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#35031331Thursday, October 07, 2010 2:43 AM GMT

Africa. What a barren place. Dry flatlands and steaming jungles. Add in a couple swamps and marshes, too. Not the most appealing place to live. But life is abound. Three towns have footholds here. Each with a separate warlord, each wanting to rule this small sector of land. Why? Because someone discovered diamond deposits. Yes, diamonds. Whichever warlord who controlled the whole sector will have enough materials to set up a mine for diamond harvesting, get rich, and expand. Simple. But of course it isn't as easy as it sounds. Kuzxan, Tyhandra, and Lenkomgo, the three warlords, are hesitant on waging a total war on each other. None of them have enough manpower and total war would have a lot of casualties, both soldier and civilian, and then the UN would come knocking on the door. Not only that, the more soldiers they recruit, the more money they need to buy medicine for them all, as this sector is also the most mosquito-infested anyone has ever seen, and malaria runs rampant. And there's always the people who think they can outsmart the warlords. They make off with a rough diamond or two, and once they think they're safe, the plan goes wrong and they meet a fatal end. But of course, they're cautious, and diamonds have been buried all over the land. Mercenaries often come in and work for the warlords or for themselves, pillaging and selling diamonds for profit. But it's all going to change soon. Very soon. ~MAP~ The sector is divided into 9 districts. District 1 is North-west, District 2 is North, District 3 is North-east, and so on and so forth. Each district has a number of Strongholds, Guardposts, and Camps. Like so: ----------------I--------------------I----------------- --{1}---------*I--------------*-----I-----*---------- --------[1]-----I-----*--------------I----------------- ----------------I---------------{1}--I----------*---{2} ==========I=============I=========== ------------{1}I------{3}-----------I--------------*-- ------*---------I----------------*---I-----{2}--------- ----------------I---------[3]--------I----------------- ------------*---I---*----------------I-----------*----- ----------------I-----------------{3}I----------------- ==========I=============I=========== ----------*-----I--------------------I----------------- -{1}-----------I-------------*------I--------[2]------- ---------*------I----*---------------I----*---------{2} ----------------I----------{2}-------I----------------- {}=Stronghold []=Town *=Camp 1=Controlled By Kuzxan 2=Controlled By Tyhandra 3=Controlled by Isfandho. I=Border ==Border Guardposts are not listed, as they are very numerous. The most fortified ones control the borders of each of the districts. Strongholds are bases for warlord armies. Kuzxan controls the District 1 Town, Moku. Tyhandra controls the District 5 Town, Alap. Lenkomgo controls the District 9 Town, Isfandho. Camps are smaller versions of Strongholds, and sometimes populated by mercs. These act as rest spots for mercenaries and travelers. Camps are supported by the Undergrounds, a faction that cares for the citizens, not riches. ~WARLORDS~ For now, the warlords have all, by sheer luck, got on airplanes and flown to see about their interests in other lands. As such, they left the managing of their armies to groups of generals. Kuzxan's armies are few, but skilled in use of sniper-rifles and assault-rifles, as well as using flamethrowers and explosives. They control the flatland area, moving quickly by the use of armed pick-up trucks. Tyhandra's armies are many, but poorly trained and poorly-equipped. They are somewhat skilled in using shotguns and sub-machine guns, with an abundance of boats due to the amount of rivers in their jungle land. Lemkomgo has a medium-sized army that is a well-trained killing force. They excel with all types of weaponry and churn out IEDs for defense on the borders. The only reason they haven't won is because of the pressure of being caught between two other forces, Tyhandra's anvil and Kuzxan's hammer. They put up a good fight but have the smallest plot of land, a marsh-land. They are also the only army equipped with armor and 50 caliber machinegun emplacements, as well as MK-19 mounted grenade launchers. The other warlords can only afford M249 SAWs. ~WEAPONS~ Weapon dealers will sell weapons at a price. The weapons off warlord soldiers tend to be rusty and prone to jamming or breakdowns. Weapon dealers have much better equipment. Assault Rifles G3KA4 - Fairly weak weapon with acceptable accuracy, most common weapon, so ammo is abundant. AK47 - Rather powerful but massive recoil. Pretty common, so ammo is abundant. FAL Paratrooper - Fast-firing and effective, these are often seen in use by captains. AR-16 - Burst-fire assault rifle, powerful and accurate, but ammo is scarce, so use wisely, as these are hard to come by. Some weapon dealers do not stock these. Shotguns Homeland 37 - Pump-action shotgun, very common amongst Underground soldiers for defense against marauding bands of bandits. Powerful, but very close ranged. Spas 12 - Semi-automatic shotgun, common, but not very. A bit less powerful than the Homeland, but more shot per trigger-pull. USAS-12 - Full-auto shotgun, very good crowd clearer, but rare. Lots of spray and lots of pain. Sniper Rifles M1903 - Most accurate sniper rifle available, but slowest too. Very powerful, but breaks easily, so be careful. Bolt-action. Dragunov SVD - Semi-auto sniper rifle. Effective, but rare. AS50 - Awesome sniper rifle, will pass clean through one body and hit the next. But beware of the massive noise and recoil. Sidearms Makarov PM - Cheapest pistol available, you'll see it in wide use. Weak, and not very accurate. Can be equipped with a silencer. Star .45 - Spanish version of the Colt .45, not as much power, but a bit better than the Makarov. Common. Desert Eagle - Powerful magnum pistol, very rare. Lots of power but also lots of recoil. MAC-10 - Small SMG, a big ammo-waster. Not accurate but it's a like bullet-hose. Uzi - Small SMG, not so much ammo wasted, and a bit more power, but more rare. MP5 - Larger SMG, this is the rarest weapon to find. Fairly powerful and can be equipped with a silencer. M79 Grenade Launcher - Easy to carry, this lobber can pack a punch. But it's really only good for flushing out fortified positions. IED - This improvised explosive device sends a lot of dirt into the air when set off, but the boom still gets through. Something like a mine. Flare Gun - This is often used for signaling, but can be directed at enemies to blind them or set things on fire. Other (Note: These are all very rare.) PKM - A machinegun you can carry around. What more can you ask for? M249 - This is a real bullet-hose, and unlike the MAC-10, it can actually hit people. RPG-7 - Common rocket launcher, though usually fired then thrown away, but can be re-used. Carl-Gustav - A recoil-less rifle, technically. Think RPG with the ability to guide the rocket. What's more to be said? Dart Rifle - It shoots darts with neuro-toxin in it. Silent killer. Prone to jamming. LPO-50 Flamethrower - Big fire starter, more effective as a terror weapon, panicking your opponents. Type 63 Mortar - It's like an explosive sniper. Biggest boom out of all the weapons available, but really hard to use effectively. MGL-140 - A semi-automatic grenade launcher. It'll give someone a headache. Grenades M67 - Frag grenade, a touch rare. Molotovs - Real easy to make and find. Often used in the flatlands. Character Sheet Name: A.ge: Gender: Appearance: Clothing: Armor: Transportation: Occupation: Weaponry -Primary: -Secondary: -Special: Inventory: Bio: Other: Approval required.
#35038454Thursday, October 07, 2010 11:48 AM GMT

