#35384914Wednesday, October 13, 2010 8:07 PM GMT

I opened my eyes. I got up and looked around. The background was completely red. When I looked down, I saw the skies raining fire and the souls of many innocent lives burn. What did we do to deserve this?
#35385517Wednesday, October 13, 2010 8:18 PM GMT

The De'vore stood before us. He was in the form of a person. He had Red hiar and red eyes. He wore a long red cloak. De'vore: Welcome little heroes... I'm afriad your too late to save your world. He laughed. De'vore: Soon you shall become my Agents of Destruction. "I'd rather die!" De'vore: So be it. Two flaming sword appeard in his hands. He charged at me and slashed me so fast I didn't have to reacte. He puched my upwards then jumped up and kicked me in the chest sending me down. When I hit the floor several bones were broken. Blade of Salvation: (You fool! Get up!) I got up put he puched my in the chest three times knocking me out. He turned to Blade. De'vore: Your turn. The De'vore charged.
#35385988Wednesday, October 13, 2010 8:26 PM GMT

Bow of Salvation: (Now would be a good time to fire.) I ignored the bow's words and dodged his attacks. "You'll rue the day you came here." I put away the bow and drew my crystal blades. I then blocked his next slash. I fought to my heart's content.
#35386554Wednesday, October 13, 2010 8:35 PM GMT

The De'vore knocked the blades out of Blade's hand and stabbed him in the chest. He them jumped up and kicked his head. The De'vore laughed. De'vore: Those weaklings thought they could kill me? I got up again. Blade of Salvation: (I'm impresed.) De'vore: Hoe many times do I have to kill you? ???: Stop! The De'vore stopped. All of a sudden there was an angel there. Blade of Salvation: (The goddes of Creation! Ca'ret!) Ca'ret: What are you doing? De'vore: Destroying this world! Once and for all! There nothing you or those stupid Da'angla can do about it! Ca'ret: Nothing I can do about it... But these heroes can. De'vore: What? Kealion's soul appeared there was a flash of light and we were all healed. We were wearing stone armor, but the changed to silver metal armor. Ca'ret: You've forgoten the propechy... Three heroes of Salvation will and are rising to defeat you! I charged at him and Kealion shot blasts of magic. I slashed him again and again and again.
#35387469Wednesday, October 13, 2010 8:47 PM GMT

Name: Jak Cydonik 22 G.ender: Male Weapons: Bow and Arrows, 2 knives. Apperance: Wears a brown tunic and brown boots with a black cloak ontop. Tall, black hair. Faction: Rangers of Flithorn Bio: A shady fellow that is an ace with a bow.
#35389538Wednesday, October 13, 2010 9:16 PM GMT

*as my spirit watches from inside the de'vore i cant take the pressure of letting them go in a dangerous fight wihout a little 'inside' help.* 'i wonder what this odd coating does.' i say, my daggers glowing. and i appear on what is left of earth. 'i suppose im here to try and fix things' i say, looking around for survivors, but every body that lays on the ground is ether in peices or has no soul at all and is laying helplessly on the floor,emotionless.
#35398628Wednesday, October 13, 2010 11:20 PM GMT

The De'vore was urpirised, but he wquickly recovered. He knocked me back and charged Kealion. I engaged him in battle. I slashed dowards, but he blocked my blade and tried to counter. I jumped back and lunged at him. The blade sank into him, but no blood came out. He slashed me, but I blocked both blades. The battle countinued with varies slashes, blocks, and counters. I hit him with the flat of my blade knocking him down. He got up blood coming out of the corner of his mouth. All the wounds had bleeded out. He had no blood in his body yet he was alive. De'vore: Its time I show you my true form! Four more arms came from his side. His skin turrned red. He grew silver horns, and his head turned into that of a dragon's. He grew three barbed tails. He had silver claws and 6 flaming swords. The wounds were still there, but he seemed stronger. I charged at him again, but he hit me with all 6 of the swords. If it wasn't for the armor I would be dead. One blade did hit my head and cut my ear off. Kealion shot lightning at him, but he blocked it and hit Kealion with the flat of his blade. Blade of Salvation: (We need a plan!) "(Really?)" Blade of Salvation: (No need to be mean...)
#35442467Thursday, October 14, 2010 11:17 PM GMT

