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#35037678Thursday, October 07, 2010 10:52 AM GMT

Spam is everywhere in the comments. It's a cheap way of advertising instead of paying for an ad. So how about deleting the comments feature? Sure, it's hard to think about it, but if they are gone (or at least temporarily gone) people could stop spamming and actually make advertisments.
#35037792Thursday, October 07, 2010 10:59 AM GMT

Well, it shows OPINIONS about the game. Also, comments should ALWAYS stay up, not optinal, if you can't handle someone elses opinion, get of the Computer now.
#35141221Saturday, October 09, 2010 12:53 PM GMT

But it pretty much gives no opinions now. Most of it is spam, spam cleaners, name-callers, (like saying noob) and about less than half of the comments is NOT spam. Then is there really a point to comments if less than half of them aren't spam? I don't think so. It just encourages more and more spam to new users, and they encourage that to other new users once they aren't new.
#35141300Saturday, October 09, 2010 12:55 PM GMT

How about we use Telamon's idea instead. Paying 15 (Not sure about price...?) tix to comment.

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