Bump before school.
#35038549Thursday, October 07, 2010 11:56 AM GMT

Name: Tristan A.ge: 14 Gender: Male Appearance: Cop. Clothing: Cop. Armor: None Transportation: Pickup Truck Occupation: Recon Trooper Weaponry -Primary:Ak-47 -Secondary:Desert Eagle -Special: Dart Rifle Inventory: Guns Bio: N/A Other: N/A
Top 25 Poster
#35038572Thursday, October 07, 2010 11:58 AM GMT

(Must we ask if we want a rare weapon?)
#35038647Thursday, October 07, 2010 12:05 PM GMT

Name: Dusty Stewarts A.ge: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Shaggy black hair, gray eyes, 6'0 185 lbs white skin. Clothing: Jeans, combat boots, greenish gray tee, army jacket. Armor: A bullet proof vest, a helmet. Transportation: Truck Occupation: General of the 6th Armored Car division Weaponry: -Primary: FAL -Secondary: SPAS 12 -Special: Molotov's Inventory: Water, food, rope, picture of family. Bio: Is one of Kuxzan's troops, an important General. Other: Nope.
#35038684Thursday, October 07, 2010 12:09 PM GMT

(Oh,and I'm part of Kuxzan's recon troopers.(Not Leader))
#35038724Thursday, October 07, 2010 12:12 PM GMT

(Waffle. Joining. Maybe. If i don't have time on Arcadegamehack :3 Its a webiz.)
#35038759Thursday, October 07, 2010 12:15 PM GMT

