#34445951Sunday, September 26, 2010 1:44 PM GMT

Everyday,I went to a big hut with a hard roof and walls,and we studied the elements that made it up.After that my group of scientsts(More or less) and I went back to camp.It was brekfast time.We were very religous and gave thanks before every snack,meal,or drink.
#34446254Sunday, September 26, 2010 1:49 PM GMT

~@$*Beyaltor*$@~ I flew and flew and approached our shelter. I called to our herbal collectors to help Meyaltor's wings and we all lay down to have what little sleep we could as the sun rose.
#34448626Sunday, September 26, 2010 2:32 PM GMT

Brekfast was eggs(yes,we have em)and small fruits.Most people went back to sleep after that,and some stayed guard.
#34450394Sunday, September 26, 2010 3:01 PM GMT

(You need to wait until swamps makes the scenario all posts made before scenario is complete are to be ignored)
#34452138Sunday, September 26, 2010 3:29 PM GMT

(Oh and on second thought, I might have joined the one you saw awhile ago but it died before I found out if I was accepted. Bravo for bringing it back.) ~@$*Beyaltor*$@~ By morning, Meyaltor's wing were a little bit better although she could only glide. We began to make our shelter stronger, and then it was fruit-hunting time. (Fruit-hunting: Half the "hunting" party goes to the tree and shakes ripe fruit off. The other half then chase it and catch all they can. Then they switch and do it again until they've caught all they can.) I said, "Males will do it today females tomorrow." The males spread their wings and flew off.
#34461115Sunday, September 26, 2010 5:42 PM GMT

~@$*Beyaltor*$@~ In the evening the males came back, their four claws (Each Bian has four claws) full of fruit.
#34466310Sunday, September 26, 2010 6:52 PM GMT

A Little Note from Swamps (Please Read) _________________________________________________________________________ Hello, My RPers :3 Nice to see so many of you. This will complicate things for me, so at the top of your RP Actions, please put your Species name, A Comma, your Planet name, another comma, and your Alpha Name. This will help me immensely, and you no longer have to wait for me, But I can still declare actions Null and Void if they dont apply to your stage correctly! Keep RPing, And I may make a group! I've also changed the Points Required from Creature Stage. Its about.. 250. You can get a maximum of 15 a day, But thats unlikely. Thanks, Swamps _________________________________________________________________________ Time: Morning (Approx. 7:30 AM) Gosuin: Alvoi: A loud screech sounds out, Its a Kluku, The Acid-Spitting Flying Bird-Creature. Most of the Alvoi are awoken, but the Elders stay asleep. The creature swoops down, and kills alot of the sentrys before they can react. ___________________________________________________________________________ Toemonn: Bian: Out from the sky, a flying ship comes. The village is under attack. The Ship abducts some of the Bian, and some of the Aliens take them away, or kill them if they try to attack. The Pick-Up is in the middle of this disaster for Beyaltor. ___________________________________________________________________________ Dalisi: Alazars: The Alazars awaken to the sound of a Sand Spinner howl. It blows sand at the Alazars, blinding alot, but some get their eye-scales down. It stops beating its sand-blowing wings, and takes the nearest Alazar back to its Nest. The Alazarian is an elder, and its Hizilids father. ___________________________________________________________________________ Mokora: Eridigos: from the Meteor Pit. Grass has started to regrow in the pit, soon trees will come, and creatures behind that. From the forest, a howl sounds out. The Eridigos have found some prey, but a Vuli has found them and is attacking (Vuli, Flying, Kinda like Pteradon, Carniverous.) Its insanely quick. ___________________________________________________________________________ Clonon: Draskord: The blood from the killed creature attracts a Gino, a Sharp-Toothed creature thats about the size of.. 4 school busses. It can shrug off alot of electric shocks, but to much will knock it out. ___________________________________________________________________________
#34469649Sunday, September 26, 2010 7:35 PM GMT

~@$*Bian, Toemonn, Beyaltor*$@~ As I saw the ship go into the air, I knew there was nothing we could do. It could be a distraction, to get the defences' attention. I felt like sitting down and giving up. But if I did that, all my work to get females recognised would be gone. Look on the bright side. Meyaltor's wings were almost healed. We could be together again. And we did still have so many of us left. I sighed as I left my room of the shelter and went to look at the guards.
#34469694Sunday, September 26, 2010 7:36 PM GMT

Alazar, Dalisi, Hizilid (Hizilids father would have been loooong dead by now if you hadnt said that, but anyway) I saw my father being taken away from the nest. Trying to keep my cool, I barked out an order for all of the Alazar present to chase after the Sand Spinner. The clouds were passing, and it was mostly easy to see the Sand Spinner out from the dull desert. We began to give chase.
#34477189Sunday, September 26, 2010 9:15 PM GMT

