#34615536Wednesday, September 29, 2010 7:49 PM GMT

Josiah I woke up in the ditch I went to sleep in,carefully covered in sheets of metal since it was a scrap yard.I poked the corner of one up carefully and looked around. Acuroe My hands at my chest and a mouthfull of drool dripping from my mouth,I walked around the streets of a small town.
#34615595Wednesday, September 29, 2010 7:50 PM GMT

Alex growled softly for a bit before grinning, she was sitting over a dead body, a man in his early twenties or so. Alex had just killed him a second ago, well, thats what he got for thinking he could take her out by hitting her in the head with the bu.tt of his gun. Alex reached into the man through his broken ribs and pulled out his heart, her favorite part. Alex opened her mouth wide and poured the blood into her mouth before popping the heart itself into her mouth as well and chewing it up. "Mm.. Fresh heart..." Alex said to herself as she licked her lips clean.
#34615715Wednesday, September 29, 2010 7:52 PM GMT

"I waited, Just trying to think of a way to trick whoever pases by..i know" i said" "Ill make them think theirs a whole pack of hunters"
#34615778Wednesday, September 29, 2010 7:53 PM GMT

Josiah I sighed,the infected had picked up on my smell from yesterday,I had been bleeding.I fixed the wound last night,but I was still in some serious danger,So what if I was Immune?They could still kill me. Acuroe I spotted Alex and slowly walked towards Him.Still drooling."Want to share?"
#34615855Wednesday, September 29, 2010 7:55 PM GMT

After finishing her meal, Alex stepped outside into the cool, moonlit night, she made a soft, growling sound, though she wasn't growling because she was agitated, she usually made that sound when she was content. Nights like this where Alex's favorite, nice and quiet, cool, and dark.
#34615902Wednesday, September 29, 2010 7:56 PM GMT

"Stryker i smelled josiah" I lept behind a building and did the hunter scream, and then jumped behind another building....i kept repeating this pattern...each scream came from a different derection"
#34615929Wednesday, September 29, 2010 7:56 PM GMT

Ooc; Who are you walking to? o.O (I'm not sure what your character us offering to share)
#34616035Wednesday, September 29, 2010 7:58 PM GMT

(Your character,Acuroe Wanted to share the body,and you never posted your CS) Josiah I saw a small tunnel in the ditch,closing up the entrance to it once i got inside with and extremely,almost perfect fitting rock,which was very odd,I slowly crawled down the tunnel. Acuroe I looked at Alex again,whiping some drool from my mouth.
#34616086Wednesday, September 29, 2010 7:59 PM GMT

"I screamed near the ditch...louder then into another derection i go"
#34616133Wednesday, September 29, 2010 8:00 PM GMT

Ooc; Yea I did... Lemme check..
#34616184Wednesday, September 29, 2010 8:02 PM GMT

Ooc; Oh.. I Guess I didn't... Here you go (Sowee) Name: Alex Sileha Ag.e: 17 Gender: Female Type of infected: Witch Appearance: She has layered platinum blonde hair that reaches down just past her bum in soft waves, her bangs partially cover her left eye and curves around her heart shaped face, she has slightly tilted crimson red eyes which are rimmed with a chilling blood red in the middle and edges, she has long, pale eyelashes, a slim nose, full lips, a slightly pointed chin, thin, pointed ears, she has an extremely pale complexion, not chalk white, but very pale, she has extremely long, sharp claws coming from where her finger nails would normally start which are painted red by blood.(Not actually painted, but they are kinda dyed that color because of blood) She is extremely slim, petite, about 5'3", and she is very muscular. She is wearing a formfitting snow white V-neck tank top which has been torn off at her ribs, formfitting midnight blue denim skinny jeans which have been torn off mid-theigh, a black belt with silver studs placed somewhat awkwardly around her waist, she is always barefoot, she is also wearing a silver chain necklace which has a single opal hanging from the bottom which is every color you can imagine, (for those who dont know, opals are like that.) And two small opal earings which are all the same colors. Personality: A bit of a loner by nature, easily depressed and quick to cry, though also easily agitated, she has a high fever all the time, and gunshots give her migrains which are usually so horrible that they cause her to cry. Bio: Alex was infected when she was helped out and taken in by a group of carriers, assuming she was a carrier as well. Unfortunately for the guys who let her join up with them, she was neither a carrier, nor immune, and became infected, killing them all. (My bios are getting worse and worse...)
#34616320Wednesday, September 29, 2010 8:04 PM GMT