I got up and drew my bow. Bow of Salvation: (Why didn't you use me in the first place?) "(I thought I could match his skill.)" Bow of Salvation: (You should be thankful that you're still alive.) "(Just shut up and let me fire.)" I fired knives at the De'vore to keep him busy.
#35455574Friday, October 15, 2010 2:23 AM GMT

*i look around, finding my daggers looking strange.* 'ok, so you can teleport me, so can you let me see whats going on against the de'voure?' i say to my daggers. they open up a small unseeable to them, portal so that i can see the battle. 'Ok this is looking bad. I cant tell who is going to win, but i sure hope its those three.'
#35462738Friday, October 15, 2010 11:12 AM GMT

The knives hit the De'vore in the side. He roars in pain. When he turns to face Blade, Kelion shoots fire at my sword and I slash him with the flaming blade. The DE'vore falls on the ground. He turns around and smashes me with the flat of one of his swords.
#35486390Friday, October 15, 2010 11:02 PM GMT

Bow of Salvation: (Aim for his head!) "(That's what I'm doing!)" I fired more knives at the De'vore. This time they turned into beautiful blue flames.
#35487351Friday, October 15, 2010 11:17 PM GMT

The flames hit his head. I point my sword at him and a jet of white flame rushes out and kills the De'vore. His body falls to the ground. I walk up to him and his eyes open. De'vore: You have defeated me... But I'll return. All of a sudden I can see events going backwards until its just seconds before the De'vore destroys our world. I look up and the sky is clear. Xa'viner is nowhere to be seen. Oa'riono is standing there confused. Everyone remembers what happened. *Skip to council room* We just finsihed telling the King what happened. "Do you think he'll really come back?" Oa'riono: Doubtful. I crafted those blades. You kill somethin' with it then it satys dead. Arkandian King: I disagree... Its entirly possible. Protectorate King: I'm so sorry for mistrusting you Kealion. Kelion: Never mind that. We need to focus about The De'vore. "Was there anything else similar to him?" Oa'riono: Of course! The three forces of evil... Destruction, Carnage, and Void. "Carnage and Void?" Oariono: No need to worry about Carnage. He was killed years ago in the fire wars. Arkandian King: I don't remember that... Oa'riono: Thats because it happened in the realm of creation. "What about Void?" Oa'riono: He's not that bad... He has the largest libarary in the world. It was there my father learned how to craft The Salvation Weapons. It was also there that we learned how Destruction destroys planets, and it was there that we learned Carnage can only be destroyed by fire, even though he is a being created of fire. "So... Carnage and Destruction are dead, and Void is the good guy... Right? Oa'riono: Yep! "Nothing to worry about then." Arkandian King: Still... I don't think this peace will last very long. Protectorate King: Peace is peace. No matter how long it is. Even the monsters have stopped attacking!
#35489051Friday, October 15, 2010 11:43 PM GMT

"I knew this mission would be far from over. Now we have to hunt down another big, bad boss without dying like what happened in that star..." I held my chest. That's what it feels like to die? I shook the thought off. "Where can we find Void, anyway?"
#35499965Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:17 AM GMT

*i look at my daggers and i look up, i am suddenly in a bustling city.* 'ayie, looks like they dealt with it all.' i say, heading back to talk to the blacksmith about what he made my daggers into.
#35520573Saturday, October 16, 2010 3:04 PM GMT

Oa'riono: His library is located in the realm of creation... Give me a few days and I can craft a weapon that'll let you open a portal to it.
#35546568Saturday, October 16, 2010 10:11 PM GMT

