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#33790484Tuesday, September 14, 2010 8:53 PM GMT

(I'm not going to write out a big chunk of plot like I usually do for two reasons Reason A. I think this will die out very fast so it won't be worth the Time. Reason B. I'd like it if you have READ the book. District openings. D1. (B and G) D2. (B and G) D3. (B and G) D4. (Samski11, me and G) D5. (B and G) D6. (B and G) D7. (B and G) D8. (B and G) D9. (B and G) D10. (B and G) D11. (B and G) D12. (B and G) District Specialties. 1. Luxury Items 2. Unknown 3. Electronics 4. Fishing, anything sea-related. 5. Unknown 6. Unknown 7. Trees, AKA lumber and etc. 8. Textiles (clothing) 9. Generates electricity 10. Raises livestock & cattle for eating 11. Agriculture 12. Coal Mining I'd like if you used specialties to give you your weapon training such as people from 7. having Axe training or 11. having scythe training. Rules: -No Godmodding/ubering/flameing -Be REALISTIC -Take your time, don't go killing every living person in sight or the thread will die very quickly once we get into the games. -Yes, though this is a killing game, you still need permission to kill anothers character -You cannot stay away from being killed all the time, I do not need your permission to kill you if needed, if you needed to be killed I will have the Capitol take care of you through nature. -If the spot in a district is already taken, then pick another district, only two people per district NO INSTA KILLS BE DESCRIPTIVE CS: Name: A.ge:(12-17) Gender: District:(1-12 and pay attention to which ones are taken.) Appearance:(Just Height, Eye colour, Build, Hair style and Hair colour. Not clothes) Weapon of choice:(You will not necessarily get this in the games but its just to give me an idea.) Other skills:(Up to three) Bio: CS: Name: Sam Henry A.ge: 16 Gender: Male District: 4 Appearance:Tall,Skinny but not wiry, Short brown tousled hair,Sea green eyes,Small nose,Thin lips. Weapon of choice: Trident, Harpoon gun and net. Other skills: Swimming, Fishing, Knot tying. Bio:Sam's Mother was killed by a Heart attack and his father in a Boat capsizing. He now supports his little brother and sister both aged 9 by his fishing in a boat he had been left by his parents.
#33791025Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:02 PM GMT

(Where are we gonna start out? Because I let mine die because I didn't like starting from the beginning.)
#33791313Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:06 PM GMT

(I know I was in it, but I think I will do it from the start and progress quickly.)
#33792960Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:29 PM GMT

Name: Natalie Moon A.ge: 12 Gender: Female District: 12 Appearance: A little on the tall side, slim and curvy but a bit bony, flexible build, with a thin nose, full lips, large ice blue frosty eyes with many starbursts that resemble ocean waves and long dark eyelashes, she is quite beautiful in a unique way, she has very pale skin that can easilly be painted for camoflauge, she has a couple bruises on her calfs and stomach from a struggle back home, and she has midnight black hair that has a couple layers and bangs that cover her left eye, reaching her mid-back. Weapon of choice: Bow and Arrows Other skills: Hunting (Bow Combat), Stealth, Agility Bio: Natalie was in a family of five, not including her parents. She is the middle child, having two little sisters (4, 7) and one big sister (15) and a big brother (14). She was told by both of her older siblings and her parents to not take the teteras (or the things that you take to get supplies for the family... I can't remember the name right now.). Her parents are living full time jobs, barely being home, to put food on the table. While they weren't home, the other siblings sat down and waited, but Natalie had taken to hunting outside the gates (almost like Katniss). She trained herself, finding one, old and broken and made of wood. She had fixxed it a bit and found herself shooting small animals for snacks while her parents were gone for weeks at a time, working in the coal mines. She is also very flexible and quick, and has learned a couple things outside the gate.
#33793610Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:39 PM GMT

(acceptemundo + adminified)
#33794943Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:57 PM GMT

#33806467Wednesday, September 15, 2010 12:30 AM GMT

(C'mon people, join.)
#33833150Wednesday, September 15, 2010 8:35 PM GMT

#33835792Wednesday, September 15, 2010 9:15 PM GMT

(*whine* Bump x2)
#33837433Wednesday, September 15, 2010 9:37 PM GMT

(Start) I wake up taking in my small room light just beginning to fill in from the high circular window I look over seeing my brother and sister both lying fast asleep next to me I slide out of bed my bare feet warm against the cold broken tiles I grab my net and makeshift hook from the corner of the room before slipping out of my house the early morning silence fills my ears as I walk down to the pier and jump down into my boat, which my father had won in a bet down at the pub one day now he was gone I used it and fished for money and food. I paddle off to shore making large ripples and watching them dissipate before I knew it I was a quite far off from the pier I stand up and throw my weighted net over the side into the water it sinks a bit capturing a few fish none of great size but I take them up anyway and dump them in my boat air-drowning them while I fished for more.
#33838893Wednesday, September 15, 2010 9:56 PM GMT

