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#35497873Saturday, October 16, 2010 1:50 AM GMT

The Nation of Panem, a large, sparkling Capitol surrounded by 13 districts. Each district was given a certain industry to work with for the Capitol. However, things got bad, and the districts rebelled. As punishment, the Capitol takes one boy and one girl from each District to an arena... ...The Hunger Games have begun. =Character Sheet= Name: @ge: Appearance: Personality: Gender: Weapon Specialty: District: Bio: =Notes= 24 players max. This RP is only for people who have read the book. Standard forum rules apply. There is a good chance your character will die once in the arena. District 13 has been destroyed. You cannot live there. Have fun!
#35498242Saturday, October 16, 2010 1:55 AM GMT

Name: Joseph @ge: 15 Appearance: Short, blonde hair, a babyish face with blue eyes, and an extremely tanned body. Personality: Nice, gentle Gender: Male Weapon Specialty: Tridents District: 4 Bio: He grew up in district 4, but for some strange reason, never wanted to be a Career. He never trained, and he hates the Hunger Games as much as the poorer districts.
#35498956Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:03 AM GMT

Name: Devran Sage @ge: 15 Appearance: Devran has short, light brown hair and emerald green eyes. He is 6'1" and slim, able to run fast, and of average strength for his @ge. Personality: Resourceful, laid-back. Gender: Male Weapon Specialty: Spear District: 6 Bio: Devran is a young boy from District 6. Since his district's industry is medicine, he knows much about herbs and edible plants. He also proficient with a spear, having steady hands and decent hand-eye coordination.
#35498998Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:04 AM GMT

#35499538Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:11 AM GMT

Name: Lunabelle Deheart @ge: 12 Appearance: Curly and wavy burgundy hair with layers and a silky texture that reaches her shoulder blades, cut in a Cleopatra type cut but with side bangs that reach down and curl around her face, one of them covering part of her left eye. She has big and beautiful light brown eyes, with thick darker brown rings around the rim and the pupil in the eye with long, dark eyelashes that give a mystical look to them. She has a thin nose and full well defined lips that is a natural pinkish red color, and cheeks that have a natural blush. She has groups of freckles on her cheeks and the bridge area of the nose, and a couple on her arms. She is slim and slightly curvy, being tall [5'3"] and she tends to be light on her feet [91.7 LBS]. She is an attractively well-rounded beauty and tends to be called unique. Personality: Tends to be selfless, kind and sweet, but she knows how to be mean, and isn't afraid to stand up for herself. She also has a smart side she's picked up through-out the years, and she has an imaginative mind that nobody can stop from soaring. Gender: Female Weapon Specialty: Bow 'n' Arrows District: District 12 Bio: She grew up in one of the families that weren't exactly wealthy enough to buy something but had enough things that they could live on. Lunabelle has three siblings [Lucus, 19 | Lily, 4 | Lisa, 4] and a father who is usually working off in the mines. Her mom died four years ago while giving birth to Lily and Lisa, twins, but Lunabelle has no hate towards them though she misses her very much. She is pretty much a normal girl, but is unique, and she plans on using that against her enemies.
#35499559Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:11 AM GMT

Name: Edalene "Ed" Stark Gender: Female District: 10 @ge: 17 Appearance: Dark brown (nearly black) neck length pixie-cut hair, dark green eyes, light skin, about 4'9,she usually wears a bow ties (mainly because she thinks they're cool) and rec converse sneakers. Personality: Weapon Specialty: A bow and arrows. Bio: Raised my mum,Julianne,and father, Vincent, in District 10 ever since she was born. Edalene is the middle-child of the three children in her family.Her younger sister,Karim, and older brother,Sebastian (or as called 'Sebby' by his sisters), are very close to Edalene.
#35499607Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:12 AM GMT

Name: Austin @ge: 17 Appearance:brown hair, blue eyes, 6 foot 4 inches Personality:willing to ki.ll Gender: Male Weapon Specialty:Bow and Arrow District: 12 Bio:being a part of the hunger games makes him fill with joy, fighting for his distict, no matter what happens. ( Katniss is brave 0.0, how did Prim get picked out of thousands?)
#35499695Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:13 AM GMT

(Whoops! Forgot to do Personality! Sorry! Personality: Usually hyper,strange in maybe a good and or bad way,witty,sensitive,clumsy,a bit of a paranoid kind of person.)
#35499736Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:14 AM GMT

( na.me: Austin Rooks, forgot to put the last name)
#35500185Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:20 AM GMT

( assassin are we accepted?)
#35500419Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:23 AM GMT

Name: James Woods @ge: 13 Appearance: Personality: Cunning, Sneaky, mean, shy Gender: Male Weapon Specialty: Knife District: 7 Bio: From District 7, he thinks of the Hunger Games of being his dream, killing others. He isn't good at surviving though.
#35501524Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:39 AM GMT

(Can I be a Mentor?)
#35501650Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:41 AM GMT

Name:Altair (Chose a last name for me please) @ge: 15 1/2 Appearance: Shaggy brownish hair that goes down over his eyes just a little bit, but curves to maximize visibility. Somewhat normal sized for his a.ge, but a little skinny. His eyes are always alert, and his skin is very pale. Personality: Quiet, but will speak up at times and very uncaring toward those who make a bad first impression. Not a mean person, just very cold, when it comes to people he doesn't like. Gender: Male Weapon Specialty: Any kind of sword, preferably an axe. Okay with a bow, and terrible with throwing District: 2 Bio: Altair grew up in district 2, but never volunteered for the games. After his father commited many crimes against the Capitol, it was decided that he would be automaticly chosen for the next Games. This, along with he exectution of his parents, has made Altair very jumpy, and anxious. Altair lived with his grandparents briefly before the games.
#35501727Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:42 AM GMT

(Im almost finished th elast book, Prim dies becaus eof the rebillion attack on the Capital.)
#35501969Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:45 AM GMT

(kdog! I haven't even finished the second book yet! You could of at least said 'Spoiler Alert'. D:)
#35502081Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:47 AM GMT

(Thank you,kdog -.-)
#35502245Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:49 AM GMT

( thanks :P)
#35502249Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:49 AM GMT

(Well, Im sorry, I was joking around about her dieing.)
#35502539Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:53 AM GMT

(Anyway you probaly msot likely forget so jsut report that post, and have me banned for no reason .)
#35502870Saturday, October 16, 2010 2:58 AM GMT

Name: Zak Herrin @ge: 13 Appearance: Black short hair, kinda pale, and very very buff. Personality: Quite, ruthless Gender: M Weapon Specialty: Throwing knifes. District: 8 Bio: Never really even cared for the hunger games, but his family was so poor he had to take a bunch of treasons(or what ever there called)
#35502981Saturday, October 16, 2010 3:00 AM GMT

(Detailed apperence: Very small even though he is very strong. He has black short hair that is almost 3inches long. He has blue eyes and a normal face other than that. He has a well built swimmers body and is only about 4ft 5in. He has two toes on his left foot that are stuck together.)
#35503013Saturday, October 16, 2010 3:00 AM GMT

(XD i was just looking in a mirror and said what i saw.)
#35543501Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:19 PM GMT

(All accepted. Kdog, you may be a mentor if that's OK with the person(s) from the District you are mentor-ing.)
#35543637Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:21 PM GMT

(Can I be a mentor for 12?)
#35543775Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:24 PM GMT

(Can i be a mentor for 8?)

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