#34547817Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:51 AM GMT

*i walk around on the roofs and check out my new assasain lord armor and try to find something thats interesting*'oh now whats this?'i say,as i pull out a load of explosive shurikens. 'ah,the assasains guild had amazing tools but this is major power.
#34566734Tuesday, September 28, 2010 7:37 PM GMT

((@King: My characters have 2007 car models and I'm playing this as though it is in the 2000 period. There aren't many horse and buggies anymore, but this a roleplay.))
#34567299Tuesday, September 28, 2010 7:47 PM GMT

8:37 A.M. Tuesday We all slept in. Foolish of us. Today we're getting lumber and building tools. Atleast Killer and Handy are. We all have pagers that are connected to each other and to the sercurity system we have in place. Smooth Talker and I are going downtown to meet up with people. More people we know the information we get. But we're going to dye our hair and wear jackets and gloves. A hood will be put on and glasses will be wore. This is to keep us safe. 9:54 A.M. Smooth Talker and I hope into the Jeep and go to the arcade. Handy told us how to hack the games to where we get a free game everytime and do other stuff like get the money from the machines. We're planning to take the money at twelve o' clock when the hoard arrives, but we're going now to meet some guys. 10:28 A.M. Not very many people here right now, but there are the bullies from the local school pestering some 4th graders. We're able to snatch the pocket knives from the 10th graders when we walk by. We take money from the claw machine and buy some nachos. We got about twenty dollars from the machine left. Aren't we glad no one can ever get something? 11:56 A.M. The crowd is coming in. Now the fun begins.
#34577664Tuesday, September 28, 2010 10:12 PM GMT

12:03 P.M. A couple of kids are walking towards the sanck bar. They look like their going to cause trouble. Smooth Talker and I stand near by and watch them. We also keep our eyes out for anyone suspicious. The two boys buy cokes and walk to the Pac-Man arcade machine. They both enter two dollars. They were talking, but not really playing. Once in awhile they'd look our way. That's when I got suspicious of them. They both started walking our way and that's when I put my pocket knife in my jacket pocket. "Hey, lookie here. We got some eskimos," said the first boy. "What should we do to them George? Give them swirlies or knock their daylights out?" asked the second boy. "Swirlies are to easy. Let's knock their daylights out." They started moving towards us and Smooth Talker and I got into a fighting stance. George through a punch at us and that's when I pulled my switchblade out. He immediatly backed up. "So, you like to fight with weapons, huh? Well so do I," George said. He pulled out a pocket knife and that's when Smooth Talker asked, "Should I pulled out the tactial?" I said, "Naw, let's make this not too bloody." "What are they talking about George? What do they mean by tactial?" said the one boy. "I don't know Steve. Just shut up. I'm going to slice them!" He jumped towards me with his arm extended and I grabbed it, went under his arm, and put his arm on his back, pushing it upwards. "STEVE! GET HIM OFF ME!" "How?" "I DON'T KNOW JUST DO IT. TAKE MY KNIFE!" Steve grabbed George's knife and started to come towards me. Smooth Talker was on him in an instant and put him into a headlock. "Who are you guys?" Steve asked. "None of your buisness,"I replied. "Who are you guys and why did you attack us?" asked Smooth Talker. "We're in the Street Assult Gang," replied George. "We were told to attack you when our leader saw you guys walk in," added Steve. By then we had a crowd looking at us. "Let's take this into the bathroom." 1:27 P.M. We walked into the bathroom and put zipties around their hands and legs. "Now who is your leader?" asked Smooth Talker. "Samuel Tan," replied Steve. "Are you the people that were following us the other day?" "In that Jeep and Dodge?" "No we were driving a Ford," I replied. "Then no. We were following these people in a Jeep and a Dodge until they seperated." "Why were you following them?" asked Smooth Talker. "That's none of your buisness and we've said enough." "You've said enough when we say you've seen enough. We're going to interrogate you two longer until we get the answers we need. S T get the car around to the back. I called K and H to see if they can get a cell and interrogation room built. Until then let's put them in the shack." "Okay."
#34577834Tuesday, September 28, 2010 10:14 PM GMT

