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#33060768Thursday, September 02, 2010 11:45 PM GMT

I had to go through hundreds of pages to find these, and am still missing quite a few. But, these are some of my more supported ideas. Hourly Tix This is a system that would shut a lot of NBCers up and make people decently happy. I think that every day, you get your 10 Tix login bonus, and every hour you are ACTIVELY playing Roblox, you get ONE tix. Advantages: 1: NBCers would be very happy with this system 2: Nobody could just leave their computer on Roblox, because Roblox would track their activity. Examples on stuff they would have to do during that hour: I: Forum II: Update a group page III: Go to a place IV: Comment on something V: Update status VI: Send a PM If they do not make a total of over 20 of these actions per hour (Between all of them. So, 20 PMs would work, or 5 Forum Posts, 5 comments, and 10 status updates. Etc.) 3: Active players would be rewarded. UPGRADE VERSION! This is just an idea, but maybe every year you have been on Roblox, you would get 1 more tix per hour. So, you would only be making like 2 tix per hour as an 09er, but, say, an 07er would make 4 tix per hour of playing. This doesn't have to be included, but it still wouldn't be much and would keep people happy :D "Are you sure?" Feature Honestly, I am really tired of Roblox not having this. I have accidentally exiled like 8 people from my group that only haz like 30 people in it. I accidentally deleted two limited U hats so far Roblox needs to add a feature so that when you try to exile somebody from a group or delete a Clothing Item, it says "Are you sure you want to [Exile this person/Delete this item] It wouldn't be hard and would keep a lot of people from being annoyed. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Roblox Scripting Overhaul When you insert a script, you should have three options: A cut/drag type of script. I don't really care which one: This would be great for new people. Roblox could extremely limit the options, so that people couldn't just pretty much cheat their way through the script, but then anyone could start to learn functions, and see how a script works. Lua: Lua is one of the easiest to learn and use scripting languages out there. It allows people who mildly know it to create good-great scripts. Plus, by leaving this in, it wouldn't break any old places. C++ or another more advanced scripting program: This would allows the most advanced users to do almost anything with their places. It would be a real plus to a lot of users, and allow a lot more to be built. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Badge Shirts I think that you should be able to assign a shirt/T-Shirt to be a badge shirt. It isn't available to buy, but if you earn it you get the Shirt/T-Shirt added to your stuff. If you want, you can still delete it, but it would just be a fun idea. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Just make more building properties. I don't think a thread about new building properties has gone through without become a popular post. Doesn't that tell you something? Properties we request: Gravity for that brick alone: So, you could make a sphere you could walk on. Tint/hue: Allows more customizable coloring. Phase mode: Allows bricks to pass through each other without CFraming Flash: Brick changes colors. Hallowed out: A brick only has the outline. Good for making items such as pipes, tubes, etc. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Roblox is dying You make new hats and gear daily, yet you do almost nothing us builders ask for. We know that your after BC and Robux money, and you know what? You're LOSING money keeping this pattern up. Lets do a play-by-play, shall we? 1) You make hats and gear 2) People buy 3) You keep going 4) Less people are buying..... 5) You keep going 6) Nobody is buying. 7) You go bankrupt because nobody plays Roblox anymore. Now lets see the backstory - The BUILDERS story - behind this 1) "Look new hats" 2) *Buys* 3) "Eh, they're OK" 4) *Buys less* 5) "STOP ALREADY" <--- this is where we are currently 6) *Ignores* Now realizes there are no good places left. Quits Roblox, it isn't fun. 7) Roblox runs out of people..... This may not have been very in-detail like most of my posts, but you have to realize that a LOT of the users are sick of this. There are few truly great places coming out, because nothing new to use to build is coming out. I have to admit that the new fine rotation tool is great, but it doesn't allow bricks to mesh through each other. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Spam prevention: Roblox can keep track of what people post automatically, because the moderation bot automatically looks at them. So, why not check the body of the text to see if they have posted the same thing, or something very close to it, anywhere else? If they have, then do not allow them to post. Also, any post containing the words Robux or Tix, and with a number over 1,000, are auto-blocked. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Ro-Video You added a screenshot button that is kinda useless because anyone who knows what keys to press could already do that. Why not make a Video camera, a lot of people have been asking for it. A lot of people make Roblox movies already, it's not like it could be "Abused" more than it already is. And, then maybe on your stuff you could have Sharable film clips. So, you could actually have a video storage thing on Roblox, preventing a lot of people from posting youtube links from offsite. This would keep the forums safer, the game funner, and make a lot of people happy. Who agrees? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Job Idea: I saw the "Roblox Jobs" thread, and liked it. How about this: Builders Club only. (Sorry, NBCers, but it would be way too much money for you) There is no market fee for jobs :) A Robloxian can go to the "Job" button (Located between Contests and Forum) and there are lists of jobs there. In the "Roblox" set of jobs, you are payed for moderation. 1 Robux per item voted on. 10 people must vote for an item, and majority rules on its approval. This would be used for image approval, clothing approval, etc. In the "User-Created" set of jobs, there are 3 kinds of jobs, all made by users. The creator of the job may set the pay. 1) Clothing design. You make clothes for the person who requested them, and are payed upon their approval. Opon the approval, the person who requested the clothing will automatically get an exact copy of the item, but they get the pay for that version. It still says that the creator is the person who made it. 2) Building. A person requests an item built, and the first person to create the item to their satisfaction is payed. 3) Scripting The first person to create a script to the requesters satisfaction is payed. This would be a great way for Robloxians to earn money, and to keep the Image Moderators from being overloaded. Then they could switch to being Forum Moderators, etc. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ War System: Roblox says they don't support wars, but if you think about it they do. How many people go out and spend 3 or 4 thousand Robux to get a sword or gun when they aren't in a war group? Not many. Aren't there more war groups that people spend money on in Roblox than there are non-war groups? Yes Don't they make a ton of money from people who buy Builders Club to make and own groups, and to build group places? Yes Roblox supports war no matter what they say, so why not actually show it? They should make the following features available. 1: A links section in groups. Just a small box where the links to uniforms, forts, etc. go. 2: A war feature. Both sides leader must agree to go to war. It would officially show up in a box on the group page who a group is allied with and enemies with. If the list reaches over 20 items, a link to a seperate page with all of them would show up 3: Adjustable promotions. This way, a leader could set how high a rank could promote to. So, even if someone is the second-highest rank, they might only be able to promote the the third ranks. 4: Rank PM. This would allow you to send a PM to everybody in a certain rank. Helpful to keep information from spies. 5: A "Clan" section of games. The only games that go in this section are forts and rec centers for clans. For all of you who are going to say this should go in C&G, thats not made for suggestions. But, go ahead and flame me for that anyways, I know its coming. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Small Idea Maybe where it says you are at when you are on the website or in a certain game on your profile, there could be a thing where it says "On the forums" and maybe a last thread posted on thing. Why Roblox lags Possible reasons 1: They added neverending backgrounds. I remember my first game I got outside the background with superjump, and it wasn't just a skybox either, because it was pitch black. No stars, no sun, nothing. 2: They may be updating their Graphics and Physics engines. That would make it laggy, but help later on. 3: They could just need to replace their peices of scrap metal run by hamsters on wheels with some servers..... just an idea.....
#33060960Thursday, September 02, 2010 11:46 PM GMT

