday, August 23, 2010 4:57 AM GMT

Since there are no interesting, strong and solid roleplays, how about a collab? I dont really mind the theme of it, right now, I am rather open minded for an interesting collab that would drop an interesting RP
#32327674Monday, August 23, 2010 4:58 AM GMT

ROCK SOLID. I got no Ideas...
#32327703Monday, August 23, 2010 4:59 AM GMT

Hmmmm..... Okay, should the RP be peace of hostility oriented?
#32327749Monday, August 23, 2010 5:00 AM GMT

Hmm...What that Mean?
#32327860Monday, August 23, 2010 5:03 AM GMT

Should it be about something in peace or a hostile setting?
#32327881Monday, August 23, 2010 5:04 AM GMT

...Peace in the First 2-4 Pages. And hostile in the Rest?
#32327938Monday, August 23, 2010 5:05 AM GMT

Okay. So, something where there is peace, and conflict as the RP goes on. What should be the timeline? Medieval? Sci-fi? Where should it be? Island? Space? Other planet? Jungle?
#32327957Monday, August 23, 2010 5:06 AM GMT

Modern. And...IDK.
#32328040Monday, August 23, 2010 5:09 AM GMT

Okay, so modern. Set in a peaceful era, where a conflict occurs afterwards. Where should the RP happen? In an island? In space? In a ship? In a submarine? In a petrol station? In a city? In a house?
#32328359Monday, August 23, 2010 5:19 AM GMT

#32328845Monday, August 23, 2010 5:38 AM GMT

modern. Set in a peaceful era, where a conflict occurs afterwards. In a submarine. I think I got something. ------- Main skeleton of rp story. -- In the secret russian submarine, the "UDK'voslok". War is very lucracious, as terms of business, And you are one of the lucky soldiers operating in the most secret, most powerful nuclear submarine of the whole world. Even though the world is currently at peace, the UDK, a 12 kilometer long submarine with weapons similar to a dreadnough (See it as a dreadnough able to go in water) and armed with a wide array of nuclear missiles stands ready. In the UDk is a small community, which is totaly independent. Even with a military social rank, each people in the UDK knows each other, treat each others fairly and take their purpose in this independent miniature of society..... Until....all of this is ruined as war breaks out and the UDK is sent to the front lines. This happens in the year 2019
#32328997Monday, August 23, 2010 5:44 AM GMT

#32329427Monday, August 23, 2010 6:02 AM GMT

this is really good stuff,although I'm a Sci-fi fan, this is really good,I think I'd join it personally,btw;is this an alt account?if not than your pretty darn good at this
#32329479Monday, August 23, 2010 6:04 AM GMT

This IS an alt account. I am bloxxernoob. I've been 7 day banned for saying something bad.
#32329676Monday, August 23, 2010 6:12 AM GMT

I would actually prefer modern in an island setting.Tribes,fighting for supplies or working together.Yeah,thats good :3
#32329696Monday, August 23, 2010 6:13 AM GMT

huh,seems like I know you =/ nvm,back to collab or is this it?
#32329853Monday, August 23, 2010 6:19 AM GMT

Your wish is my will. ----- Setting: Secluded island Timeline: Modern Theme: XD --- Main skeleton: People were aboard the SS POLARUS, a five star cruiseliner, which, after a system malfunction, got damaged and sank near an island. This island, is not supposed to be here. Not much is known, asside that praise to god for this island, for you live another day. The survivors of the SS polarus swam towards the uncharted island, which appeared hospitable. It was a medium sized circular island surrounded by sandy beaches and a very thick forest, with a mountain and a river flowing from the mountain. Not many survived the SS POLARUS's sinking, but most of them know this: The sinking was intentional. A hole was blown. By who, or why, is not know. Luckily, most of the supplies dashed ashore, and was retrieved by the survivors, who made a little community. But on the other side of the island, the exact same thing is happening. Other survivors have reached the island from the other side, with low supplies, unaware of the others. Until they met. The two communities, now mostly tribes, used to live together, until problems arised. Now, it's a fight for supplies, weapons, food, clean water, teritory, SURVIVAL. You are one of them
#32329913Monday, August 23, 2010 6:21 AM GMT

I like it...
#32329927Monday, August 23, 2010 6:22 AM GMT

Give Idea. I write.
#32329956Monday, August 23, 2010 6:23 AM GMT

I like it :3
#32329979Monday, August 23, 2010 6:24 AM GMT

Me too then :3 So, make another rp, or post one of those?
#32329995Monday, August 23, 2010 6:25 AM GMT

I like the second =w=
#32330034Monday, August 23, 2010 6:26 AM GMT

Post the second one!
#32330051Monday, August 23, 2010 6:27 AM GMT

I like the third....Wait. There's no 3rd. 0Rly pl0x l0l n4rb. d31r 1s 4 7h1rd rP l0l. Crescent island educational center Postion: International waters Date: 21st march 2011 ---- You know, not everyone is the same. Every single human being is different. This is called diversity. But, something you do not know, is that diversity is known to haven no bounds. With this said, some people are...."Special". Some have special abilities. Powers. Be it flying, or elemental control. And these people, when left in society, are picked upon, seen as a caste, and end up doing illegal acts, whichare harmful and difficult to deal with. And this is why the Crescent island educational center. It was built in coordination from every countries, in the international waters, where no countries had control. Given its own policing rules and force, it was given by the world a large ammount of money, to be able to keep the special ones away from society. Yes, that's right. CIEC is not just a school. It's a repository for the different ones. The school, which is pretty much like a secondary US school, is placed in an island, like one of those paradise retreats. It has its own beach, wooden houses for the student next to the beach, a forest, and the school very close by. THe school, in other terms, is, for the students, and un-ending vacational center. Of cours, having so many "gifted" ones in the same place, from different origins, can be problematic. And thus, the rules are harsh. Using your powers wrongly, here, can cause much pain. If one follows the rules, it's an easy time. If not, it's hell. Derek Lloyd was one of those. THe only one who achieved to escape to freedom. The school is in the open, with separated blocks, since the island has always been given a brilliant sunny weather. the buildings are given an environmentally friendly, steam punl like technology. But why would you want to leave? It's your first day here, and this place seems nice, if you dont do wrong with your powers. Of course, there are bullies, and most things you'd expect from any average schools. The rules are simple. Don't use your powers to harm others and their properties, and have a good behavior. But, rules are to be broken, correct? -------------------- Rules: No trolls/spamm No overpowered characters No one is perfect Your character must have my approval before joining
#32330220Monday, August 23, 2010 6:33 AM GMT

O.o where's the char sheet,I wanna join!! I like this one moar u-u stop making good skele's XP

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