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#33300827Monday, September 06, 2010 3:43 AM GMT

The sun rises on the year 1800. The world has changed. Democratic revolutions have toppled the old autocracies. Europe is in a state of warfare, North America has yet to be fully colonized, while South America has been attempt to throw away the old colonial powers. Africa has hardly been explored, the South Pacific is still decades from colonization, and India is still a free land. You will lead your great nation to victory, to stand the test of time with the likes of Alexander, Caesar, Cyrus, Charlemange, Richard the Lion Heart, and many other great conquerers. Rules: Be Realistic Country Borders must that of what the country had on January 1st 1800. 3 Pages=1 Year No making up of countries either Country Name: Ruler Name: Adjective: (Like Germany would be GErman, Britain would be British, etc) Government Type: Unique Unit Type: (Like Imperial Guard for France, Highlanders for British, etc. Be creative but be realistic; you get three. List numbers as well. Go into detail.) Military size: Naval size: Population size: - Country Name: Prussia Ruler Name: Frederick the III Adjective: Prussians Government Type: Parliamentary Monarchy (King commands military and foreign policy while Parliament commands domestic policy) Unique Unit Type: Prussian Light Smirkishers 7,500 men; highly trained woodsmen/hunters that are in the utmost shape. They carry rifled muskets as well as two pistols. Prussian Royal Pikemen; 6,000 men; Frederick the III's personal bodyguard. When in non-combat, they carry pikes as a symbol of authority. In battle, they carry the finest crafted Prussian muskets, a brace of four pistols, a single grenade, and sword. Prussian Dragoons; 5000 men; Using the best horses in all of Prussia, these men are the tanks of the Victorian era battlefield. Wearing their armoured plate on their chest, they carry a brace of six pistols, a sword, two grenades, and a pike that can be screwed on for combat usage. Military size: 100,000 professional soldiers that serve for 25 years. 100,000 reserve forces that trained once every 6 months; 500,000 available soldiers for draft. 50,000 men reaching military a/ge annually (15) Naval size: 20,000 professional sailors, 30,000 reserve sailors, 50,000 men available for draft. 5,000 men each year naval a/ge annually (12) Population size: 6 Million Women, 5.3 Million Men, 4.1 Million Children (Under the a/g/e of 15)
#33301240Monday, September 06, 2010 3:49 AM GMT

Prussian people are tired of being frozen in tiem. They request that LOLZOR sends them another deity to control another land.
#33301605Monday, September 06, 2010 3:55 AM GMT

Country Name: The Empire of France Ruler Name: Napolon I Adjective: French Government Type: Empire / Republic Unique Unit Type: Imperial Guard, French Forgien Legion. Military size: 5 Million Naval size: 1 Million Soldiers, 100 Ships Population size: 30 Million
#33301964Monday, September 06, 2010 4:01 AM GMT

Edit to my country: The sun rises on the year 1800. The world has changed. Democratic revolutions have toppled the old autocracies. Europe is in a state of warfare, North America has yet to be fully colonized, while South America has been attempt to throw away the old colonial powers. Africa has hardly been explored, the South Pacific is still decades from colonization, and India is still a free land. You will lead your great nation to victory, to stand the test of time with the likes of Alexander, Caesar, Cyrus, Charlemange, Richard the Lion Heart, and many other great conquerers. Rules: Be Realistic Country Borders must that of what the country had on January 1st 1800. 3 Pages=1 Year No making up of countries either Country Name: Ruler Name: Adjective: (Like Germany would be GErman, Britain would be British, etc) Government Type: Unique Unit Type: (Like Imperial Guard for France, Highlanders for British, etc. Be creative but be realistic; you get three. List numbers as well. Go into detail.) Military size: Naval size: Population size: - Country Name: Prussia Ruler Name: Frederick the III Adjective: Prussians Government Type: Parliamentary Monarchy (King commands military and foreign policy while Parliament commands domestic policy) Unique Unit Type: Prussian Light Smirkishers 7,500 men; highly trained woodsmen/hunters that are in the utmost shape. They carry rifled muskets as well as two pistols. Prussian Royal Pikemen; 6,000 men; Frederick the III's personal bodyguard. When in non-combat, they carry pikes as a symbol of authority. In battle, they carry the finest crafted Prussian muskets, a brace of four pistols, a single grenade, and sword. Prussian Dragoons; 5000 men; Using the best horses in all of Prussia, these men are the tanks of the Victorian era battlefield. Wearing their armoured plate on their chest, they carry a brace of six pistols, a sword, two grenades, and a pike that can be screwed on for combat usage. Military size: 2,000,000 professional soldiers that serve for 25 years. 1,000,000 reserve forces that trained once every 6 months; 3,000,000 available soldiers for draft. 50,000 men reaching military a/ge annually (15) Naval size: 200,000 professional sailors, 300,000 reserve sailors, 500,000 men available for draft. 50,000 men each year naval a/ge annually (12) Population size: 13.1 Million Women, 10.2 Million Men, 7.6 Million Children (Under the a/g/e of 15)
#33302066Monday, September 06, 2010 4:03 AM GMT

