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#34615409Wednesday, September 29, 2010 7:46 PM GMT

I have a few ideas. I will divide them into sections. Messaging Blockage- I think you should be able to have a ban list of certain people, along with the current settings. This way you could make it so that if you wanted everyone on ROBLOX, but a certain person to be able to talk to you, you could block them. It is much better that way, instead of going around friending everyone on ROBLOX but that person. Safety Chat- I think that you should be able to type certain words on your own, even if you have safety chat. I think it is very annoying when guests come on games and they repeat certain phrases over and over again. "Noob" Speech- This really gives me a headache, so everyshould stop, or ROBLOX should add a spellcheck. Example: i het tis gema soooooo muck! What the sentence really says: I hate this game so much. Groups--(I will have serveral secetions on the general topics of groups) Group Divisions- I hate how that if you have a really big clan or group, the leaders always have divisions. Then you have to go to one of those divisions and join it. Such a bother. I would much rather have it where, if you joined the main group, and the groups were linked by the owners of the groups, it would ask you if you would to join it, or let you choose which one to join if several were linked or joined. Group Forums- I wish there were certain topics on a group wall, like the forum. That is where the name comes from. The leader or someone with the power to can create one, which will be on another topic, can start a general topic, which then other members of the group can create specific topics and forums. Of course, there must be a limit to how many specific topics and general topics there are. Group Powers-- I think there should be three more group abilities. Also, anyone who can post on the wall can post on the group forum. Gerneral Topic Creator- This person can create topics on the forums of a certain group. Divisioner- The person(s) that can assign someone or limit someone to a certain division. They can also kick someone out of that division. Banner- If a group is public, but you don't want certain people joining, you can enter their name on a list and it doesn't allow them to join any of the divisions or the main group. Banning---(Might be really long) I don't really enjoy the current system of how ROBLOX banning works, and I am not just saying this because, as I am suspecting you would suspect, I have been banned many times before. Wrong, very wrong indeed. I have never even been reminded to follow the rules. Well, here I go. Term and Conditions- I like them just the way they are, mostly because I don't have them commited to memory so I can't really make and comments of this without it up. Banning System- I don't find the current system to work very well. Yes, you lose your account, but nothing really stops you from creating a new account. Now, socially disconnecting and taking away privliages might. Yes, they can still create a new account, but, their better account will still exist. Yes, they could use the bad account until their regular account gets it's privilages back, but what if they lost the privilages foreve, if they kept messing up, but their account still existed. I realize it might not work, but some people might just quite or start behaving if this happened. 1.Reminder - You lose the privelage to private message, chat, enter games, post, group shout, and build for three hours. You are also forced to read the Terms and Conditions, and your period of loses doesn't start until you read them all, being able to list the secret words randomly inserted to ensure that you have read them. 2.Warning - You lose the privelage to private message, chat, enter games, post, group shout, build, add friends, and buying shirts and pants for 1 day. You are also forced to read the Terms and Conditions, and your period of loses doesn't start until you read them all, being able to list the secret words at the end that are randomly inserted to ensure that you have read them. More rules of banning to come. Can't think of anything else right now. Feel free to comment on anything. If you say you hate something, just say why.
#34615655Wednesday, September 29, 2010 7:51 PM GMT

#34615822Wednesday, September 29, 2010 7:54 PM GMT

Support. Especially the "Noob Chat" thing.
#34616718Wednesday, September 29, 2010 8:11 PM GMT

Thank you.
#34616881Wednesday, September 29, 2010 8:13 PM GMT

Are you the same guy I saw who posted this, or did you just copy his post?
#34617458Wednesday, September 29, 2010 8:22 PM GMT

Same guy. Just didn't feel like looking for the one, so I started a new one.
#34619430Wednesday, September 29, 2010 8:49 PM GMT

#34630289Wednesday, September 29, 2010 11:22 PM GMT

Top 50 Poster
#34630394Wednesday, September 29, 2010 11:23 PM GMT

Horrible ideas. That is all.
#34630710Wednesday, September 29, 2010 11:27 PM GMT

good but i only read half of it to long
#34631187Wednesday, September 29, 2010 11:34 PM GMT

#34632057Wednesday, September 29, 2010 11:44 PM GMT

yesh to all... I will bake you a support caik, hold the floodcheck! (¯`'•.¸BUILDING! Not Social Networking!¸.• '´¯) http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=34195975 ₪₪₪☆GET BRAIN☆ OR ☠GET OFF☠₪₪₪
#34633994Thursday, September 30, 2010 12:07 AM GMT

I support all but the Banning system Ideas.
#34634438Thursday, September 30, 2010 12:12 AM GMT

yes please
#34635503Thursday, September 30, 2010 12:25 AM GMT

I have a solution that covers a LARGE amount of these problems: PHP3 Forum in connection with the game.
#34636750Thursday, September 30, 2010 12:41 AM GMT

I support you,and i have a idea(mutiple paragraphs) Safe Chat UPGRADE Its REALLY annoying when noobs and guests say the same words and phrases over and over again,so how about expanding there vocubaley roblox,sounds like youve been in easy-land partying 'We have a sucessful game!' WELL WAKE UP! Game Searching When you search a game you should have the option to use ABC order and add more options like Obbys,Tycoons,exc,exc,exc Reporting System 1st time (warning) Kicked from game for 1 hour. 2ncd time (2ncd offense) Kicked for 1 day and Forced to read T@C. 3rd time (Purposely) Kicked for 3 days forced to read T@C 3 times 4th time (Purposely) Kicked for a week Read T@C 4 times 5th time (Purposely) Kicked for a month Read T@C 5 times 6 times (Dead end) IP Ban Deletion of account and can no longer go to roblox.com if they do it says:Sorry that doesnt exist. Building Add more bricks,and make them anchored when you insert them.And let other build with you and chat. Lone Servers For people who are alone create a Bot who acts like a real person Game invites Make game invites if your in the game add a button next to the screenshot button with a grey torso and head with a + sighn,when you click it and GUI opens and says:Please type in the name of who you want to invite.WHen you do the player you sent it to gets a GUI On website or in a game saying: You have been invited to a game from (Insert name here) Accept Decline.
#34767231Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:43 PM GMT

Mett, I understand that you hate it, but without giving a reason I must assume that you are just jealous because you didn't think of these ideas sooner.
#34767652Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:48 PM GMT

I support. This seems great!
#35052955Thursday, October 07, 2010 8:59 PM GMT

Thanks for the support!
#35053777Thursday, October 07, 2010 9:12 PM GMT

#35053890Thursday, October 07, 2010 9:13 PM GMT

#35126656Saturday, October 09, 2010 3:10 AM GMT

Thanks guys! Don't forget suggestions if you have any!
#35126723Saturday, October 09, 2010 3:11 AM GMT

OP, you're brilliant.
#35164016Saturday, October 09, 2010 7:37 PM GMT

Thank you.
#35164734Saturday, October 09, 2010 7:49 PM GMT

" "Noob" Speech- This really gives me a headache, so everyshould stop, or ROBLOX should add a spellcheck. Example: i het tis gema soooooo muck! What the sentence really says: I hate this game so much." I can't support this enough, not because it's a good idea, but because roblox would choose the cheapest one and the outcome would be HYSTERICAL! They should do this just for the comedy value! Everything else i agree wtih... except the last.

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