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#34518363Monday, September 27, 2010 7:30 PM GMT

Not so long ago mysterious stone carvings were found in a gold mine. The smae carving started showing up all over the worold. Anybody who toughed them turned into horrible creatures. These runes are cursed. How ever some of the runes started showing up on people. Strange glowing marks appeared on their skin. Does this have anything to do with the horrible monsters? The markings were different than the runes... They were less threatning... Some say they're holy. The Runes came to be know as the Runes of the Acursed. The marking were called God's touch. Because of this the monster were known as Acursed Ones, and people with God's Touch were known as Holy Ones. The monster began devoloping powers by different runes. The same with the Holy Ones. Can anyone find out the secret of God's Touch and the Runes of the Acursed? In this RP, role play an Acursed One, A Holy One, or a human. The monsters look like they're made out of smoke, and have free will... But they also have a thrist for human blood. ~~Runes~~ Satan's Touch-Gives power over fire. Poseidon's Gift-Gives power over water. Zeus's Eagle-Gives power over lightning. Blood and Bones-Gives power over the dead. Frostbite-Gives power over ice. Mother Nature-Gives power over nature. ~~Marks~~ Gift of Light-Gives power over light. God's Eye-Can see the future. God's Power-Has great strenth. Heaven's Clouds-Gives power over wind. Inner Eye-Can read minds and has telepathy. God's Mind- Has extreme intelligence. ~~Character Sheet~~ Name: A.ge: G.ender: Race: Power (If your have any): Apperance: Bio:
#34518536Monday, September 27, 2010 7:33 PM GMT

Name: Luke Ledgermayne A.ge: 17 G.ender: Male Race: Holy One Power: Heaven's Clouds Apperance: Tall, long blond hair, black jacket, White T-shirt, Black pants, Black golves, sun glasses, skinny. Bio: The Mark appeared when he was 16. He only just got the powers.
#34519007Monday, September 27, 2010 7:42 PM GMT

Name:Xarna (Zarna) A.ge: 18 G.ender: F Race: Aucursed one Power (If your have any): Poseidon's Gift Apperance: Long black, curly hair brought back into a ponytail that falls down to hips. Perfectly shaped face with a curved body. Somewhat tall. Red-and-black tank top with stitched on black-and-white sleeves. Black fishnetting over it. Black skinny jeans and buckle boots. Bio: SOmewhat good, somewhat evil, is most on the nuetral. I touched the mark when I was 6. I grew up around evil, but they outcasted me. I have always lived in a small forest with a lake in the middle. The lake has a strange rock in the middle on which I feed on fish, deer, cow, plants, ect...
#34519554Monday, September 27, 2010 7:52 PM GMT

Need one more to stop.
#34519664Monday, September 27, 2010 7:54 PM GMT

I'll invite some roleplayin' buddies. Such as.. Littletto Alexa(Some #'s) Yumia And so on...
#34520204Monday, September 27, 2010 8:01 PM GMT

Name: Jacob gallbotrix A.ge: 27 G.ender: Male Race: Accursed one (At the moment he does not know this) Power (If your have any): Blood and bones. Apperance: He is a young man 5 foot 11 inches tall and he has strange purple eyes, his hair is short and is a dark midnight black. He wears a brown labcoat and a plauge doctor mask. Under the labcoat he wears blue jeans and a long sleeve white shirt. Bio: He was a young man who became a weapons inventor when he turned 19 5 years later he was hit by a bomb when showing a new weapon of his at a battlefield. When he woke up he was wearing a plauge doctors mask and a rune on his wrist and no idea who he was. Currently he is trying to find his past.
#34520215Monday, September 27, 2010 8:01 PM GMT

(First role play to join today... Wonder if I should make evil, good, or new... I wish I was better at this.)
#34520397Monday, September 27, 2010 8:04 PM GMT

(God it will be fun to use my character. I truely am not evil and I have no memory of my past.)
#34520828Monday, September 27, 2010 8:10 PM GMT

COLLAB Against chat roleplayers. Heck yeah.
#34521030Monday, September 27, 2010 8:13 PM GMT

(*Facedesk* I am terrible at choosing characters. I like evil because it suits me, but it takes away from the social aspect of the forums. Decisions decisions.)
#34521176Monday, September 27, 2010 8:15 PM GMT

(Crazy why not a evill holy one? You could make him a criminal mastermind.)
#34521234Monday, September 27, 2010 8:15 PM GMT

Holy ones are too holy. I think I would just make a human with a GENMAT machine pistol and call it even.
#34521474Monday, September 27, 2010 8:18 PM GMT

(Also jacob gallbotrix has a skeleton companion. Heres his character sheet) Name: His human name was george but at the moment goes by charles. A.ge: 320 G.ender: Male Race: Human (Dead) Power (If your have any): Stronger than humans and can reform himself Apperance: He is a strange skelton who speaks with a british accent. He has a monocle and a tophat and his bones are bright white. Bio: He was a rich man from britain during the 1700's but he was framed for murder and he was hanged. He was revived by jacob and he is grateful for it. He currently travels with jacob as a aid and freind.
#34522039Monday, September 27, 2010 8:26 PM GMT

Jacob and charles are traversing through the forest at the moment.
#34522151Monday, September 27, 2010 8:28 PM GMT

#34522604Monday, September 27, 2010 8:34 PM GMT

Jacob after hiking for 2 hours through the forest decides its time for a rest and looks for a clearing. "There might be a holy one here,sir" Charles said. Charles then proceeded to look around as if somthings wrong. "Nothing going to go wrong charles, any way I am your freind you do not need to call me sir." jacob says annoyed. "Sorry sir but you let me rise from the dead. And that I am forever in your debt." jacob sighs and knew charles would never stop talking about that. After walking another hour jacob spots and clearing through the trees and notices it has a river. (Yes im at your forest.)
#34522717Monday, September 27, 2010 8:36 PM GMT

( ^w^ ) I was dozing off when I feel and face-planted the ground. I groan. "Last time I attempt to sleep in a tree. The last. Time. Ever."
#34522733Monday, September 27, 2010 8:36 PM GMT

Jacob senses there are quite a few creatures dead here. And even a few humans buried here. He suppose he is well guarded with them on his side.
#34522771Monday, September 27, 2010 8:36 PM GMT

(Woah, woah, WOAH. That was my line like a week ago, and probably yours a week before that. We alternating?)
#34522783Monday, September 27, 2010 8:37 PM GMT

Jacob heard a loud thump. "What was that?" jacob wondered. he walked into the clearing, and the animals like always were scared of him.
#34522868Monday, September 27, 2010 8:38 PM GMT

(Im jacob gallbotrix and I have a skeleton companion named charles. Both character sheets are posted.)
#34522925Monday, September 27, 2010 8:39 PM GMT

(G4U. I was talking to Anna.)
#34522926Monday, September 27, 2010 8:39 PM GMT

( I started with it. ^-^ ) I stand up slowly, my muscles aching and screaming in protest. I sigh and walk to the shorling of the lake. I focus on a small pool and make a ball of water in front of my eyes. I stare into it. Then, it just drops. With a plop.
#34523010Monday, September 27, 2010 8:40 PM GMT

(Anna I am in your area at the moment. Do you see me?)
#34523069Monday, September 27, 2010 8:40 PM GMT

( No, you see me. I am not used to people in the forest, due to the legends of me. Heck yah, ima legend. )

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