Bow of Salvation: (Man, all this talk about the Three Forces of Evil is making me want to shoot something.) "(That's an understatement. You don't even have hands.)" Bow of Salvation: (Shut up.)
#35552842Saturday, October 16, 2010 11:53 PM GMT

Blade of Salvation: (A weapon that can open a portal to the realm of creation? Even I can't do that.) "(You can't do anything.)" Blade of Salvation: (...) *Time skip 1 week* We were gathered at the city square. Oa'riono was going to open the portal to the Realm of Creation. He swung that sword and a huge rip appeared. Oa'riono: Thats the portal. He gave me the sword. Oa'riono: You'll need it to get out. "Thanks" *Realm of Creation* The sky here was dark purple. The buildings were marble and had colums. There was a giant building. "Lets go there first." I walked in and it was probably the largest libaray ever. It was bigger than all the nations combined. There was magic that made all this fit in one building. I saw a pit that had three levers in it. I went down there and pulled one. The floor of the pit opened up showing a stair case. We went down. *Void's libary* The was a man with purple skin and long white hair. He wore a top hat and a suit, he was holding a cane. There was a fireplace and a table that had three books and a skull on it. The sides had shelves with old books on them. ???: Hello. "Are you Void?" ???: I perfer to be called Vo'ian-Whic is Void in my langue-, but yes. I pulled out my sword. Vo'ian: Please put that away in my library. Blade of Salvation: It? I have a name you know! I relized he talked. "You can talk?" Vo'ian: I'm so sorry old friend, and to answer you questin yes, he can talk. All the Salvation Weapons can talk here. "Are you evil?" Vo'ian: No. I have evil powers... But not an evil mind. Kealion: So we have nothing to do here. Vo'ian: Well... You could take out a few books... Or buy some. I have an unlimited supply of books and I need some money. He went to the table and picked up a book with a red cover. Vo'ian: Maybe you'll be interested in this book. He gave it to me. I tried to open it, but he stopped me. Vo'ian: Don't open it before I explian! "Why?" Vo'ian: That book will take you back to the time of the Fire Wars! Being a soldier I thought you'd like it... But if you wanted a book to read then I'll go get one of the more interesting book from above. He went the stairs then turned around. Vo'ian: Don't touch anything! He came back a little later with a book labled 'The Lizard Tree'. "Umm... I'd perfer the Fire wars one." Vo'ian: Very well... But I can't sell it to you. All of the books down here take you to a different time nad they're not for sale. Feel free to look around.
#35554561Sunday, October 17, 2010 12:25 AM GMT

I glared at Void suspiciously. "(I still don't trust him.)" Bow of Slavation: (How could you not trust him?! He's my friend!) "(Creator. He made you.)"
#35557598Sunday, October 17, 2010 1:21 AM GMT

Vo'ian: I suppose I should've told you I can read minds, so if you aren't going to buy anything please get our of my libaray. *Time skip* I got 5 books on the 3 forces of evil, 1 really big one recording all of the De'vores attacks, 1 that was a list of all the prisoners ever sentenced to eternity in the Void Realm-Whenever sombody from any other realm goes into the Vois Realm they are wiped from everyones memories so this was an important book-, the one that would let me go into the Fire Wars, a few about the history of the Fire Wars, and 'The Lizard Tree' just for me to read. "These books will prepare us for an attack on our world." Blade of Salvation: 'The Lizard Tree' will help us prepare for attack? "No! The other books." Blade of Salvation: Are we going anywhere else? There are a few other shops. I spent most of my money on the books... But I'll see what they have. Blade of Salvation: I think I saw a candy shop on the way in! "What do you want candy for? You don't have a mouth!" Blade of Salvation: I can't eat it... But I can taste it! "How?" Blade of Salvation: I take a sample of its energy. "Fine. I'll but some candy." *Candy store* I walked in. Store Owner: Ao'ri ya'io fa'orm ho'rer? "Umm..." Blade of Salvation: He said ' Are you from here?' Store Owner: The Blade of Salvation! He spoke with a heavy accent. "So you can speak english... Thats good. I can't speak your langue." Store Owner: What do you want? "I'd like to buy some candy." I looked around most of the candy was weird looking. The were the glowing purple string like things. "Whats this?" Blade of Salvation: Its our version of what you would call licorish. "Oh." I saw something looked interesting. It was a lolipop thing. It was blue with a white swirl. "What flavor is this?" Blade of Salvation: I don't know... blueberry? "I love blueberry (In real life I do like blueberry)!" I got about 30 then left. Blade of Salvation: Let me have one! I held one our to him. There was a flash and it was gone. "Did you like it?" Blade of Salvation: It was ok... I guess. Lets go to the shoe store. "Why do you need shoes!?!" Blade of Salvation: I don't. I just like wasting your money.
#35559572Sunday, October 17, 2010 1:51 AM GMT