I find Tork's body and preform the ceremony myself, using an amulet I ahd Violet bleed on. I transfer my soul into the long departed Tork's
#34584190Tuesday, September 28, 2010 11:40 PM GMT

4:23 A.M. Wednesday Yesterday we got $107.76 from the arcade. We're going to hit it every week and we only got that money from three machines. We're officially going to take everything from vending machines too. We are lucky to have Handy. Well this morning we're going to start on the seperate building. Three cells, an interrogation room, a kitchen, and a yard for them to walk around. Killer checked and we have just enough metal and wood. The second kitchens appliances will be removed from the house. We're waiting for the snow so we got up early. We should be done by 8-9:00 A.M. 9:37 A.M. The snow is starting to fall and we're putting the heater in the hall where the cells are. We can't freeze our suspects. The cook has her own cell too. We gave her more comfort. She doesn't talk though. When the snow passes we'll ask her what she wants. She always listens to what we say. Atleast she behaves... 10:54 A.M. So far there is about 8 inches of snow on the ground. Good thing we have a garage for the vehicles. Two cars, three ATV's, and two motorcycles. We put chains on the Dodge and the enclosed ATV for later. The cook has direct passage to the kitchen in the second building and can feed the people whenever the door unlocks at a certain time. Got to wait out the storm. We're going to do our studying then Handy is going to teach us some stuff to do with electronics and vehicles.
#34589116Wednesday, September 29, 2010 12:38 AM GMT

1:26 P.M. The snow is lighting up. Handy taught us how to fix and make an engine. He also told us how to hack any electronic easily. Getting money will be so much easier now. Smooth Talker and I are going into the the building to talk to the suspects George and Steve. We're going to bring them a couple blankets as well. The cook should of given their food to them already. As we enter it's warm. That's good because then they won't be freezing. We go to their cells and take them to the interrogation room. I have a recorder on me so I can show the guys what they said. There's also a video camera in their cells and in here, but the sound stopped working in here. Handy will get onto that when we're done. "So, George, are you going to talk to us?" asked Smooth Talker. "No." "Are you Steve?" "No." "Okay then. Let's go to the Kitchen." We take them to the kitchen and change them into skinny, orange suits. Then we take them outside into the "Yard". There's about 20 inches of snow on the ground and they only wearing the jumpsuits and shoes and socks. "We'll take you in if you participate in our questions," I say. "We won't participate," says George. "Fine I guess we'll stay out here," I say. I chain them to the benches. Twenty minutes pass, then all of a sudden Steve says, "Okaa-aaa-yyy-y. I--ll--lll parrr-tic-cc-i-ppppaaa-aa-ttttttt-e. Jus-ss-ssss-tttttt takkk-kkkk-kk-e me innn-nnn-nn." "S take him in and give him a blanket and a jacket." "Okay." Fifty minutes pass and George gives in. I take him to his cell and don't give him a blanket. "Where's my blanket?" "You don't get one because you haven't been participating." "Fine." "So, who's Samuel Tan?" "Our leader." "I know that, I mean who is he related to you?" "He's my brother." "What's his real name?" "Charles Pryor." "So your name is George Pryor?" "Yes sir." "Okay... What does your brother look like?" "I have a picture of him in my wallet. That big buff dude took it." "Okay." I text Killer and ask where he put the wallet. He says he's coming over with it. I said no need, take a picture of the dude in his wallet and send it to me. I get the picture and show it to George. "Is that your brother?" "Yes." "Okay. Well since you've been participating I'll give you a blanket." "Thank you." The cook is hands me a blanket. I give it to George and he wraps himself in it. "Well where's the hideout that you guys meet at?" "The abandoned apartment building thats on Territory Rd. About a mile from the arcade." "Okay. Well why are you interested in us?" "I've said enough." "Okay. Since you've been participating I'll leave you alone for now. We'll talk again tomorrow." "By the way, what's your name?" "You can call me Dark." "Okay Dark. Bye." I leave the cell and Smooth Talker is coming towards me with Steve. I help him get Steve into the cell and lock the door. When we get out of the building we start to talk. "So did you learn anything?" asked Smooth Talker. "Yep, I got the leaders picture, location, and name." "Well Steve had just joined a week ago and said the leader was George's brother." "George said the leader was his brother too. He sounded proud to say that." "Well lets get inside. It's starting to snow hard again..."
#34589319Wednesday, September 29, 2010 12:40 AM GMT