It was reaping day, and I could already hear the footsteps of my older siblings Andy and Amy. Then I heard a surprising noise; my parent's laughs from the kitchen. I sat up and quickly rubbed my eyes as I got up and ran to see if it was really them. I was greeted by a "Good morning, Natalie!" by my mom. I went over and hugged them both. "We couldn't let ourselves miss Reaping Day with you five... just in case one of you three got picked." She eyed me and my other awake siblings. Amy opened her mouth to speak by Andy quickly interupted. "Don't worry, we haven't taken anything that would add any more of our names in. And, I doubt being a twelve year old, Natalie wouldn't be picked in a raffle of 1 against many." He said. They looked at me. My father pitched into the conversation. "How have you guys been doing with meals? We've managed to earn enough for some goods, but they won't last long." "I've been hunting and feeding the others..." I said. "Good..." Both of my parents said.
#33876054Thursday, September 16, 2010 8:05 PM GMT

I clamber back into my boat throwing my net over the pile of lifeless fish it wasn't huge but there was about 15 enough for the coming week, It was the reaping today and I was entered only once this year because I had been able to keep the money coming in stably from selling the fish and some odd things and I had done the fishing for us too. I am at the shore now I step off and tie the boat by the bough to the pier before gathering all the slimy fish in my net and slinging it over my shoulder and I begin to walk home.
#33877098Thursday, September 16, 2010 8:22 PM GMT

(Have you read Mockingjay? It says what the second district is, not the 5th and 6th, I think though. District 2 Mainly mines ores and trains peacekeepers.)
#33877369Thursday, September 16, 2010 8:26 PM GMT

(Yes I have I forgot to edit that part I had copied this from my other HG thread.)
#33877522Thursday, September 16, 2010 8:29 PM GMT

(So are you joining, if you do don't give out any spoilers, Youshi has only read number 1)
#33878272Thursday, September 16, 2010 8:41 PM GMT

(Sure, Ill join, Try not to give out any spoilers, and I cant promise ill be writing blocks of text like you guys.) Name: Hex Alabaster A.ge: 16 Gender: Male District: Two Appearance: 6Ft5In. Red Eyes. Healthy Build, Not to big. Bed Head hair, He wakes up with whatever he gets. Blond hair. Weapon of choice: Hand to hand combat, Spears, Swords, Knives. Other skills: Foraging, Speed, Stealth. Bio: Hex was born from the mayors of district two. He was quite well fed, learned, and anything else you can believe the "Pampered" people of district two are. Illegally trained for the games, and has volunteered for it every year since he was 12. He hasn't got in yet, surprisingly, And he is starting to have second thoughts about it.
#33878376Thursday, September 16, 2010 8:42 PM GMT

(Ok, Accepted, it's reaping day.)
#33878482Thursday, September 16, 2010 8:44 PM GMT

(Yay. There's another. :D)
#33879600Thursday, September 16, 2010 9:01 PM GMT

I woke up on that day, The reaping day, With a renewed confidence. I was ready, and I was getting into the games this year. After I got dressed in my best suit, I almost hopped down the stairs out of joy of the reaping.
#33879741Thursday, September 16, 2010 9:04 PM GMT

I push open my heavy wooden door,my hair sopping wet I had left my shirt on the boat so it wouldn't get soaked so I was mostly dry I grab a strip of faded yellow cloth, which we used to dry our selves from the salty sea water lacking towels although we were a career district here our little family was among the poorest because of our parents death. I look into the bedroom to see my sister doing up my brothers reaping day tie and muttering jokingly "Even I can do it and I don't wear a tie." I put out three fish on the fire cooked stove then I fight with the matches trying to light the stove.
#33879986Thursday, September 16, 2010 9:08 PM GMT

I got the Avox to bring me some food and ate it with gusto. I stood up after finishing the food at the table and walked out of my house, the best in the district. My house. So sheltered from the outside world. So much lacking live other then the Avox and my family. I walk down my normal path in the garden and sit on a bench near the gate.
#33880374Thursday, September 16, 2010 9:14 PM GMT

My parents revealed a basket of food, full of many types of grains and vegetables, and fresh meat from the butcher. Us children's faces were instantly covered in smiles, and I went to wake Kimmy and Mary. Though we were quite poor, we managed to have beds for everyone and good enough blankets to keep warm. I got into the room of which the sisters shared and woke them up so they could come join the feast. After struggle of getting them out of bed, I led them to the kitchen where the others had already got the food set out, and started eatting. I joined them.
#33880666Thursday, September 16, 2010 9:18 PM GMT

My brother comes over and hands me a paraffin cube we only used them when it was really cold or we just couldn't get the stove started "Thanks bro." I say dropping it in and smearing it around the little nest like bundle before returning with the matches and setting it ablaze nearly cooking my hand in the process but it was lit finally. I go and get dressed into my Formal clothes, My white shirt, Sea green tie with a small black silhouette of a dolphin on it at the bottom, Brown trousers with a neat fold in them and shiny black shoes. Once I return to the stove taking the now slightly crispy fish off the stove and setting them on wooden carved plates special ones, I set them down and we begin to eat I still didn't understand why it was such a big deal, such a happy event even we were sending innocent kids off to they're deaths for god.s sake.
#33880880Thursday, September 16, 2010 9:21 PM GMT

Two hours, I believe, until our reaping. They have the reaping throughout the day to make sure all the capital people can see them back to back. They make me sick, they do.
#33881228Thursday, September 16, 2010 9:25 PM GMT

Once we are finished I tidy everything away and put out the fire leaving the ashes to cool for a while until after the reaping so I could use them to make the soil more fertile for our garden patch, I mean I was never going to get picked right It was like 1 in 2000 or something. We head down to the Reaping stadium we held ours at the Stadium anyway for civilised sports not like the bloodsport the Hunger Games.

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