(Tell us when we can start)
#35039293Thursday, October 07, 2010 1:05 PM GMT

Name: Shiva Tellborne A.ge: 27 Gender: Female Appearance: Shiva got blue deep eyes, with a small, red scar on her right eye. It is not a wound, though, she was borned with it. Her blond hair falls down in heavy locks, with a nice golden shine. Her nose is pointy, but not too pointy either, and her mouth is quite "large". Rumours are told about her rare smile, they say it can get any man chasing after her, but she almost never smile. Her skin is tan, after being in Africa for awile. Clothing: She wears a dirty white top, sometimes her brown leather jacket, which is over her kevlar. She got blue jeans, dirty too. She always wears biker-gloves, for some odd reason. Armor: She has a Kevlar armor. Transportation: A jeep. Occupation: She is the co-leader of a famous mercenary group known as The Wraiths. Weaponry -Primary: M1903 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle -Secondary: Desert Eagle -Special: M67 Frag Grenades x4 Inventory: A bag of water and a basket with beef. Bio: Shiva was borned in the city "Dyrrhachium" in Greece, although her family is from Germany. Her name, Tellborne, is actually Old-Greek for "Hawk Eye". Her family have always loved Greece as if they were Greek themselves. At school, she was bullied by different people, because she was a tad small and because she always weared lens on her right eye. But one day, her lens fell of during class, and her eye was revealed to the class. They never bullied her again. Years later, when she was 21, she met up with a man named Perkios. He is now the leader of The Wraiths, but back then The Wraiths didn't exist. Together they created The Wraiths with even another man, Dorka. Other: She is actually a German, but she look at herself as a Greek. Otherwise that, no.
#35047938Thursday, October 07, 2010 7:38 PM GMT

(wow omologo is good)
Top 25 Poster
#35050490Thursday, October 07, 2010 8:24 PM GMT

(Most RPers make large character sheets. I'm waiting for whyhellothere to awnser my question.)
#35051312Thursday, October 07, 2010 8:35 PM GMT

(jip's and wertysas's characters are not accepted due to two things: jip's being slightly non-descriptive, too young, and wertysas's is young to be a general.) (You must lodge a petition for a "rare" weapon if you want one. Depending on your background RPing skills I will decide whether or not to award you one. Rusty and dirty weapons are prone to jamming, while weapon dealers will sell new versions. Weapons you start out with are automatically in a slightly damaged state. Weapons picked up by soldiers are usually horribly rusty and not recommended to use unless in an emergency. The only weapons you will probably find in good condition in enemy hands are rare weapons, but can still wear out. It is highly recommended to carry some form of melee weaponry. The following are considered "rare", those with a * star next to it are very rare and only found by purchasing through a weapon dealer or defeating a general, but are available to admins upon making a character.) FAL Paratrooper AR-16* USAS-12* Dragunov SVD AS50* Desert Eagle MP5* M79 Grenade Launcher PKM M249 RPG-7 Carl-Gustav* Dart Rifle LPO-50 Flamethrower Type 63 Mortar* MGL-140*
Top 25 Poster
#35051425Thursday, October 07, 2010 8:37 PM GMT

#35051514Thursday, October 07, 2010 8:38 PM GMT

(Oh dear lord.)
#35052032Thursday, October 07, 2010 8:46 PM GMT

(Hooray for more notes.) (Malaria is rampant through this land and the Underground is the only source of malaria pills to halt the disease for a momentary time. The Underground sells malaria pills to those who agree to escort civilians from the towns to the airport half a day's journey north, as there are roaming bandits and lesser warlords who would like to prey on these such caravans. You can also buy malaria pills from foreign sources.) (Making list of common weapon prices...)
Top 25 Poster
#35052374Thursday, October 07, 2010 8:50 PM GMT

Name:Ishmael Gahark A.ge:26 Gender:Male Appearance:Ishmael has browned skin, and black hair. He is 6'1. His eyes are brown, that near black sort of brown. His face shows some signs of worry, and he's jumpy. He has muscles, but not bulging buff muscles. Clothing:A yellow and brown hat to help keep the sun out of his eyes, a white t-shirt that's had it's sleeves cut very close to the body, and yellow and brown camo pants. A belt to carry his star 45, and rope to keep the ak47 on his back. Armor:A kelvar vest that has numerous parts missing. Might save his life. Transportation:Nicely beaten up jeep. Occupation:Soldier of Isfanho. Weapons -Primary:AK-47 -Secondary:Star .45 -Special:Molotovs Inventory:Two water bottles stashed in his belt, a raido that's probably broken, and a little torn up slip of paper showing his mother and father. Bio:Ishmael joined Isfanho's army by will. He's a sort of young soldier. He hasn't been trained much, but knows how to fire a gun to save his life. Other:Can't think of any.
Top 25 Poster
#35052685Thursday, October 07, 2010 8:55 PM GMT

