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#32541491Thursday, August 26, 2010 3:16 PM GMT

Seriously, Why drown our suggestions with hats and gear? THERE.ARE.HACKERS. Seriously. If this doesn't happen, then there will be a LOT of banned accounts. Seriously, all you do is make gear and hats. DO SOMETHING AND BAN ALL THE HACKERS! Wisen up roblox, and see what you have done.
#32541771Thursday, August 26, 2010 3:22 PM GMT

There is no hackers. They're exploiters. />яэvolцтioйGG<\
#32542140Thursday, August 26, 2010 3:30 PM GMT

READ THE TITLE. What i meant i want all the hackers AND exploiters GONE from roblox.
#32542237Thursday, August 26, 2010 3:32 PM GMT

Title: No Hackers Exploiters are different. />яэvolцтioйGG<\
#32542254Thursday, August 26, 2010 3:33 PM GMT

Bumping so many people notice this.
#32542343Thursday, August 26, 2010 3:35 PM GMT

THERE, Title fix. What a very big waste to find a good game, and it breaks 2 years later. SMARTEN UP ROBLOX. Updates are complete Failures. if i were them i would be banning hackers and fixing the game rather then making hats and gear!
#32542404Thursday, August 26, 2010 3:36 PM GMT

Exploiters are hard to get rid off. If they manage to get rid of CE on roblox, there are other programs that can do the same thing.
#32542446Thursday, August 26, 2010 3:37 PM GMT

also exploiters. Those guys are a thorn in my side. I, SERIOUSLY. Have No idea why they did that! makign hats and gear is NOT smart. Banning Exploiters and Hackers and Fixing the Game is Smart.
#32544624Thursday, August 26, 2010 4:27 PM GMT

Roblox is trying to do that already. Believe me, Roblox has high security protocols, so it is getting more and more difficult to exploit holes in the system. But, people who really want in to do something will keep finding ways. Fortunately, most of these peoples' intentions are not malicious against Roblox, but, rather, for their own personal gain - therefore, when someone steals a hat, no one is affected. If Roblox finds someone exploiting holes in security, they are immediately banned. So... believe me, all of the "hackers" that they know exist are already taken care of.
#32545816Thursday, August 26, 2010 4:52 PM GMT

#32546075Thursday, August 26, 2010 4:56 PM GMT

You can't "Stop" a hacker. It's not that easy, really. Every game has a hole. And that hole will be exploited to be a bigger hole which the creator's cannot fix.
#32546374Thursday, August 26, 2010 5:01 PM GMT

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#32547312Thursday, August 26, 2010 5:19 PM GMT

You can't get rid of Hacker's forever.
#32547689Thursday, August 26, 2010 5:26 PM GMT

Every system has holes. Even if the greatest hacker in the world cannot find them, they are there. Therefore, its impossible to stop exploiting, the most we can do is make it diffucult to exploit/hack.
#32681498Saturday, August 28, 2010 3:08 PM GMT

Thank you all for not helping.... Except for the people who agree that all exploiters and hackers be banned.
Top 100 Poster
#32681708Saturday, August 28, 2010 3:11 PM GMT

You can't really stop them. Unless you keep patching. But then they'll find more exploits.
#32681751Saturday, August 28, 2010 3:12 PM GMT

Yes, exploiters and hackers are not allowed in ROBLOX. Yes, they are trying to get rid of exploiters and hackers as fast as possible, but it's not an easy job. No, I don't agree with this idea, because you barely explain anything. This is more of a complaint than a suggestion. If you want to MAKE it a suggestion, explain: ~ What we can do about it, and how to fix the problem ~ Who is going to do it (because I'm not going to) ~ How you're going to keep hackers out of the system permanently because it isn't as simple as waving a magic wand, and poof. Hackers are gone. You think ROBLOX WANTS hackers? You think hackers are ROBLOX's CHOICE? Well, let me wake you up, because they AREN'T. The hackers go to ROBLOX. ROBLOX doesn't say "Hey, hackers, could you come hack me?" on purpose... I'm going to quote RevolutionGG here, because this is one of my favorite quotes: DealWivIt. ~Awright, who gave the zombie the TNT?~ ~Before posting, read the forum rules, and read the POST. -_-~
#32683885Saturday, August 28, 2010 3:44 PM GMT

Your Not Helping.

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