#35485652Friday, October 15, 2010 10:51 PM GMT

#35486357Friday, October 15, 2010 11:02 PM GMT

Name: Tracy Kole A.g.e: 16 Personality: Passionate, artistic, a little mysterious, quiet, musical, creative, always thinking, quiet, but not really shy Items: iPhone, 900$ pocket money, mints, hairbrush, notepad Bio: Lived with my mom, dad, and older brother George. Lived a normal life...... Friends: All of them are not soul summoners Hobbies: Drawing, painting, poetry, piano, singing, soul-summoning, reading, swimming, softball Soul's Name: Moonlight Soul Type: Darkness, sky, wind, Soul's Appearance: A long, silvery, flying snake-like serpant creature. Has large, violet eyes, actually more beautiful than scary Soul Personality: Tantrumized, sassy, has a sweet and caring side though, mysterious, artistic. Soul Bio: Is actually about a toddler in serpant years..... Etc:......
#35488625Friday, October 15, 2010 11:37 PM GMT

Name: Kira Nawishono A.g.e: 16 Personality: Overconfident, kinda violent, sometimes big of a bully, sometimes awesome buddy, mischievous Items: iPhone, pocket knife, earphones, broken stone piece, skateboard Bio: A kind of crazy dude, he migrated from japan 7 years ago lives with his parents and is willing to get his hands dirty. he is in a way normal, but he gets in trouble easily. Friends: Anyone he finds "interesting" Hobbies: Sneaking, playing around, videogames, skating, random bad doodling Soul's Name: Spike Soul Type: Fire, Darkness, Stone Soul's Appearance: A chimera with the snake part burning hot, the goat part made of stone, and the lion covered in shadows Soul Personality: Like Kira, he is kind of bullyish, and is a bigegr troublemaker than Kira, but can getting along is anotehr story. Soul Bio: One of the scariest of the souls, he follows Kira due to their personality similarities. Etc: Kira once stabbed a criminal. :3 (where shall i start)
#35495984Saturday, October 16, 2010 1:25 AM GMT

(Both accepted!! Yayz new people)
#35498598Saturday, October 16, 2010 1:58 AM GMT

(where shall Kira start?)
#35502911Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:59 AM GMT

(Near a subway, which leads into the Soul Dimension? You need to get the soul first xD)
#35513329Saturday, October 16, 2010 12:01 PM GMT

I headed towards my regular subway. I needed to get home before midnight, or mom's gonna kill me! Then, i finally got there and began walking down the steps. (just a question, how exact;y does he get there :P)
#35515454Saturday, October 16, 2010 1:08 PM GMT

(Make a symbol on the wall in front of the steps and a door opens along with a portal at the end of the tunnel)
#35517323Saturday, October 16, 2010 1:59 PM GMT

I trip and find and fall down. I muttered a curse. Then i found a note with a wierd symbol on it and uner it says "use this on a subway". I stared at it and went back up. "Weird." i thought. i made the symbol and walked back down.
#35517568Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:04 PM GMT

(Lol, I willz give you your spirit cause I control the Headmaster and his Soul and mah character ;D) I walked sat on a bench near a fountain. 'What should we do?' I thought as I heard a distant rumble. 'Er, kill that big winged dragon..?' thought Cresent. We saw a gigantic 17-year-old walk up. "Hey, you, lets battle. Soul vs Soul," he said in a gruff voice. "Yeah... I can FEEL it coming like a lightning storm." hissed his four winged dragon. 'This guy is fat," Cresent thought. 'No kidding," I thought back. "Well, not to burst your bubble, but I don't want to fight." I replied standing up and getting ready to leave. "Huh? Chickening out!? Hahaha! Wait until I tell my fr-" the guy said as I cut him off with a punch in the face. "I SAID, I DON'T WANT TO FIGHT," I say walking away. "GAH MY NOSE!!!" he yelled. "Master!!" The dragon said making a Dx face.
#35518726Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:27 PM GMT

-Tracy- It was a normal day. Or at least i thought. Of course, i was waiting at the subway station when a mysterious symbol apeared in front of me. ☼☼☼^&☼ I somehow knew it meant Moonlight. Idk why, but something in side me knew it........
#35523187Saturday, October 16, 2010 3:49 PM GMT

