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#35404004Thursday, October 14, 2010 12:29 AM GMT

Prolouge I am Omnicient. That's both my name and what I am. I can see everything, and can indirectly interact. I figured I'd write this guide to the four dimensions for humans. First, the names of the four dimensions: Realnorth Mythsouth Counterwest Feareast Now, I can only do one at a time, and there are MANY things that will not be explained about these dimensions. You live in the Realnorth dimension, the dimension furthest north. I know that because you're human, and no human has ever traveled outside of their dimension. The only living thing that can travel outside of their dimension is Mythsouth. In fact, if it weren't for that, you'd have no animals except for the monkey and the bird. They're extinct in the Mythsouth dimension. I figured that you could benefit from learning about the dimensions, so I wrote this guide.
#35404070Thursday, October 14, 2010 12:30 AM GMT

Ooooh... Do tell.
#35404527Thursday, October 14, 2010 12:37 AM GMT

PART 1-REALNORTH Chapter 1- Species in Realnorth Humans(And, your animals, but you know what animals are.) Zars (A species humans would call aliens. They come from Mars, but don't worry, they'd be afraid of you if they discovered you.) Glaxes (A word that originated from "galaxy," considering this species has the technology to travel through galaxys. Not dimensions, though.) Dimensors (THIS species can travel through dimensions.) Solars (They can only travel inside of your solar system. They are used to EXTREME heat, as you can tell since they come from the sun. They pretty much adapted to the sun over the years.) That's the species of Realnorth. Don't worry, Dimensors and Glaxes won't bother with you, Zars will never learn enough to discover you, and Solars will only observe you and never react.
#35404652Thursday, October 14, 2010 12:39 AM GMT

Ooooooh. Do tell why everything is in English.
#35405024Thursday, October 14, 2010 12:43 AM GMT

PART 1-REALNORTH Chapter 2-Zars Zars are war-driven. They fight each other for no reason. All Zars are trained to fight since the age of 3, and they have developed nuclear weapons. Zars live for 1000 years, and their country's customs make them spend 3 quarters of that time fighting in wars. Don't worry, I won't indirectly release them on you humans. Their fighting skills far surpass yours, and they can slaughter an entire country of humans with 5 Zars. Try not to go to Mars during a war, 'kay? Wait, correction, don't go to Mars PERIOD. It's always a war there.
#35405086Thursday, October 14, 2010 12:44 AM GMT

Translated. This is just the English version.
#35405178Thursday, October 14, 2010 12:45 AM GMT

I expect they have excellent cloaking devices or have a way of fooling the robots that come to Mars that there is no life.
#35405257Thursday, October 14, 2010 12:46 AM GMT

They don't. The robots are just all set in the destroyed, war torn zones.
#35405355Thursday, October 14, 2010 12:47 AM GMT

Ooooooooooooooh... This would be worth a lot of money. But, I won't tell anyone. Not that anyone would believe me.
#35405454Thursday, October 14, 2010 12:48 AM GMT

I have been reading and its awsome :D
#35405849Thursday, October 14, 2010 12:53 AM GMT

PART 1-REALNORTH Chapter 4-Glaxes Glaxes are space pirates. Their technology is even better than the Zars. This is probably because they stole all the technology from other planets. The only problem is that they can be easily destroyed because in a fight they do more talking than fighting. I believe that in a few years, Glaxes will go extinct.
#35405970Thursday, October 14, 2010 12:54 AM GMT

(Thanks, Blue. WhyHelloThere, thanks for the skepticism, because I managed to make it more realistic. I can do that with skepticism because I'm an awesome writer like that.)
#35406206Thursday, October 14, 2010 12:57 AM GMT

Well, that's the problem with those who think they're so much better that they take their time and taunt their foe, then those who taunt are soundly trounced when their foe takes advantage of their taunts to strike back. They monologue a lot, do they?
#35419803Thursday, October 14, 2010 11:39 AM GMT

