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#3530656Sunday, November 02, 2008 10:40 PM GMT

post your idiotic and/or funny moments in school that somone or you did. (note: i am now homeschooled) I remember one time at lunch at socrum(my old school) There was a kid named khalil from my 4th grade class.. kids said he was squeezing his carton of chocolate milk, and he accedentally squeezes it too hard causing the carton to explode chocolate milk onto the tabe he was at and 2 nearby tables, i noticed some kids talking about that. but i was eating alone near the stage back then.
Top 100 Poster
#3530742Sunday, November 02, 2008 10:43 PM GMT

the blue milk incident: once at my school we had a new flavor of milk:bubblegum. we got all excited due to its blue color. we all drank it simotaniously. within a few seconds the whole school was echoing the words "YUCK!" everyone who drank it got sick and we found out the milk was poisoned. we banned it from the school. I never drank any and no one died sio everything turned out o.k.
#3661703Tuesday, November 11, 2008 12:34 AM GMT

errrrrrrrr....uhhhhh... anyone out there posting here?
#3661767Tuesday, November 11, 2008 12:37 AM GMT

OH ME!... at my table we have compititions to see who can sing this faster: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX9_X4_wt2w
#3661825Tuesday, November 11, 2008 12:39 AM GMT

LOL THAT REMINDS ME!!! THERE WAS THIS KID well...heres the stroy.. Me:*on swings* idiot:HEY IDIOT OFF! *walks towards me to grab swing* Me* feet hit him in face* idiot:*crys* Me:Lauhging too hard XD
#3661873Tuesday, November 11, 2008 12:41 AM GMT

Someone let a squirrel in the cafeteria. That didn't turn out good.
#3661887Tuesday, November 11, 2008 12:42 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
Top 100 Poster
#3661925Tuesday, November 11, 2008 12:44 AM GMT

the blue milk incidint?The milk at my old school wasn't poisoned, buth MANY months expired :o And the bread is SUPER stale. One kid banged it on a table SUPER hard, and he wrestles, so it was a SUPER SUPER strong slam.Didn't even DENT the bread :o
Top 25 Poster
#3661955Tuesday, November 11, 2008 12:45 AM GMT

Okay. Heres something random, I was walking around minding my own bisness.. And then someguy came running at me and sent me head over heals. In a coma for 5 minuits.
#3663435Tuesday, November 11, 2008 1:31 AM GMT

here is another one about that kid from 4th grade in school(khalil) in 4th grade, i heard alot of kids saying that khalil was spraying alot of cologne everywhere. He even sprayed it in people's Food! BLECK! But i laughed about the cloud of cologne that sprayed out from the table he was at. it was kind of funny but stupid.
#3665104Tuesday, November 11, 2008 2:40 AM GMT

my funny moment was yesterday....... some black gal keeps on calling me "short frie" (weird) and yesterday while me and a bunch of kids played two hand touch football...she joined and i tripped her and she was saying "dekustr3476rigtf73i4rkugfeuyrtfrugjvertjgdmvg54ufgh8i7gubt87ifu5ygbw87trigb476giuy857gtekbr865ienrfykuh7fe5r g5jebatt4higrit5ygrf kbht5oyhbt5loyhikb7ugyhit5jgmgyhoijtbhrmjgh54oij ntbpoijgh tbnijgh54tbhonij3bvn3g54nnoni"(correct translation...) and i laughed in her face as well as everyone else she went to go tell but the teacher said "then dont trip and you wont get hurt!" AND SHE CRIED ANd she's a fifth grader and i threw my lunch money at her and i said "why dont u go by yourself a tissue and some english lessons!!" because she cries too much and she speaks bad english like "yo what up dawg man hows doin" most funniest moment in my LIFE pretty much
#3665236Tuesday, November 11, 2008 2:47 AM GMT

oh another thing at my old school.. we were eating lunch and all the sudden the fire alarm goes off...we all knew it wasnt a fire driil and there wasnt a fire and all the a big "ZAP!!" noise goes off and i saw a squirrel with its fur slightly on fire and i was like COOL!!!! and the girls were like poor little creature there was a big fire in the kitchen and we didnt have school for a week
#3665258Tuesday, November 11, 2008 2:48 AM GMT

I've never had an experience like that... But my friend gets daily beatings by a bunch of lifeless twits at one time. I'd smash one of their heads into a pile of leftover cheese and then into some brick wall (Nothin' beats a moldy cheese sandwich with brick sprinkles!). Then I grab one of the others' knee, kick it repeatedly, and then finish HIM off with a face-slam into a lunch plate. I'd grab some nerd's retainer and shove it down one of the others' throat and then throw him into his locker. I'd then grab a fake rubber knife out of my pocket and threaten the last one until he runs off crying. This didn't really happen. Don't attempt this because you WILL go to jail for it XD
#3665271Tuesday, November 11, 2008 2:48 AM GMT

the squirell was running he rubbed on smeone and FREAKED so bad he ran out of the cafateria LOL!
#3665316Tuesday, November 11, 2008 2:50 AM GMT