Imma try and keep this alive.....
#33060980Thursday, September 02, 2010 11:47 PM GMT

Hahaha when I first looked at this i thought: Ohh HECKK no! I will not read this long thing!! And i didn't! Hahaha
#33061412Thursday, September 02, 2010 11:52 PM GMT

I read all of it, YES YES AND YES.
#33061878Thursday, September 02, 2010 11:57 PM GMT

what and use better grammar on the subject you noob its one of the rules {noobs are noobs no wonder every person wants one} support my campaign check my profile
#33061919Thursday, September 02, 2010 11:57 PM GMT

Do you know how many more hacks there would be if we could use C++?
#33063173Friday, September 03, 2010 12:12 AM GMT

I support
#33063534Friday, September 03, 2010 12:16 AM GMT

no support
#33063582Friday, September 03, 2010 12:16 AM GMT

Didn't read it all. But. I suport about 70% of what I did read. Best part is the active part. But another thing should be is if they are playing a game. Like in a game and they are active in it. Then they would get the Tix for the hour or what ever you would get.
#33068835Friday, September 03, 2010 1:18 AM GMT

@rescus, better grammar? Seriously, that was about as good as you're gonna get out of most people. Just because someone feels like using a z every once in a while doesn't mean you gotta be hatin.
#33069171Friday, September 03, 2010 1:21 AM GMT

Agreed with all except the job idea and the war system. We already sort of HAVE a war system. It's called the Clans and Groups forum. :P. And the job idea is just unfair, and people like STHXX are still gonna use free models, and there's probably gonna be spamming jobs, hacking jobs, PGing jobs, free model stealing jobs, and so on, in which you get paid to do bad things. Not good. ~Awright, who gave the zombie the TNT?~ ~Before posting, read the forum rules, and read the POST. -_-~
#33069295Friday, September 03, 2010 1:23 AM GMT

Job idea was just an idea. War system was actually more of just a few more features for groups, that a lot of people would appreciate.
#33069659Friday, September 03, 2010 1:27 AM GMT

I read all that. o_o *Claps* Awesome idea!
#33070375Friday, September 03, 2010 1:36 AM GMT

Read it all. Uber support on all ideas. ~~The Doubtful One~~
#33070692Friday, September 03, 2010 1:40 AM GMT

#33120465Friday, September 03, 2010 10:50 PM GMT

Wow, since I made this thread, I have seen over 10 threads copying one or more of these ideas. DANG YOU NOOBZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#33122028Friday, September 03, 2010 11:07 PM GMT

Lol, out of the 90 or so viewers so far, I guess only like three actually read it. Thats a REAL TL;DR
#33122131Friday, September 03, 2010 11:08 PM GMT

#33122738Friday, September 03, 2010 11:15 PM GMT

Problem is, with C++ almost anything is possible. Lots of functions would be locked. People with enough experience can cause havoc. I'm not for the C++ but almost everything else, I like.
#33125210Friday, September 03, 2010 11:45 PM GMT

Well, like I said, "C++ or another advanced scripting program". C++ is just the one I hear about more often.
#33127613Saturday, September 04, 2010 12:16 AM GMT

I read it all, but after reading the last one I forgot them all. :3 1337
#33130465Saturday, September 04, 2010 12:55 AM GMT

Lol. Also, epic name!
#33131121Saturday, September 04, 2010 1:03 AM GMT

#33134950Saturday, September 04, 2010 1:50 AM GMT

#33135044Saturday, September 04, 2010 1:51 AM GMT

tl;dr :D :D :D

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