#35429959Thursday, October 14, 2010 7:49 PM GMT

PART 1- REALNORTH Chapter 5- Solars Solars are civilized people with high technology. They have no greed, and are currently at war with the Zars. Solars are all doing one big attack at Mars right now, and the Glaxes are on Pluto, the Solars' home planet. They're currently robbing all of the Solars technology until the Solars come back. Solars try not to get into trouble with other species, but as you can see, it's not going well. I see their downfall in a few thousand years. Thats too bad, because Solars actually almost had the technology to discover humans and teach them about their technology. Solars don't have weapons. When they get into war, they use mind control. Unfortunatly, the Glaxes stole the mind control devices years ago.
#35431337Thursday, October 14, 2010 8:15 PM GMT

PART 1-REALNORTH Chapter 6-Dimensors Dimensors are the kind of aliens most humans picture when they think of aliens. They go everywhere and take over or destroy the planets they go to. Don't worry, they won't bother with Earth considering they think it's weak. Zars, Glaxes, and Solars, on the other hand, are in trouble. Dimensors don't have the greatest technology. They have much better technology than the humans, but compared to the Zars, Glaxes, and Solars technology, the Dimensors may as well be from the stone age. "But Omnicient, how do they conquer tons of planets with worse technology than the species trying to defend themselves from Dimensors?" The answer is brute force and perfect strategy. A private for the Dimensors is a war lord on any other planet in Realnorth. The Dimensors have incredible talent in making the best battle tactics, and the perfect strength to execute them. Dimensors wouldn't dare, however, fight in a different dimension than Realnorth. They observe other dimensions instead. They are currently in Counterwest.
#35432036Thursday, October 14, 2010 8:29 PM GMT

(Read this. I'll make a roleplay from this once enough people say they like this, so if you like it and want a roleplay, say so.)
#35432102Thursday, October 14, 2010 8:30 PM GMT

Awesome... pure awesome. Yes a RP, pwease!
#35432515Thursday, October 14, 2010 8:38 PM GMT

PART 1-REALNORTH Chapter 7- The Sword Believe it or not, the key to ultimate power is in your dimension. The sword increases in power with every kill it's used for, and finally it gets the ultimate power: Mass mind control. The holder of the sword would be able to be ruler of the world. Or maybe they could use it neutrally, benefiting only the place where they come from. Or even make peace between every planet and galaxy and dimension. Don't try to find it. I don't even know where in Realnorth the sword is, and I'm omnicient. Plus, the sword is said to be guarded by the strongest people from each dimension that are willing to guard it. But if you ever do get your hands on the sword, don't abuse it.
#35432753Thursday, October 14, 2010 8:42 PM GMT

(It will be made at chapter 39. The more comments saying they want the roleplay, the less chapters it takes for that to happen. For example, it COULD be made at chapter 38, if another person says that they want it to be made.)
#35433383Thursday, October 14, 2010 8:54 PM GMT

PART 1-REALNORTH Chapter 8- Plant Life The only plants not on Earth are found on Mars. The plant is called "The war plant." When eaten in any way, it can make someone go into a rampage and start fighting everybody they can see. Many towns on Mars have been wiped out for this reason. Zars try to avoid eating the plant, but there's something hypnotic about it that makes the plant so tempting to eat. What worries me is that someday humans will go to Mars and all of them will start eating the plants, and eventually wipe out every other human until one human is left, and that human eventually will have to die, too. This is why I will indirectly tell humans NOT to eat the war plant once they get to Mars.
#35433643Thursday, October 14, 2010 8:59 PM GMT

(love it! the names play. ROLE - play. RP plz)
#35433684Thursday, October 14, 2010 9:01 PM GMT

(It'll be made chapter 38.)
#35433829Thursday, October 14, 2010 9:04 PM GMT

Question: Are you supposed to be the ONLY omnicient, or just one of a lot?
#35433862Thursday, October 14, 2010 9:04 PM GMT

PART 2- COUNTERWEST Chapter 1- A small explanation of Counterwest Counterwest, also known as "The Void", is a place where things that people think have been wiped out go. Dinosaurs are in The Void, for example. There is only one civilization in Counterwest. They are called "The Nonexistants." I must mention to you that few chapters will be about Counterwest, considering there isn't much to say about it.

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