French Forgien Legion - The French Forgien legion is the most tough and experianced group of warriors on the planet. They go though an extensive, and extremly long training. French Howitzars - The French howitzar the the modern ancestor version of the howitzar and most advanced at its time.
#33302082Monday, September 06, 2010 4:03 AM GMT

Negate the part above my country. Lol.
#33302177Monday, September 06, 2010 4:05 AM GMT

French Colonies: Egypt, Canada, America, South East Asia.
#33302196Monday, September 06, 2010 4:06 AM GMT

Prussia has 3 Ship of the Lines, 15 Man-o-Wars, 20 Frigates, 30 Galleons, 100 various other ships
#33302265Monday, September 06, 2010 4:07 AM GMT

Prussian forces begin preparation for war.
#33302388Monday, September 06, 2010 4:10 AM GMT

French forces annex Austria (For historic reasons). France forms the Confederation of the Rhine.
#33302541Monday, September 06, 2010 4:12 AM GMT

Prussia protests. Prussian dignitaries are sent to Britain. Prussia cuts off supplying of arms and food to any country associated with France.
#33302719Monday, September 06, 2010 4:16 AM GMT

France signs military alliance with Spain, Swiss Federation, and several other nations whoms name I cannot remember.
#33302761Monday, September 06, 2010 4:16 AM GMT

Country Name:Spain Ruler Name:Louis V Adjective:Spanish Government Type:Empire Unique Unit Type:Spanish warmen,They carry 4 gernades,1 rifle,elite of the spanish troops.They luv Prussians.(OLOL),they are good with tactics on the battlefield and plans. Spanish Rocketmen,useing the chinase rockets that were made,they can elimnate emeny forces that are crowded together,they usally stay behind forces.Far away like on hills to see the battlefield. Spanish enginners,usally there to help work rockets,cannons in battle,usally carry tools,a pistol and gernade. Military size:3,000,000 Naval size:200,000 soilders,300 ships(I_I) Population size:20 million Inb4NOTACCEPTED OLOL
#33302782Monday, September 06, 2010 4:17 AM GMT

(There needs to be a Austaia, Britan, and Russia...)
#33302970Monday, September 06, 2010 4:20 AM GMT

Prussia enters a military alliance with Sicily, Naples, Sweden, Portugal, Britain, and Russians.
#33302971Monday, September 06, 2010 4:20 AM GMT

(Always take consideration of colonies..Spain has the largest in the world) France offers military & trade agreement with Spain.
#33303038Monday, September 06, 2010 4:21 AM GMT

France tries to improve relations with the Ottoman Empire, and sends mass gifts to their leader (Whos name I cant spell).
#33303077Monday, September 06, 2010 4:22 AM GMT

Prussia sents 500 people and 50 soldiers on a colonization mission of Afrika. Prussia demands that the Confederation of the Rhine be abolished as it violates the Sovereignty of the Germanic people.
#33303092Monday, September 06, 2010 4:22 AM GMT

We accept the trade agreement,Spanish units have been training,for these times.Plans of invading a colonizing are being made.
#33303153Monday, September 06, 2010 4:23 AM GMT

Prussia asks to meet with French leaders over the growing threat of Tripolian Pirates.
#33303436Monday, September 06, 2010 4:28 AM GMT

Napolon I agrees to the meeting. Ottomans begin to support Napolon.
#33303588Monday, September 06, 2010 4:30 AM GMT

We plan to invade Turkey and then use it for military advantages.FRom there we could easily have a better present in europe.
#33303592Monday, September 06, 2010 4:31 AM GMT

Frederick III meets Napolon in Paris under full military parade down the street of Paris to Versailles with the men marching to what will later be known as the Königgrätzer Marsch. (Imma PM you the proposal)
#33315312Monday, September 06, 2010 1:07 PM GMT

France agrees to the set proposals. Francem in support of the Ottomans, asks Spain to look other places for invasions.
#33316398Monday, September 06, 2010 1:31 PM GMT

Natoins are war groups.

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