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#34511151Monday, September 27, 2010 2:36 PM GMT

You stand up from behind the bush and fire the LAW. It slams into the track, snapping one of them. You hear machine gun fire coming from the tank, and one of your soldiers is gunned down. You duck behind another bush and load the LAW. You then run up to the front of the tank and find the opening where the driver looks through. You pull the pin on one of your grenades and throw it inside. It's thrown back out, and the tank runs over it as it explodes. (A) Make a run back to the Huey gunship (B) Call in air support
#34532224Monday, September 27, 2010 10:37 PM GMT

#34532832Monday, September 27, 2010 10:45 PM GMT

A (Ad Lol, I tried several times to make a successful war choice like this, how do you do it?)
#34532860Monday, September 27, 2010 10:45 PM GMT

#34539433Tuesday, September 28, 2010 12:05 AM GMT

@Associate, All you need is a little knowledge about war history, and a lot of imagination. ------------------------------------------ You run as fast as you can to the Huey. The soldiers follow you, but the T-34 machine gunner spots one of them and stiches them across the back. He falls forward, and the tank fires. It hits a tree, sending splinters of wood everywhere. They hit you, and you stumble forward. You start running again, and it fires at the ground. Dirt goes flying everywhere. You run faster, but then trip over a tree root. The gunner shoots you in the leg, and you cannot run. (A) Attempt to run back to the Huey (B) Accept your fate (C) Call for help
#34539621Tuesday, September 28, 2010 12:07 AM GMT

#34542333Tuesday, September 28, 2010 12:41 AM GMT

You call out for help, but nothing happens. You hear a droning sound, behind you, and turn around. You see the Huey hovering over the clearing. It begins to move forward. The dang fools took the Huey and left you to die. Not for honor, not for freedom, not for country, but for yourself. To save your own life. A deafening boom rings out, and your you see a rocket flying toward the Huey. It explodes, sending parts of the helicopter-and the squad-flying. The machine gunner turns on you, and stiches you across the chest. Your body is never found. *DEATH* *REWIND* (A) Attempt to run back to the Huey (B) Accept your fate (C) Call for help
#34547196Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:43 AM GMT

This is going to kill us eventually, I know i should accept the fate, but A
#34548091Tuesday, September 28, 2010 1:55 AM GMT

You gather up all your remaining strength, and run back to the Huey. What was actually 16 seconds, seemed like a lifetime. You jump into the pilot seat, and start up the helicopter without even checking the controls. You speed up and set it on autopilot. You are on your way back to the base. You look back at what's left of the squad and smile. You don't even feel it when the rocket from the T-34 slams into the Huey. 2 weeks later... A search and rescue mission is sent out for the squad. You are not found. A platoon on patrol find empty-burned out pieces of the Huey. Then they find the squad. They don't even find all of you. *DEATH* *REWIND* (A) Attempt to run back to the Huey (B) Accept your fate (C) Call for help [One life left]
#34548728Tuesday, September 28, 2010 2:06 AM GMT

#34554331Tuesday, September 28, 2010 4:47 AM GMT

You sit infront of the tank. You wait to be gunned down. Soon it will be all over. You close your eyes. You hear a deafening noise come from above. You dare to open your eyes again, just in time to see two F-4 Phantoms swoop in from above and drop napalm on the tank. The heat is intense, and it sears your clothes. The gunner is incinerated. And the tank becomes red-hot. You pick up what's left of your strength, and run back to the Huey. You jump into the seat, and start up the engine. It hovers, then takes off. You increase the throttle while going forward. I't has become dark now, and it's hard to see. You slow down the helicopter. You are flying, on the way back to the base. Everything will be alright... ...and that's when all 'heck' breaks loose. You hear an explosion coming from behind. An RPG has hit the tail. The Huey went into a spin, and crashes in the trees. You fall into darkness. When you come to, your vision is blurred and you notice that the ground is about 11 feet from where you are. You hanging in a tree, and your left arm could be broken. From the corner of your eye, you can see a large fire in the trees and on the ground. You are thinking about what has happened to your squad, when you see 4 people com in from a path in the jungle. They look around, then start pointing at you. You can hear them talking in Vietnamese, and they pull you out of the tree. The smell of burning meat fills your nose. They bind you to a bamboo pole and carry you off. You're not sure what they're going to do to captured prisoners of war. But you have an idea. A horrible idea... *THE END OF PART 1* *TO BE CONTINUED...*
#34581710Tuesday, September 28, 2010 11:08 PM GMT

#34581734Tuesday, September 28, 2010 11:08 PM GMT

#34581836Tuesday, September 28, 2010 11:10 PM GMT

I'm still thinking about the storyline in Part 2. You will have more lives in it.
#34581993Tuesday, September 28, 2010 11:12 PM GMT

I got an idea, we get thrown into a VC camp, we meet John Mcain there(cuz he was a pow in the vietnam war.) and then we try to exape.
#34585569Tuesday, September 28, 2010 11:57 PM GMT

Shell Shock (Part Two) is out.

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