#34859685Sunday, October 03, 2010 7:34 PM GMT

James Kain "BUNK BUDDIES!" I say, Laughing. Then walking towards the stairs. Then walking down it, In a slow pace. Slowly chuckling to myself. I sat down mid-way on the stairs.
#34859815Sunday, October 03, 2010 7:36 PM GMT

Reynie I saw the Grunts walk in. I took out my Grenade launcher and fired. They looked at the grenade and suddenly, BOOM! Cassandra They went crazy. "You'd think they were Japanese."
#34859934Sunday, October 03, 2010 7:37 PM GMT

James Kain I sat on the stairs. "Funny." I say, Then look at the mildly destroyed New Alexendria. I sighed. What was next? Earth? Or maybe the world. I then laid back on the stairs.
#34860150Sunday, October 03, 2010 7:40 PM GMT

Reynie I shot the Grunts and then sat with him. "We'll probably lose this planet, or the war, but, for now, let's keep pushing." I said. Cassandra I loooked thru the scope of my DMR. I started firing and killing some Covenant.
#34860268Sunday, October 03, 2010 7:42 PM GMT

James Kain A Drone hovered in the stair's window. "You have got to be %$&£*$^ kidding me!" I shout as It grabs me and throws me outside of the window, I start trying to reach my Armor lock button. "Sonofa." I say. Trying to press it.
#34860463Sunday, October 03, 2010 7:44 PM GMT

Cassandra I shot it then ran for the window. Reynie I ran up and grabbed her then dove. I used my Jet Pack until I reached him. I grabbed his arm, "Hold on!"
#34860694Sunday, October 03, 2010 7:47 PM GMT

James Kain "Oh, I like falling." I say, Laughing. Then looking around the Bit by bit destroyed New Alexendria. And sighed. While hovering. Then laughed mildly. "Let go!" I say. Smiling under my mask. (Near the fall of reach, Can we have some kinda cool starter. Like we snuck onto the PoA, And got into the back cyrotubes? Cause. I want a fight on the PoA. Cause I want this thread to LIVE)
#34860889Sunday, October 03, 2010 7:49 PM GMT

(Ok.) Reynie I flew off to a Pelican that was taking off and I set us down. "Let's scat." Cassandra "Yeah, I'm getting sick of this." I whispered.
#34861076Sunday, October 03, 2010 7:51 PM GMT

James Kain I jumped onto the Pelican. I had lost my shotgun during the fall. So I just sat there. Unarmed. Or anything. Just laying back. On the pelicans last seat. (Btw. Heres details on where he is confirmed. He is confirmed this: James Kain A-251: Confirmed alive. And rogue.)
#34861206Sunday, October 03, 2010 7:54 PM GMT

(Details: Reynie E-015: Confirmed Alive with James Kain.)
#34861258Sunday, October 03, 2010 7:54 PM GMT

(And cassandra is confirmed Dead?)
#34861302Sunday, October 03, 2010 7:55 PM GMT

(No, she's with us too, forgot to add her.)
#34861386Sunday, October 03, 2010 7:56 PM GMT

(Lol, All 3 of us went rogue XDD) James Kain I sat on the pelican. Looking around. A bit fed up. I then pulled out a bladder. "Anyone thought, I didn't take the bladder?" I say taking off my helmet.
#34861568Sunday, October 03, 2010 7:58 PM GMT

Reynie "You scare me." I said blankly. I removed my helmet to show my hair growing shaggy. Cassandra "You know that your humor scares me James." I said humorusly.
#34861810Sunday, October 03, 2010 8:01 PM GMT

James Kain "Well, I do what, I say." I say. Then I laid back. Bored out of my mind. I look outside. then sighed. The world was lost. Wasn't it?
#34862035Sunday, October 03, 2010 8:03 PM GMT

Reynie A transmission came in from another Spartan called Carter. "We need you guys at Sword Base, we'll be destroying it..." he said. Cassandra "Oh great."
#34862138Sunday, October 03, 2010 8:05 PM GMT

James Kain "You guys hate me." I said laughing. Then I got ready to jump out of the pelican. I picked up a DMR from a military case. Then I waited. I sat down near the edge of the pelican's hatch.
#34862507Sunday, October 03, 2010 8:09 PM GMT

Reynie I put on my helmet and got ready. "Well, again we gotta go and do this." I said. Cassandra "You know, I think that they're trying to kill us." I explained.
#34862629Sunday, October 03, 2010 8:10 PM GMT

(James goes rogue, RIGHT ABOUT Now.) James Kain "Sorry, I just need to do this." I say throwing a grenade in the pelican. Then jumping out. I quickly put my helmet on. And I gulched my DMR. Then Commenced armor lock.
#34862861Sunday, October 03, 2010 8:13 PM GMT

Reynie "Well, let's go." I whispered. Cassandra I grabbed Reynie as he took off after James. The Pelican exploded behind us.
#34863003Sunday, October 03, 2010 8:14 PM GMT

James Kain I hit the ground hard. I disabled armor lock. and stood up. And watched the Pelican fall towards the earth. I then saluted. "Good." I heard in my head. I then thought. Then walked away. Towards a zone where a Frigate was.
#34863146Sunday, October 03, 2010 8:16 PM GMT

Reynie "Where we going?" I asked. Cassandra "Well, those jerks deserved, trying to pick up on me."
#34863214Sunday, October 03, 2010 8:16 PM GMT

( Cassandra's sentance is confusing.)
#34863597Sunday, October 03, 2010 8:20 PM GMT

"Those jerks deserved it, slapping me in certain places I won't describe." That translate for ya?
#34863649Sunday, October 03, 2010 8:21 PM GMT

(Who are excalty, Those 'Jerks'?)