The ceremony is completed and the body looks like ym old one. Suddenly a shdowy figure pops up. "I have allowed you to do this but you msut go into town and attract attention. Eventually someone in the gang will come"
#34589424Wednesday, September 29, 2010 12:41 AM GMT

(( WOW you type a lot... )) "Okay, now what?" I ask Aceme?
#34589685Wednesday, September 29, 2010 12:44 AM GMT

I stare at her in my new but old body "Well, I have promised my soul to evil" WIth that I ran back to town
#34589694Wednesday, September 29, 2010 12:44 AM GMT

((It's a hobby. It gives more detail. Anyways I'm going to make a game to show what everything looks like. I don't really know yet.))
#34589982Wednesday, September 29, 2010 12:47 AM GMT

I ran to the town square "If anyone knows a few kids with code names, let me know. I am going to kill them" I yelled
#34590344Wednesday, September 29, 2010 12:51 AM GMT

-Violet- I looked at Nightshade, now back in his cat body. "Dang, how weird was that..?" I said.
#34590592Wednesday, September 29, 2010 12:54 AM GMT

I saw a local man and attacked him, showing no mercy. When I was finished I shot him in the head
#34590885Wednesday, September 29, 2010 12:57 AM GMT

((Violent tree wow. Lol jk.))
#34591036Wednesday, September 29, 2010 12:59 AM GMT

(Dark, I am trying to bait one of you) I found a 10 year old and beat him to a point where he could not move. I kicked him 10 times before spitting on him
#34591076Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:00 AM GMT

(( Lol. )) I decided to head home.
#34591177Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:01 AM GMT

I found a little girl with a baloon and popped it. I then tied the string around her neck and watched her choke
#34591532Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:06 AM GMT

I jumped through the open window of my room.
#34591595Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:06 AM GMT

I pushed the girl down and continued my assault on the boy
#34591608Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:07 AM GMT

3:12 P.M. The snow has started to get heavier now. When Smooth Talker and I entered the house, we took our jackets off and put them in the closet which was packed. We went into the study and found everyone on the computers. So Smooth Talker and I got on our computers. I started my study and then I got bored. I asked if anyone wanted hot chocolate and everyone wanted one so I made four cups of it. When I came back in Handy was showing Killer how to do something on Algebra 1. When Killer finally got how to do it he said, "Ohhhh, that's so easy." I went over to the White Board and put EOC's, or End Of Course, Friday. Handy, Smooth Talker, and I have to take it. Killer takes it when he's ready. The news says the snow will stop around five and by then there'll be four feet of snow. Good thing we have snow blowers.
#34591690Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:07 AM GMT

"Where are you guys, come out, come out wherever youa re" I untied the string from the girl an slit her wrist with my knife
#34591730Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:08 AM GMT

((Well treew, I'm kinda stuck on the mountain with all the snow and what not. Anyways I don't focus on murders.))
#34592027Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:12 AM GMT

(Darn, wellI need to draw someone else out) I put the boy in a chokehold "Well!" I call out
#34592393Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1:17 AM GMT

3:20 P.M. "Sly, there's a mass murder happening in the square," says Smooth Talker. "Well that stinks for the people down there. Who's the killer or killers?" I ask. "Some dude, but the cameras can't focus on him." "Well we can't get down the mountain to see who it is and we have nothing to do with this guy." "Well I'm going to keep tabs on it."