And then I frogot that I did have something for other. He's from Africa.
#35052820Thursday, October 07, 2010 8:57 PM GMT

(The first thing I thought of when I sw the title was: "This is so a Far Cry RP" :P)
#35053264Thursday, October 07, 2010 9:04 PM GMT

Prices for weapons from Weapon Dealers Assault Rifles G3KA4 - $100, +$25 for any of the following upgrades: Scope, Repair Kit AK47 - $200, +$50 for any of the following upgrades: Scope, Repair Kit FAL Paratrooper - $300, +$50 for any of the following upgrades: Scope, Repair Kit AR-16 - $500, +$75 for any of the following upgrades: Scope, Repair Kit Shotguns Homeland 37 - $25, +$5 for any of the following upgrades: Slugs, Repair Kit Spas 12 - $100, +$25 for any of the following upgrades: Slugs, Repair Kit USAS-12 - $300, +$50 for any of the following upgrades: Slugs, Repair Kit Sniper Rifles M1903 - $100, +$25 for any of the following upgrades: Thermal Scope, Armor-Piercing Rounds, Repair Kit Dragunov SVD - $300, +$50 for any of the following upgrades: Thermal Scope, Armor-Piercing Rounds, Repair Kit AS50 - $1000, +$200 for any of the following upgrades: Thermal Scope, Armor-Piercing Rounds, Repair Kit Sidearms Makarov PM - $15, +$10 for any of the following upgrades: Silencer Star .45 - $25, No upgrades Desert Eagle - $50, No upgrades MAC-10 - $50, No upgrades Uzi - $100, No upgrades MP5 - $200, +$25 for any of the following upgrades: Silencer M79 Grenade Launcher - $100, No upgrades IED - $25, No upgrades Flare Gun - $25, No upgrades Other PKM - $500, No upgrades M249 - $750, No upgrades RPG-7 - $500, No upgrades Carl-Gustav - $1000, No upgrades Dart Rifle - $250, No upgrades LPO-50 Flamethrower - $750, No upgrades Type 63 Mortar - $1000, No upgrades MGL-140 - $750, No upgrades Grenades M67 - $25 each Molotovs - $10 each (Slugs are rifle shells adapted for shotguns, so you can have a big punch on one target.) (Everyone will have no money at start. Money is earned by completing missions for warlords or finding diamonds. Rough diamonds are worth $10. Flawed diamonds are worth $50. Cut diamonds are worth $250. Brilliant diamonds are worth $1000. Cut and above are only found in bases. Rough and Flawed can be found anywhere.)
Top 25 Poster
#35053516Thursday, October 07, 2010 9:07 PM GMT

(Huzzah. Weapons and cash.)
#35053806Thursday, October 07, 2010 9:12 PM GMT

(Well, hooray for Far Cry. omologo gets a seal of approval.) Weapon Dealers also barter contracts for bodyguards that can assist you. However, you must outfit them better weapons if you want. Weapon Dealers will keep stockpiles of your weapons, so don't worry. Bodyguards Peasant - No Training, Automatically has Homeland 37 and Makarov PM. $250 Grunt - Poor Training, Automatically has G3KA4/Homeland 37 and Makarov PM. $500 Soldier - Good Training, Autmatically has AK47/Spas 12/M1903 and Star .45. Carries Molotovs. $750 Mercenary - Battle-hardened, Automatically has FAL Paratrooper/Spas 12/Dragunov SVD and Desert Eagle/MAC-10. Carries M67 Grenades. $1000 (Herp derp, make your own army.)
Top 25 Poster
#35053952Thursday, October 07, 2010 9:14 PM GMT

(*imagines turning peasant into something mercenary - ish*)
#35054100Thursday, October 07, 2010 9:17 PM GMT

(If a Bodyguard survives attacking a Stronghold they will "level up" and become more effective in battle.) (Peasent to Grunt and so on.)
Top 25 Poster
#35054154Thursday, October 07, 2010 9:18 PM GMT

(Alright. So, when are we going to begin?)
#35054202Thursday, October 07, 2010 9:18 PM GMT

Name: Seane Mossukard A.ge: 25 Gender: Male Appearance: Tan skin, around 6'1". Clothing: Military uniform, and boots, and a blue beret. Armor: None, just a steel plate on his chest, under his uniform. Transportation: Motorcycle Occupation: Isfanho soldier Weaponry -Primary: AK-47 -Secondary: Star. 45 -Special: N/A Inventory: An empty syringe, a fresh bag of beef, and a bottle of water. Bio: Poor man from south america, moved here thinking the diamonds would get him rich. Other: Prone to disease.

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