#35287194Monday, October 11, 2010 6:12 PM GMT

Uh i said i'm wearing whatever my robloxian is wearing and my hair is longer than shoulder lenght
#35287207Monday, October 11, 2010 6:12 PM GMT

(well... in the cave since that's where the story ends.)
#35287244Monday, October 11, 2010 6:13 PM GMT

(in which case you're still not accepted seeing as you still need to change teh aura sun.)
#35287252Monday, October 11, 2010 6:13 PM GMT

(..yes but im a lycan...And those arent human..
#35287334Monday, October 11, 2010 6:14 PM GMT

(( I really wanna start T.T I want to experiment with Kono Sono. And also, something we did in the old thread that was kind of fun, is to activate our stones, the old man "gave" us chants we got to make up :D))
#35287342Monday, October 11, 2010 6:15 PM GMT

(Huh? Say whatt? D:)
#35287374Monday, October 11, 2010 6:15 PM GMT

(let's start now)
#35287431Monday, October 11, 2010 6:16 PM GMT

((SUNBURST. change your aura.))
#35287529Monday, October 11, 2010 6:18 PM GMT

(i said that ink aura is too powerful! you could just make a nuke and then make a bunker and set off the nuke and boom everyone's dead but you! or you can make a tank, wings, teleporters, laser guns, etc. NO.)
#35287545Monday, October 11, 2010 6:19 PM GMT

(CHANGE IT NOW!!! XD just kidding)
#35287695Monday, October 11, 2010 6:22 PM GMT

Name: Luke Knoxel 16 Gender: Male Appearance: His hair color is pretty unique; it is a mix of brown, black, and blonde but mostly brown. He has a part in his hair that’s about in the middle of his left eyebrow. His hair spikes up at the part, and goes off wildly towards the left and goes down towards the right and goes off his head some. (The best picture I can give you is Link’s hair from Twilight Princess, or my bed head.) He has dark brown eyebrows, and his eye color changes from blue to green and vice-versa. Has a green/black flannel shirt on and has a white shirt with big, black diagonal stripes going from the left half of the shirt to the bottom. He wears blue jeans that have accidental wears in the fabric here and there. Finally, wears darkish red vans with white laces. Decently muscular, but has very muscular legs. Stands at about 5’8 – 5’10, he’s not sure himself to tell the truth. Aura: Storm Species: Human Do you have an Aura Stone in you?: Yes Aura Appearance: His hair style stays the same but becomes a silver color and his eyes become completely white. He gets what looks like silver face paint that curve under his eyes. He also gets what looks like golden face paint that are lightning bolts coming from both sides of his forehead and join at the area between his eyebrows. His eyebrows become dark silver and his ears become pointed, too. Has silver outlined torso armor that is pure silver on the stomach, and navy blue on the chest plates. Has what looks like a silver tunic bottom coming out of the silver stomach armor. Has silver sleeves and navy blue cloth that go into big, durable brown fingerless gloves that come down to a little before the elbow. Gets boots with light armor lined onto them that go up to a little before his knee. Any part of his leg that is not covered has durable, navy blue tights on it. Becomes much more muscular, and also gets a significant height gain in this form, which is twice as tall as he was. (6’8 – 6’10) Aura Attack: Shoots lightning bolts from any part of his body, normally his hands, at his opponents. Can infuse things with lightning for melee use, including his fists and legs. Also uses wind to become very agile and speedy, despite his huge size and armor. However, the time he’ll be able to conquer these skills without hurting himself is unknown. Starts off only knowing how to loosely control lightning. Aura stone: A Navy Blue/Grey perfect orb with a tornado design inside. The top of the orb at first glance looks like it’s cracked, but it’s actually lightning bolts. Items: A cell phone, a wallet with a picture of himself and his father when he was young and a random amount of money (He never counts it), durable brown fingerless gloves, and a flip whittling knife with his initials carved onto it that his father gave to him. Bio: Okay, it's not letting me put the bio I want so I'll sum it up in a way that's appropriate for the kiddes. Luke's father died when he was young, so Luke felt he had to become the man of his house. He had went from becoming a timid little kid relying on others to a brave, independant boy. When his mother re-married he found that the man had a boy to and became good friends with him. He has always felt since then that he has to do something to earn his step-fathers respect. A few other things are that he is quite nimble and agile and is able to pull off small feats like flips, and his favorite sports are baseball, hockey, and track. When he has to think about something he usually goes into the forest near his town where he and his friends had made a tree house when he was younger. Lately, every night he has been having very odd dreams. He hears strange voices and sometimes a split-second image, but the end of the dream is always the same; he is swept away by a vicious storm.
#35287801Monday, October 11, 2010 6:24 PM GMT

(accepted. don't make yourself learn too fast though, don't be like every 10 minutes you can automatically use more powers. go slowly, maybe every 5 pages or so upgrade yourself minorly, don't all of a sudden infuse things with lightning, take it slow.)
#35287824Monday, October 11, 2010 6:25 PM GMT

Name: Ashely Mecar 16 Gender: Appearence: FOR THE IDIOTS of this world CHEST LENGTH CHOCOLATE HAIR CHOCOLATE EYES LIGHTLY TANNED WEARING JEANS A BLUE HOODIE, SLENDER BODY CONVERSE HIGH TOPS, 5''5 Aura: Fire Species: Human Do you have an Aura Stone in you?: Yes Aura Appearence: My hair blazes and becomes a blaze of fire, my eyes turn blood red, all rest stays same Aura stone: Round, orb, orange with red burst on it with a yellow flame Items: Cell phone, gum, pocket knife for emergencies Bio: Lived with mom, dad, and brother. Likes waffles
#35287841Monday, October 11, 2010 6:25 PM GMT

(You got it. Thanks.)
#35287858Monday, October 11, 2010 6:25 PM GMT

(ZOMFG ITS A SHEMALE O.O'' Oh wait genderless xD I know , female o.e)
#35287871Monday, October 11, 2010 6:26 PM GMT

#35287878Monday, October 11, 2010 6:26 PM GMT

(hmm. i don't know Yumia, i think she should add more to the bio... and also she insulted us by calling us idiots... what should we do?)
#35287925Monday, October 11, 2010 6:27 PM GMT

(LOL SHEAL! thanks storm dude (i'm sooooo bad with names) and uh, sun? ... rage much?)
#35287933Monday, October 11, 2010 6:27 PM GMT

(Lynk should i re-post my character sheet so you can decide where i can start...)
#35287986Monday, October 11, 2010 6:28 PM GMT

(no, blox accepted you and i trust her. you're good.)
#35288036Monday, October 11, 2010 6:29 PM GMT

(Yes but where should i start?)
#35288162Monday, October 11, 2010 6:31 PM GMT

(with us. the dude can explain what you are and you don't get a stone. lol xD)
#35288173Monday, October 11, 2010 6:32 PM GMT

(idk i'm just saying yumia was being mean to me0
#35288207Monday, October 11, 2010 6:32 PM GMT

(I thought i was sopose to be a crazed killer ._. becouse thats what a were wolf or lycan is sopose to be...)
#35288248Monday, October 11, 2010 6:33 PM GMT

(So much OOC/OCC(IDK O-O I FORGOT HOW YOU ORDER IT,) and i want to start //sadface im bored o.o''WHO SHALL WE WAIT FOR?!)