"Why are we wasting our time here? We should be heading back to our own world!" Bow of Salvation: But I like staying here! "Like I said before, you talk too much."
#35560915Sunday, October 17, 2010 2:13 AM GMT

After buying a lot of furniture for my house, some more books, some candy, and some new clothes I finally pull out the sword that will bring us home. *Arkandian town square* Oa'riono: Where have you been? You were gone fore hours! Umm... Why is there furniture behind you? "I need help moving this to my house..." Roy: Can I have a lollipop? "No!" Roy: You have a whole bag! "Fine... But just one." I give him one. Roy: This is good! Blade of Salvation: (I'll miss being able to talk... Can we go back tomorrow?) "(No.)" *A few hours later* My home had the new furniture and I gave all the research books to the King, except for the Fire Wars one. I was reading 'The Lizard Tree'. "This is a good book." Blade of Salvation: (Its strange being able to have some peace here...) "I know... Apparently its the sap and texture of the lizard tree the attracts geckos to it." Blade of Salvation: (What?) "This book is all about a tree in your realm that attracts geckos." Blade of Salvation: (Oh.)
#35561875Sunday, October 17, 2010 2:30 AM GMT

I was resting on my housetop, thinking about those books. What if one of those books was a trap? I had better go warn the king befor-- Bow of Salvation: (What are you thinking about?) I turn my head to the Bow. "God, you're annoying! Why do you want to know anyway?" Bow of Salvation: (I'm just curious. Sheesh.) I sighed. "Fine. ...It's about those books."
#35576297Sunday, October 17, 2010 11:07 AM GMT

*The Void* The De'vore was not completely gone. He was resting in the void. He sensed the energy of Carnage and used it to pull himself out. The De'vore and carange were free. *Vo'ian's Library* The De'vore and Carnage appeared in Vo'ian's library. Carnage appeared in the from of a livig flame. De'vore: Hello olf friend. Vo'ian: I'm not your friend. The De'vore lunged at him. Vo'ian knocked him back with the cane. Go back to the void. De'vore: Never. In a flash the two forces of evil were gone.
#35577892Sunday, October 17, 2010 12:15 PM GMT

As i leave the kingdom, i see a bandit group outside th arkandian kingdom. 'looks like ill ether have to slip by them, or kill them.' i say. 'Hey!Theres him! get him!' one bandit says, looking at me. 'so much for slipping by.' and i grab my dual, i dont know what they are anymore daggers. after the blacksmith did some odd upgrade to them they arnt even a type of true metal thats used in daggers! anyways, i grab my,daggers, and rush right at them. it appeared to be only 7 or 8 bandits. i could kill them quickly seeing as they had the weaponary and armor of a peasent.
#35578084Sunday, October 17, 2010 12:23 PM GMT

in a swift fashion i slice ones arm off, stab 3 in the chest, rip ones lungs open, behead 2, and stab the last one numerous times. 'ok,now that THATS done. Time to head home to the old legion of tyria.' i say, leaving arkandia alone heading torwards the woods.