#35102179Friday, October 08, 2010 9:29 PM GMT

Name: Constantin Evios (Short to Consta) 39 Gender: M Inventory: A Desert Eagle Physical Appearance: Constantin has short, dark hair, a flat nose, as if was a hippo or a pig. His eyes are brown, but on the right eye he has a red crack. It freaks people out when they see it. His ears are not too big and squeezed up at his head, and they are pointy. On his left ear, his flipper is missing, I tell you why in the bio. His brows are quite unattractive, very rough and large eyebrows. He also got a cleft in his chin, that is very 90's. The teeth of Constantin are very, and by that I mean very, white. His mouth is somewhat small and red. He got overbite. His body is muscular built, due to his training in the Greek military and his Athletics. His legs are massive and hard, with muscle tendones too. It is said that he ran the 60 metres in 7 minutes and 23 seconds. His arms are long and big, also with visible tendones running up his arms. His chest is the only exception in the massive muscularity. His chest only got six pack, but he has no intention of creating a bodybuilder's body either. He is about 6''1 tall, which is quite tall for the Greeks. Clothes: He wears an AC/DC T-shirt, with white lightnings falling from the dark heaven down over a man. His favourite type of pants is jeans, mostly black ones, and that is what he wears too. He also wears a jacket, a Liverpool jacket, which is a coach's jacket. It is yellow and black, yellow stripes on the arms, with a red liverpool mark on his rightside of his chest. He also wears AC/DC bikergloves, with nails and all. On his feet, he wears a pair of black Nike sneakers. Talents: He is very good with the Assault Rifle after serving the Greek army for over 10 years. There he also learned to gain good reflexes, and how he could hear or see someone without actually see them. He is also very good at commanding people around, as he was ranked Captain in the army. During his days as a teenager, he loved Athletics, he still do, and from there he gained a good conditions. He even ran the Marathon, from Marathon to Athens. Constantin is also quite good with the guitar and the Saxophone. Bio: Constantin was borned in the city Dyrrhachium, and lived there for 20 years. When he was seven, he got kindnapped by some criminals. The criminals wanted a ransom for him, 250.000€, and if his parents didn't pay, they would cut him up piece by piece. It was there he lost his left earflip. When he turned eleven, he started Athletics, mostly running, and became his age's best Athlete. He continued on this until he turned 18, it was then he joined the military. He showed to be one of the best in his group, and he quickly advanced in ranks. When he was 21, he got his first promotion, from Sergeant to Sergeant class, and after that he quickly advanced up.When he turned 29, he joined a rebellion against the new prime minister of Greece. He won. But when he turned 34, he got kicked out by some odd reason. He still believes it was because the new Colonel didn't like him. Other: He is a very exciting man, and he loves to tell tales. He really enjoys reading about old Greek history too. So when he has nothing to do, he opens his history book.
#35111597Friday, October 08, 2010 11:39 PM GMT

(Oh my. Holy. I did NOT expect this many joiners. All accepted! And, as you know sigurd, you're an admin. Let's get the show on the road!) ~Wake "Hope!? HOPE!?" I was on the urge of tearing up. I didn't want to look down from the Empire State Building. No. She couldn't have. She couldn't have fallen. No. There's railings, so she couldn't have. I won't believe she's dead already. ~Yui "Wake! Snap out of it! I know it seems bad, but if Hope is dead, then we can't cry and whine for her death! Let's just survive. I would have cried infinitely if it wasn't for my tomboy attitude. But we have to move on. We have to live, and find out what is going on. So wake up Wake!" I slapped him across the face. That snapped him out of it. ~Wake "...Thanks. I needed that. It's just that..." ~Yui "I know. Just come on, we have to look at this meteor before smarty pants starts throwing rocks off the building." I pointed towards Ven, who was "investigating" the rubble.
#35112970Friday, October 08, 2010 11:58 PM GMT

(Hm. Must have posted two hours too late.)
#35113094Saturday, October 09, 2010 12:00 AM GMT

I walked towards the meteor and reached out to hug it.
#35113504Saturday, October 09, 2010 12:05 AM GMT

~Yui "Stop it right there kid. You aren't going to hug a meteor and get your fingerprints all over it." I pushed the person back, stopping him from getting any closer. "Wake, you investigate." ~Wake "Alright alright. You aren't my mother. Hm..." So far what I've seen is that it glows blue, it's pitch black, and it seems to have destroyed the whole city.
#35115292Saturday, October 09, 2010 12:31 AM GMT

I didn't know what to do, so I just made my way outside onto the streets. New York was ruined. I fell against the wall and sat, staring at a nothingness.
#35115606Saturday, October 09, 2010 12:36 AM GMT

Name: Tentari Kizoko 17 Gender: M Inventory: Chocolate bar, change of clothes, 7000 Build Grist (lol homestuck reference) Appearence: Short, brown hair. Red shirt, navy blue jeans. Talents: Adept with his Chocolatekind Strife Specibus (lol homestuck reference) and has some sweet gear from messing around with his alchemizer (lol homestuck reference). Bio: He mostly just spends most of his time playing sburb. He's become an awesome warrior from playing it a bunch, but it won't prepare him for what's ahead. He has all the levels. ALL OF THEM. (lol homestuck reference)
#35116869Saturday, October 09, 2010 12:53 AM GMT

