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#35574139Sunday, October 17, 2010 8:21 AM GMT

In 2022: Scientist in a University accidently created an infecting virus.This virus can make people die or can make them "d.ead-walkers" (zombie). In 2023: People started to suffer and migrate to a country far away from the d.ead walkers and the virus called TH240.There are no cure discovered on this virus and a pure weapon to stop the dead-walkers. In 2031: 9,000,000,000 population of the globe vanished and lowed down to 5,842.This survivors hide and live on the mountains quietly while the virus and the d.ead-walkers roam around the abandoned cities.They will wait by 20 years, if they have to, until the virus fade away and dead-walkers starve to de.ath In 2037: A group of retired soldiers can't take it any more living in the mountains.So they have to eliminate all of the de.ad-walkers, so instead of waiting 20 years it could be 10 years of waiting for the virus to fade away. Rules: 1.No godmodding 2.no ubbering 3.Do not make life so easy in this thread.Remember the zombies are to harsh to defeat. 4.Have fun :) C.S. Name: Ag.e: Gender: Apearance: Bio: My C.S. Name:John Greenwood Ag.e:23 Gender:M Apearance:My avatar Bio:A man who promised the survivors to eliminate the dead-walkers.
#35574160Sunday, October 17, 2010 8:23 AM GMT

bump :)
#35574182Sunday, October 17, 2010 8:25 AM GMT

ok nevermind i am creating another thread ANOUNCEMENT:THE THREAD IS SHUT DOWN
#35574215Sunday, October 17, 2010 8:27 AM GMT

You can join mine >.>

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