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#35540076Saturday, October 16, 2010 8:25 PM GMT

Your just a kit, fast asleep in the nursery, dreaming about sunny blue skies, being an apprentice, and unusually, the ocean. Suddenly, your eyes flicker open when you hear an agonized scream. "FIRE" You stagger to your feet as heat beats down on your pelt like the sun of a merciless greenleaf. You could do nothing but watch as your camp, ThunderClan's camp, turn to ash. Petrified. STORY LINE TO FOLLOW ( in a nutshell, spoliers.): You flee to the river. You and the other kits construct a raft out of loose branches, and ride it down. As you go over a bump, it schocks you to such a great extent that you pass out. However, rather than fiding yourself awake, you're in a dream. Four stones, each with the clan's symbols on them flash in your mind. On islands. " On each of the four islands, you shall find a stone. Place them in the terriottories, and restore the forest to what it once was." These words echo in your head before you wake up next to the other kits, on the raft, in the ocean. You see the forest in the distance, and paddle to shore. After a long talk with the other kits, you know what you need to do. The forest is scorched to death. Get started on that new raft, you've got a long journey ahead of you. BTW: The cats that set fire to the forest are a band of rouges. They are TBR. Rules: No godmoding or ubering No taking over the thread No appointing yourself to special positions You must be in ThunderClan Wait to be accepted. Don't start until I say so All ROBLOX rules apply. CS: Name: A.ge: (( 3-5 moons preferably)) Appearence: Personallity: Bio: Anything else: When we start, you start at the call of "FIRE" Ask questions you have before joining. This is a remake. The previous one died due to useless babbling. XD
#35541722Saturday, October 16, 2010 8:51 PM GMT

Bump. Bloxette is banned for RAAAAAAAAAAAAGing on the last one. Same goes for bluecloud. Mainly just for taking sides.
#35543555Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:20 PM GMT

Bring Us Moar Pankakies.
#35543888Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:26 PM GMT

Name: Dargoria Mantoria. A.ge: 4 Moons Appearence: A small child with very thin arms and is about 1 foot tall and weighs about 30 pounds. He dosn't look too fat and always has a cheesy look on his face. Personallity: Mostly cheesy and serious at times. Bio: A small child who was asleep in his crib after his mother and father went out to cook some meat.
#35543895Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:26 PM GMT

(Thunderclan problem FTW Windclan must be safe then :3) Name: Robinkit A.ge: 3 moons Appearence: She is black with a red belly and Bright blue eyes. Personallity: Nice, loyal, but ignorant. She likes to put her ideas into action before anyone else can agree or disagree. Bio: She doesn't have much....... o3o Anything else: She has one sibling. (That sibling can be another RPer.)
#35544084Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:29 PM GMT

(( Gabby, your siblin can be my cat. You get to be a daughter of teh leader :D and 'cepted. You might wanna change ur age to 4 moons though. Danny.... XD))
#35544121Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:30 PM GMT

(Lol, it gets em' everytime.)
#35544138Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:30 PM GMT

(Yayz im 4 moons)
#35544166Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:31 PM GMT

(Yayz im 4 moons)(And i made episode 1 in my warriors fan animation :D)
#35544203Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:31 PM GMT

(( But danny, unportunatly, you ish not cepted. As this is a roleplay 'bout cats XD))
#35544255Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:32 PM GMT

(Yay for before RP begins time :3)
#35544301Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:33 PM GMT

(I knew I had something wrong!) Name: Dargoria Mantoria. A.ge: 4 Moons Appearence: A small kitten with very thin legs and is about 1 foot tall and weighs about 30 pounds. He dosn't look too fat and always has a cheesy look on his face. Personallity: Mostly cheesy and serious at times. Bio: A small kitty who was asleep in his crib after his mother and father went out to hunt for some meat.
#35544360Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:34 PM GMT

(How can a kitten wiegh 30 pounds and not look FAT??????)
#35544392Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:35 PM GMT

And ur name ish wrong. For your name, all you need is a word and kit at the end of it. Preferably, the word at the beginning has something to do with nature :p Ex: Bladekit
#35544493Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:37 PM GMT

Ah, O well, count me out then.
#35544666Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:40 PM GMT

Name: Cherrykit A.ge: 4 moons Appearence: Cherrykit is a pretty little she-cat with a blossom-pink pelt and light gray eyes. Cherrykit is the smallest of her litter, and she was thought to die, but instead, she lived. She is a dainty cat with long legs and whiskers, and her claws are very sharp. Personallity: Very kind and caring, very outgoing and sometimes stubborn. Bio: Cherrykit has 2 brothers, and she was the smallest of them. All of Thunderclan thought of her as a measley excuse for a cat, and they thought that it was leaf-bare and she wouldnt make it anyway. Anything else: Nope...
#35544707Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:41 PM GMT

Kay. Shame, the old members are probably still in rage mode about what happened on the previous ver of this.
#35544723Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:41 PM GMT

(o3o this is takin a while...)
#35544798Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:42 PM GMT

YAY! UR HAR! 'cepted. Lemme get ma CS up...
#35544930Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:44 PM GMT

:3 Cream-cheese
#35544997Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:46 PM GMT

(my two pet kittens Butters and Pebbles are sleeping right next to eachother... AWWWWWWW SO CUTE. Butters has one eye so hhe is epic and pebbles is a stay we found yesterday :3 they act like brothers cuz they are around the same age)
#35545061Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:47 PM GMT

(Alright im joinin')
#35545136Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:48 PM GMT

Name: Everkit A.ge: 4 Moons :3 Appearence: All around, a uniquely shaped, but gorgeous cat. Firstly, her eyes, a minty green color with an aqua tint, and golden yellow starburst, are slightly more large and almond shaped than that of other cats, outlined in black. Her perky ears are small, but fitting, and her muzzle is slightly flatter than most ThunderClan cats. Her pelt is the purest white. When the sunlight hits it, if gives off the same glow as the moon at night time. A bluey-gray star mark, outlined with honey-golden fur dots her left hind leg. Her build is slightly different as well. Where muscles buldge on most cats, hers do not. The pads of her small dainty paws are a light pink, to match her nose. Her sharp teeth are almost as pure a white as her pelt, and her claws are nearly clear, and crystal-like. Gives off a graceful aura. Personallity: Friendly, and bursting with life. Her graceful looks are un-matching to her personallity, and she can be quite a clutz, but she is always full of ideas, and has a vast imagination. Talented, but a perfectionist. Perfect is her best, and she can get discouraged if she doesn't achieve it. Bio: She was born to Violetstar, the leader of ThunderClan. (Violetstar dies in the fire). Strangely, she was the only kit in her litter. She is used to being given tons of attention, and can get annoyed when all eyes aren't on her. Cats expect great things of her, making her a perfectionist. Anything else: Shares an incredible bond with StarClan, but she expects the same of everyone. Sister of Robinkit.
#35545310Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:51 PM GMT

(Waiiiit.... "Only one in litter" "Sister is robinkit" HAX)
#35545369Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:52 PM GMT


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