one time, a dude came near our school with a pistol 0_0 he had a lock out... turned out it wasnt a pistol at all. it was a paintball gun. XD
#3665378Tuesday, November 11, 2008 2:53 AM GMT

another time, the slides at school were frozen during recess, me and my friend Micheal were sliding down the slides at the same time, but i grabeed on to the top before i slid down. he didnt, and he slid REAL FAST, that he bounced off the ground, and skid on his butt for like 6 feet. XD
#3665636Tuesday, November 11, 2008 3:06 AM GMT

idiot: are u catholic? me: no later... idiot: hey he hates catholic people... he wants to kill the pope me:0_0 (did he just say that? i dont hate catholics! i didnt say that! screw u idiot!) but i didnt say that! he made that... all of the catholics at school: omg u freggin jerk! go to ____! me:0_0 i am so ticked at him...
#3665738Tuesday, November 11, 2008 3:11 AM GMT

another thing some kid: *takes my lunch* me: dude give it back dude... cmon dude that aint freaking cool kid: nahh me: cmon dude... give it now! kid: nahh I run over.. kick his knee sideways and get my lunch XD
#3665798Tuesday, November 11, 2008 3:14 AM GMT

Ok so I was in kindergarden... I was still wearing dipars. And.. Well I had to go, so I went in my dipars. Then people smelled it... And unno.... What? The sign said, "Wet floor" so I did. ♫♠♣♥►ÐãrkShãÐØVV1☼1◄♥♣♠♫
#3665958Tuesday, November 11, 2008 3:25 AM GMT

LOL, so one day, we're at lunch, and as SOON as everybody was sittign down, the fire alarm went off. So we were running for the playground so we could line in in the "safe spots" behind the tree bounds. So, I am just getting to the exit, and the hot, popular girl FALLS ON A CHAIR NO WHERE NEAR THE DOOR AND ROLLS ALL THE WAY TO THE DOOR. Everyone behind her trips, and a big pile up of kids in the doorway... so we finnaly get up, and there is this thing of rocks---HUGE ROCKS---on the playground, my friend is right next to me and we're running, he's paying no attention, SLAMS INTO A ROCKS [XD]. So I keep running to the "safe spot" and I get there, we go all the way back inside, we get in, the 4th 5th grade hall power is OFF. So we sit down, fire alarm goes off again! So we just ignore it. [PS: The power in the whole school went out for like 10 minutes earlier that day...]
#3665999Tuesday, November 11, 2008 3:27 AM GMT

I have another one... So like, it was a lock down drill. So what happend was one of my friends. He farted, during the lock down, everyone lauged. Except the people near him. unfortunitaly(However you spell it), his farts smelt HORRIBLE. D:
#3675762Tuesday, November 11, 2008 8:53 PM GMT

My music teacher once talked about some 1stgraders or kindergardeners or whatever they were. they were singing songs and one kid didn't have his signing stand right so he fell sideways into the other kids and all of those kids fell down like dominoes!! LOLOLOLOLOL it made me laugh XD! oh and another thing stupid in school is on sertain occasions i fart and laugh about it. :/
#3675945Tuesday, November 11, 2008 9:03 PM GMT

my funny moment was yesterday....... some black gal keeps on calling me "short frie" (weird) and yesterday while me and a bunch of kids played two hand touch football...she joined and i tripped her and she was saying "dekustr3476rigtf73i4rkugfeuyrtfrugjvertjgdmvg54ufgh8i7gubt87ifu5ygbw87trigb476giuy857gtekbr865ienrfykuh7fe5r g5jebatt4higrit5ygrf kbht5oyhbt5loyhikb7ugyhit5jgmgyhoijtbhrmjgh54oij ntbpoijgh tbnijgh54tbhonij3bvn3g54nnoni"(correct translation...) and i laughed in her face as well as everyone else she went to go tell but the teacher said "then dont trip and you wont get hurt!" AND SHE CRIED ANd she's a fifth grader and i threw my lunch money at her and i said "why dont u go by yourself a tissue and some english lessons!!" because she cries too much and she speaks bad english like "yo what up dawg man hows doin" most funniest moment in my LIFE pretty much ________________________ You're mean.
#3676027Tuesday, November 11, 2008 9:08 PM GMT

(ok don't quote stuff just lets post in this right.) Also once i don't remember why i was frustrated is was probably for some work assignment. so i was so frusttated that i tried to make myself puke but instead i leaned one side of my pelvis and wen PVRRRRRT (FARTED! XD) i think dj heard it and laughed(kid from my 4th grade but this was from 4th grade.) Also, in 5th grade in my old school(still 5th in homeschool) i kept farting and laughing about it and my teacher hears it kinda and says stuff about farts really reaking and smelling bad and such.
#3676053Tuesday, November 11, 2008 9:09 PM GMT

lol once there was a bird in the cafiterium so every1 started freeking out then it landed ant when it started flying again it ether went out the door or smashed into the window (wasent paying atention...) so that was kinda funny... idiot bird... LOL! also like 2 months after i started middleschool my old elementry school's gym caught on fire and i REALLY REALLY wanted to be there... oh well :(

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