(what? i dont get it. anywho, i have no idea where to have spike appear)
#35523637Saturday, October 16, 2010 3:59 PM GMT

(O.o just go through the portal at the end of the hall)
#35524573Saturday, October 16, 2010 4:16 PM GMT

(Are the souls able to go inside us?)
#35524628Saturday, October 16, 2010 4:17 PM GMT

(Yesh, to transform your powers)
#35528192Saturday, October 16, 2010 5:10 PM GMT

CS Name: Slayzo(its my trademark name) A.g.e: 21 (early 20's my trademark age) Personality: loud and strong. is 'bull headed.' Items: nothing at first. Bio: Was raised around bulls and oxen. Worked on a huge farm 23 hours each day. one hour was for eating and sleeing. Friends: non except his spirit. Hobbies: Working out. wrestling, fighting, boxing, anything that involves violence. Soul's Name: Kraus Soul Type: darkness,fire,earth. Soul's Appearance: A large red bull with peices of black armor scattered across his chest,forehead,groin area, and feet. Soul Personality: Same as slayzo. Soul Bio: A unfreindly, violent minotaur who is always looking to fight. Etc: non.
#35528274Saturday, October 16, 2010 5:11 PM GMT

Name: Herdsa Lodtion. A.g.e: 12. Personality: Brave, kind, but has a rage and is kinda shy. Items: Emergency food pack with water, attach-on pockets, and rope. Bio: A normal kid, she is often teased for her unusual name, and she does not know about the spirits. Friends: Zero, pwease? Hobbies: Swimming, horse-back riding, and wood-figure-building. Soul's Name: Genera. Soul Type: Earth, Tree, Plant, Bush, Grass. Soul's Appearance: A centaur with a purple-green striped human part, with purple hair and green eyes, and the horse part is chestnut, white, and black, with a white front part of the body and black back half, and the rest, legs, hooves, and tail, is chestnut. Soul Personality: Brave, kind, but has a rage and is kinda shy. Yes, exactly like hers. Soul Bio: Just one of the many spirits, Genera hopes she will find an owner like her. Etc: Her (Herdsa's) appearance is: Brown-black long silky hair, medium-dark brown eyes with longish eyelashes and thick curved eyebrows, has purple dress, shorts, shoes, and hairband, all with green lace, and in the case of shoes shoelaces. She also has another set of clothes like those but the colours are vice versa.
#35528562Saturday, October 16, 2010 5:16 PM GMT

(I id here oblivioun :P)
#35528823Saturday, October 16, 2010 5:20 PM GMT

*i walk into the subway with a admantie short sword with me.* 'Wow, it sure is hard fighting of someone so scrawny as him when he has this sword. lucky i took it and ran, since hes slow.' i say, putting the sword on my back in my bag. 'Hey, whats that?' slayzo says, readying to punch the wall, when he reads the wall. 'oh hey, this is the language of the,err,spirit risers, soul summoners? i dont know. anyways, i thnk im supposed to enter this sybol here,' he says, enscripting a symbol.
#35529026Saturday, October 16, 2010 5:22 PM GMT

#35529894Saturday, October 16, 2010 5:36 PM GMT

(xD Accepted, and j00 3 people are adminfied.)
#35532076Saturday, October 16, 2010 6:12 PM GMT

(I think I was meant to be admin, as I'm j00r fwend XD) I walked, humming a tune. I wandered into the subway.
#35532334Saturday, October 16, 2010 6:16 PM GMT

#35532500Saturday, October 16, 2010 6:19 PM GMT

I looked at one of the walls, and it had a symbol on it. It was this: § It said to put it on the opposite wall. I did so, and I seemed to tumble down, landing in a hallway, with a portal-like thing at the end. I began to walk towards it.
#35532809Saturday, October 16, 2010 6:24 PM GMT

I did a tour for Cresent, who seemed to be bonding with me quickly. 'We should tell Headmaster about our progress,' I thought as I started walking down steps. 'Heh, he'll be impressed about our strength!' Cresent thought happily.