(Thansk for reading my Note (Posted 3 above.) you guys! It really does help when I make these!) Approx 3:00 Dalisi: Alazar: Hizilid and the fighters he brought with him track down the Sand Spinner's nest. It notices them coming, and jumps down from the Cactu (Giant Cactus, Found alot of Dalisi, Plenty of water inside, although the ones with nests are empty and used to store food-Dead or Alive) A battle begins, Hizilid and another fighter are injured, with the rest dead. They enter the Cactu to find a whole nest of baby Sand Spinners, and in the corner is Hizilid's father, Unconcious. ___________________________________________________________________________ Toemonn: 5 guards survived the attack, because they ran for cover. There is 15 adult civilians left, 7 warriors, 3 elders, 9 children, Beyaltor, and her parents (Part of the Elders) Another eruption sounds from the same volcano that coated ash for a ten mile radius. This creates an Ash Cloud, which glides above the Bian's Packs home. Ash begins to fall on the ground. ___________________________________________________________________________
#34477628Sunday, September 26, 2010 9:21 PM GMT

~@$*Bian, Toemonn, Beyaltor*$@~ Ash! The luck of it! Ash was good to burn. The remaining population gathered it up and dumped into the fireplaces. There had been 8 preg.nant females, and they all had given b.irth, boosting the children to 17.
#34477988Sunday, September 26, 2010 9:26 PM GMT

(I posted before I got your message.)
#34478047Sunday, September 26, 2010 9:27 PM GMT

(Well I got the notice before I posted.)
#34478400Sunday, September 26, 2010 9:32 PM GMT

stage:wild race: Kezard alpha name:huyguza birth style:eggs Skin and apparel:blue and or red scales and looks alot like a t-rex at full size. alpha apparel:larger than the others and has a ice scale adaption. eating style:omnivore their god:the ice lord appearence:a giant alpha that speaks with the power of ice vibrations.
#34478668Sunday, September 26, 2010 9:36 PM GMT

planet:crystal frost
#34481973Sunday, September 26, 2010 10:26 PM GMT

Alazar, Dalisi, Hizilid I wanted to bring a couple of other packmates, but my intuition knew better. I had to do this alone. Else, the babies would be spooked. I came close to my father, woke him up and told him to stay quiet as we got out of the cacti, my father in the lead. We returned to the nest area immediately after, knowing the mother of the babies or something else would pop up if we had hung out there even a moment longer.
#34482753Sunday, September 26, 2010 10:37 PM GMT

(@ Megasuperior three above) (You do not decide your god. I am your god, although you dont acknowledge my existance or give me a name until Tribal Stage.) Approxamately 7:00 PM Dalisi: Alazar: Hizilid, the warriors, and Hizilid's father are greeted upon return. A feast is thrown. In the middle of the feast, The Ship that arrived at Toemonn pops up above the city. Creatures drop down, scanning for life. ___________________________________________________________________________ Toemonn: Bian: The fire is cooking high, when the volcano erupts again, this time spewing Ash, which starts to fall and gets up to feet high piles.4 of the newborns die, making the child population 13. ___________________________________________________________________________
#34482866Sunday, September 26, 2010 10:38 PM GMT

~@$*Bian, Toemonn, Beyaltor*$@~ It was getting late in the afternoon. I had already been to see the newborns, and they were doing well.
#34484687Sunday, September 26, 2010 11:00 PM GMT

Alvoi,Ewana Muoda Kluku was very hungry and very mean,I got our best men and sent them out with a new invention of ours,a soiwc(shield) plus the basic armour and weapons,they were well trained and killed him rather quickly,and even after they killed him,his stench linggered in the air.
#34484774Sunday, September 26, 2010 11:01 PM GMT

(i know.its just how they visualize their god)
#34484869Sunday, September 26, 2010 11:02 PM GMT

*but can it be accepted now?*
#34485109Sunday, September 26, 2010 11:05 PM GMT

(Oops, late post.) ~@$*Bian, Toemonn, Beyaltor*$@~ I knew we'd have a month's supply of ash, but the loss of the newborns wasn't worth it. Sadly, we all gathered the ash up, and stacked it in our rooms. Then I heard 4 females were preg.nant.
#34486313Sunday, September 26, 2010 11:17 PM GMT

I got a warning from the moderators because I said preg.nant without the dot. T.T I'm getting scared.
#34487523Sunday, September 26, 2010 11:29 PM GMT

We rarely got fresh meat,so we stripped the old carcass down to the bones.
#34488963Sunday, September 26, 2010 11:46 PM GMT

Alazar, Dalisi, Hizilid Hizilid saw a strange flying creature hovering over the tall-square range. He saw it spitting out strange creatures. He ignored this and went back to partying.