~Wake "Hm... I wonder... Maybe if- Whhhoooaaa!" I was suddenly pushed towards the glowing meteor, and about land face first. ~Ven "Watcha doing Wake?" I asked, as I did a friendly push, which led to him crashing into the meteor. ~Wake The moment I layed a finger on the meteor, a beam of bright light erupted from it. Then another, and another, until it was totally blinding everyone. "Whhoaaaaa!?" Once the light died down, I found myself face first in the rubble. The meteor was gone. "What just happened!? Where's the meteor!? Veeeeeennn! You idiot!" I was fuming with anger when I pulled myself up. ~Ven "Whhaaattt did I do? And what's up with your hand? Did Yui prank you again?" I noticed a strange blue mark on his right hand. ~Wake "Huh!? What do you mean my hand!?" I looked at it, and it seemed to be a quarter note and quarter half note overlapping each other, what seemed to have been glowing through my glove. "What the...?"
#35116978Saturday, October 09, 2010 12:55 AM GMT

#35117008Saturday, October 09, 2010 12:55 AM GMT

I turned my head to where I saw a couple flashes of blinding light. I got up, and raised my eyebrows in wonder.
#35117442Saturday, October 09, 2010 1:02 AM GMT

~Ven "Whoa man. This is some video game. I'm surely dreaming." I pinched myself, and it turns out it's no dream. ~Wake I cooled down my temper, and on instinct, I snapped my fingers. My eye sight was not normal anymore. All I could see was a black background, the white outlines of things, and strange flashy colored things. "What's going on? Man. This is crazy." From what I saw, there were about ten flashy things, which I assumed to be meteors. "Hey guys. I think I see something you all can't see." ~Yui "I don't understand reality anymore." I muttered.
#35117816Saturday, October 09, 2010 1:07 AM GMT

(do you mind if I park my meteor next to the other?)
#35118121Saturday, October 09, 2010 1:12 AM GMT

I woke up next to my alchemizer. I quickly changed into my Pixel Armor (gotten from changing my chocolate armor by combining it with a video game console) and grabbed my Chocolate Sword and checked my sylladex. I had a regular choclate bar, a half full cup of hot chocolate, and a PDA that I used to access my pesterchum program (i think using pesterchum would be a great way to communicate long distance, what do you think?) I entered the public channel, and started typing in a frantic message. CW (Chocolate Warrior is my screen name): Hello? Is anyone on right now? No... propably not. Man, this disaster is worse than the meteor events...
#35118231Saturday, October 09, 2010 1:14 AM GMT

I looked into the sky, noticing meteors. "What the... It can't be... Skaia can't be under attack again... can it?
#35118311Saturday, October 09, 2010 1:15 AM GMT

(oh, a quarter half-note is an eighth note.)
#35118383Saturday, October 09, 2010 1:16 AM GMT

I sipped the rest of my hot chocolate. It didn't compare to when you made yourself an entire chocolate mix out of various varieties of chocolate syrup and combined them in the alchemizer...
#35118463Saturday, October 09, 2010 1:17 AM GMT

I put away the PDA and ran out into the remains of the city, looking for survivors.
#35120678Saturday, October 09, 2010 1:50 AM GMT

(Wait a second. Herald, this is NOT a video game RP.)
#35120854Saturday, October 09, 2010 1:53 AM GMT

(I kinda need make my entrance. so do you mind if I park my meteor where the other meteor used to be?)
#35122189Saturday, October 09, 2010 2:12 AM GMT

(Make it somewhere a level lower than the roof, it can't be next to it. Changes the story a lot.)
#35122373Saturday, October 09, 2010 2:15 AM GMT

Pwishhhhhhhh! The golden comet shattered glass a few floors down from the roof, shaking the whole building.
#35137520Saturday, October 09, 2010 10:29 AM GMT

Constantin heard a crazed sound, something that cracked the ground. The sound of an explosion was to hear as well. Constantin began to run towards the screams of the wounded, he wanted to help them out. What else could he do? His hopes to help vanished when he saw a bunch of dead people in the streets. But far beyond he could see a red glowing dazzling light, shoot out from the ground. He decided to check this phenomen up, so he jogged towards it. And there he saw it, a red glowing meteor. "Well, atleast it wasn't a nuke" he tried to joke to himself, but it didn't work. He grabbed his Swizz army knife, tried to take an example of the meteor, but it didn't work either. He wandered around the crater, trying to figure what to do.
#35138169Saturday, October 09, 2010 11:06 AM GMT

~Wake "Yui! Ven! Follow me! I think I know where I can find other of these meteors." I quickly ran down the many stairs of the Empire State Building, with Yui and Ven barely keeping up. ~Yui "Wake, wait up!" I told him. This was like a track meet on stairs, thankfully no person was on it.
#35138322Saturday, October 09, 2010 11:16 AM GMT

Constantin decided to touch the meteor, to see if anything happened. He was unsecure, feeling that something wasn't right, so when his fingers touched the cold meteor he jumped away from it. Suddenly a beam shot out of the meteor, followed by a second and third. The meteor turned into a large flash, blinding everything in the range of 20 meters. He stepped backwards, covering is heyes from the light. It didn't take long before the meteor was gone, and same with the flash. But the wierd thing was that he could see a red mark in his hands, it was the Olympic Games logo, with a gun inside them.
#35138438Saturday, October 09, 2010 11:22 AM GMT

~Wake As we ran down the stairs, we saw a few flashes here and there. People were getting fused with the meteors. Just that, what does it do? We finally hit the bottom of the steps, and ran about on the city streets. My vision was like some heat vision thing. "Yui! Take to the west and Ven take to the east! There appears to be meteors there! Touch them!" I told them, and they went right to it. I looked straight foward, and changed my sight back to normal. There, a few feet in front of me was a strange, faceless, floating humanoid approuching me. It did not seem friendly. "Yui, Ven... Hurry up! I think I'm about to get killed!" I began walking backwards, and the being floating closer in pursuit.