(Ok Seriously other dude,you would find Josiah like that,He isnt bleeding anymore and you wouldnt know he was in the ditch,Ignoring your post,) Josiah The small tunnel had a turn,so i followed it.It must be a sewage tunnel.. Acuroe I took a few steps towards the body,wanting to eat the kidneys.
#34616363Wednesday, September 29, 2010 8:05 PM GMT

"Well thats no fun" i said and jumped into the ditch after him..i was crawling on the walls"
#34616478Wednesday, September 29, 2010 8:07 PM GMT

Alex groaned a bit, craned her neck, and rubbed her jaw a bit, that guy had hit her hard, she figured she was ok, but it would probably be safer to head to one of the infected hospitals.. Just to be sure. "Lets see..." Alex said to herself, looking around. "The nearest hospital is about half a mile away, if I stick to out of the way paths I should be able to get there safely..." Alex nodded, thinking about that one time she saw another witch try to chill out in front of a safe room, it hadn't ended well for her needless to say.
#34616514Wednesday, September 29, 2010 8:08 PM GMT

(-_- you didnt read about the hunter did you?, if you did you would hear this quote The extent of damage to the Hunter's sight suggests his other senses are far more developed than those of typical Infected, allowing him to hunt with far greater efficiency. It is possible that the screeching noises he makes and the growling are his own echolocation method. He might also use scent to tell the Survivors apart from Infected. sorry for copying this bloxxet)
#34616544Wednesday, September 29, 2010 8:08 PM GMT

(who said i need to smell blood)
#34616585Wednesday, September 29, 2010 8:09 PM GMT

(Nototo,Ignoring you,he isnt bleeding anymore and you wouldnt know he was in the ditch.) Josiah I dropped out of the tunnel and into the sewer.Hm.. Acuroe I considered it Ok since she was going to leave and ripped the man open farther,fishing through his guts.
#34616637Wednesday, September 29, 2010 8:10 PM GMT

(And i dont care if he can pick out scents,Your abusing the powers)
#34616676Wednesday, September 29, 2010 8:10 PM GMT

(Wow....being called a god modder for using the abilitys i allready have XD)
#34616688Wednesday, September 29, 2010 8:10 PM GMT

Ooc; Mercy hospital L4D referance! Shannaro! XD
#34616826Wednesday, September 29, 2010 8:12 PM GMT

(You dont Have to go after people.In Most azombie movies and Games they go after people that have already been attacked before attacking another,IE Alex's fresh kill would attract to a zombie more than a live survivor until the body was stripped clean)
#34616891Wednesday, September 29, 2010 8:14 PM GMT

(Just live with it ok? i have a headache and i do not want to argue)
#34616992Wednesday, September 29, 2010 8:15 PM GMT

Ooc; Lets just say that he was wandering around randomly and you two noticed each other. :3
#34617082Wednesday, September 29, 2010 8:16 PM GMT

(Well...that could work to i guess? just tell me, is it the fact that im trying to kill you right away?)
#34617420Wednesday, September 29, 2010 8:21 PM GMT

(A bit,I mean We just started,Plus he's wearing all black in a sewer.It would be extremely impossible to spot him) Josiah I took in a big gulp of air and tugged my hoodie hood over my face and used the strings to tie it there.So gross.I quietly dove under the sewage and swam on the bottom. Acuroe I ate the kidneys and the liver,then ran away from the body before any other infected came.